English Department sees additions
Lynn Fugget pause* to check on the progross oł A bujd I Hernandez and Marcu* Harpor art* making on thetr research proiecl.
' ' We love lerofno'" say the senior student* m Mr Harting* senior English class ■Juring a v«x*aLulary lenaon
To leam or not to leam — that is the guestion English students ask them* selves each year upori drnval in another levei ot thesubiect. From literaturę tocom position to ettective Commurucation. the department oflen> a vent.ible plethora ot topics m basie, regular and honors torrn. Added to the levels is now an AP Class.
The highly selective AP had an enrollment ot 1 1 students who had to meet strict aca-demic requirements and agreed to remain »n the class tor the entire year and to take the AP exam in May. with hopes ot gaining college credit and saving tuition dollars.
The class ts taught by Mr. Albert Teunis sen. one ot the authors ot the course cur nculurn. Mr. Teumssen said that he 'likes t.ie dedication tound tn a class like this." de s aJso “glad to have students who enioy literaturę and see the value in its interpre tation. and the relation between literaturę and lite."
Four new additions to the English depart-rnent sparked a change. Mrs. Bolton lełt the department to work in the new Chap-ter program. The newcomere are Mr. Mikę Chitowskt. a graduate ot Valparaiso Uru versity ar»d taught all four levels ot classes and also coactied two sports.
Mr. Rod Parker, trom Eastem Illinois, is taking over Eltective Communications and a composition class.
Ms. Shelley Wurd tak«*s over tłu news(xi per and lournalism classes trom Mr. Ctmrles Palta. She attended Not tli western.
Mr. Ty Harting. who in his sixth yeai ot teaching, comes trom Rantoul High School. iust north ot his alma matei the Umversity ot Illinois. He teaches composi tion and Senior English and appr**ciates the "triendly and protessional atmo spnere at HLR.
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