Voi r; WoTTisw

Engllah Ruaalan ni» p»i* '*

M. V.    Konyukw: Parker’*Solar Wind Theory. U. FlowwlthaHeatSourceDependlngonaPoInt........ 469    577

O. I.    Martyahchenko: Naturę of Faat Electron* ln the Solar Atmosphera....................... 476    586

L.    A. Alcfcscyeva: 9Utionary Convectlon of a Low-Pressure Plaama......................... 481    592

M.    V. Samokhln: Influence of a Conatant Electric Flald on the MoUonofCharged Particie* Ina Dipole

Magnetlc Field......................................................... 486    598

T. Yu. Trakhtengert*: GcneraUonol Pla*ma Wav*a and ElectromagnetlcWayeaandSorae Problem*

Rcgarding the Turbulence of Particie Fluxe* in the Geomagnetoapher*.................... 492    606

L.l. DormanandR.T. Gushchlna: Influence of a Penumbra on the Effectlv*CutoffRlftdltyofCo»mlc Raj*. . .    500    616

N.    P. Chlrkov, A. M. Altukhov, G. F. Krymakly, P. A. Krlvo*hapkln, A.l. Kus'mln, andO. V 'Sertpio:

Coamlc-Ray Diatrlbutlon and the Acceptance Vector* of Detectore.    Ili ................... 503    620

A. A.    Dantlo*: Structure of th* InterplaneUry Magnet i c Field.............................. 514    632

V. i. Pogorelov: Structure of the Electromagnetic Field behlnd a Screenwlth Random lnhoroogennUie* ... .    518    637

A.    V. Gurevlch and Ye. Ye. Tsedillna. SpreadtngofMovlngInhomogenelties Ina Magnetoactl** Plaama

(lonoaphere)........................................................... 527    648

K.    Diachoff: Dctermlnation of the Ditnenelon* of lonoapherlc Inhomogeneltie* from the Record* of th*

Fading of Satellłtc Slgnal* at Two Freąuencle*.................................... 633    655

Yu. V. DykovandS. F. Mlrkotan: Yerlflcationof Relatlonahlp*for E*timatln(the Error ln Pfcaa*

Meacurementa ......................................................... 538    662

V. M. Drlatakly: Polar Cap Abaorptłon on FebmaryS, 1965, and ItaEffectoo the Intcnalty of lonoepberlc

Scatter Slgnala ln the Antarctlo.............................................. 543    668    <

O.    A. Molchanov: Vertical Diatrlbutlon of Electron Concentratlon la theMagaetoapbereAccordiag to

Whiatler DaU.......................................................... 546    672

V. B.    Lyatakly: The Magnetoapbere and Geomagnetic Pulaation* ........................... 550    677

B.    Ye. Dryunelli and V. B. Lyatakly: Pulaatlona of the PP Typ* aa Cereako* Radlation .     553    682

V.N. Lugovenko: Problem ofSeperatlngtheGeomacnetlc Field IntoanAnomalou* and a NomWpDomponent..    557    687

R.    N. Kullyeva: 30-Year Cycllc Geomagnetic Field Varlatlona and aa Eatlmate from Tbem of the

Electric Conductivity of the Deep Layera of the Earth............................... 563    694

I.G. Zolotov: Weetward and Equatorial Components of Geomagnetic Field Drift.................. 567    699

N.    M.    Botanova: Som* Problem* of Electromagnetlc Induction    for a Piane Model of th* Earth ......... 572    705


V. V. Vltkcvich: Splculea aa a Poaallbe Orlgin of Small-Scale Inhomogeneltie* ln the Solar Corooa and

In Interplanctary Plasma................................................... 578    712

L.    I. Dorman, N.S. Karalner, andT. V. Kebuladee: IncreeeelnCoemloRay latenalty PrecedlngForbuah

Effecta .............................................................. 680    714

V. I. Shi*hov: Eatlmate of the Magnltud* of th* Regular InterplaneUry Magnetlc Field from the Anizotropie Slage of Coamlc-Ray Burata.............................. 582    716

