

Weight in Relation to Lifting

ITIIINK the lifts performcd by myself and my brothers, Hermann and Kurt, to say nothing ot sotne splendid 140-pound weiglit-litters in England, should provc tliat there is ąuite an erroneous idea with regard to weight in relation to lifting. The generał idea is tliat the heavier the man the better he will lift, but with regard to this I would point out that everyone may not be a successful li fter any morę than everyone may not be a successful musician or poet. 1 have scen men weighing 224 pounds who have practiced weight-lifting for a number of years, and whose best doublc-handed lift would be about 250 pounds or 260 pounds, while Hermann and Kurt at 168 pounds raise over 290 pounds. 1 consider myself quite heavy enough at 200 pounds to meet any matt in the world for the heavy weight-lifting cham-pionship, all-round lifting. I am tjuite certain that the ordinary physical culturist, even the average weight-li fter. does not know the correct places where one should look for power and develop-nient which would guarantee strcngth in lifting. In the ordinary way measurements are a most uncertain guide as to a man’s probable powers in weight-lifting. It is usual to compare the biceps, chest, thigh and calt measurements with the weight of the man, in an endeavor tf> find out on paper whether it is possible for him to lift sucli and such a weight which he claims he has lifted, and it the measurements are not satisfactory, the poor man is immediately put down as a perverter of the truth. If a man claimed to lift, we will say 280 pounds double-handed clean lift overhead, the ordinary physical culturist would look for a biceps measurement somewhat about 17 or 18 inchcs at the lowest. It



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