Yu. Yu. Y*ellmov and A. M. Romanov: Meaeurement of th* Epithermal Neutron Flux la th* Upper Layera

of the Atmoaphere by the lndlum-Actlvatlon Method............. 583    71’

V. P. Chirkov: A Method of Plazma Analyala.................................._...... 585    719

A.N. Dyukaio*andN. F. Borl*ov: ParticieDtetrlbutloolntheNeighborhoodofan InfinlteChargedCylinder la

a Plaama................................................ 586    721

Ye. M. Kovalevskaya: HorItonUl Gradient* of Crltlcal F2-Layer Freąuency Aaaoclated with Local Time    .    .    .    588    722

Ye.l. Dolgova: Crltlcal Freąuencle* of the Undleturbed Fg-Layer la Yearaof Maxlmum Solar Actlvity ....    590    725

Yu.G. Muun. Equatorl*l Anoroaly of f0Fj....................... 593    728

M.    Shirmammedov: Relatlonahlp between the fleflectlon Coefftclent and th* Parametera of the Fine

Structure of the Ileflectlon Region of th* F2-Layer of the toooephere..................... 594    729

G.S. (\anov-KholodnyyandO. P. Kolomtytaev: Detcrmlnatlon of the Ionlaatlon Ratę ln the F2-Layer...... 596    731

S.    P. Cherny*heva: Yariatlon ln the Ihiratioo of Contlnuoua Ref lec tlona from Et................. 598    733

O.    Oveigel'dyyev: Dependenci of the Maxlmum f<)Eg Yaluo on th* Llfetlm* of an Ec............... 600    «35

A. R. Kolomlyet* and A.G. Ka*ymova: Relatlonahlp between Es and Sportdic Meteor*............. 601    736

A. A. DenlloY, B. P. Krlvoehapkln, S.O. Moroaova, and A. V. Sobole*.- 8o Yariatlon* of the Geomagnetic

Field at Yakutak and Solar Actlvlty............................................ 602    736

N.    V. Mikerina: Ob*erved Relatlonahlp* between the Rat* of Cheng* of Yarlatlooe of th* Geomagnetic

Field and Earth Currenta...........................7...................... 605    740

G. V. Starko* and Ya. L FeUdahteyn: Auroral Band durlng th* K)SY................ 608    744

V. I. PochUre*: Magnetlc Field of Planet* according to a Siudy of th* Magnetlc Propertle* of    Meteoru** ..    609    745

A. Ye. Miklro*: Average Perlicie Slae et llelghta of 70 to 450 km...... 611    748

S.    S. Chevdarov, A. M. S*cchnlko*. and Yu.N. Fayer InaUUetlon for Meeeurlag Radio Wav* AbaorpUon

in the lonoaphere at Fi*e FUed Frcnueneie*............. 613    750

T.    N. Panov: Sccular Geomagnetic Field Yariatlon* Acoording to th* DeU of 8v*rdlovak Obe*r*atory and

Tholr Comparlaon wlth the DeU of frkutak and Kaaaa1 Oba#rvatorlea..................... 614    753

V. N.    Dobro*: Settlng of QuarU II YariomeUr*....................................... 816    755

Y.N.    Dobro* and L. K. Pavk>vtch: Influence of Humidity on QHM Reedlnga..................... 816    756

V. P. t>ortnova and D.l. FuahcKuk Spherteel Harmonie Analyala of the Conetaat Geomagnetic Field by

Schu*t*r'e Method............................................... 620    758

T. L.    Yianiko*: Matn MatrU for ComputU* lonoapherlc N(h) Profile*......................... 624    761

O.    V.    YatuTy**; SmaU lonoapherlc SUUon (MIS) at FUod Freąuanolea........................ 815    762

Avalltbl« Froi Aatrican Gaophytieal Union

b«IMi *4MWa paMMW*. MmI INI




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GEOMAGENTIZM I AERONOMIYA Vol 7/ Tlo. TfTO- Englleh Ruaaian Page Page S.A. Draginakly: Prtnciplca o
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