Englleh Ruaaian Page Page

S.A. Draginakly: Prtnciplca of thc Theory ol the Earth'* llydromagnctic I^pjmo........ 323    401

M.    V. Samokhln: Influence of an Electric Field on the Motlon of Charged Partlcles In an

Inhmitogencou* Magnolie Field....................................... 330    411

$. N. Wrnov, *». V. Vnkulov, S. N. Kurneteov, Yu.I. Logachev, E.N. Soanoveta, and V.U.

Sl«»l;«o\skiy: Doundary of the Outer Hadlatlon 3«lt and Zonę of Unatable Radiation ....    335    417

A. i. I.df.lin>siy, V.l. Tulupov, Yu.P. Safronov, Yu.G. Andrlnnov, nndl.I. K.iravnyev: Statf«-

liral Ch.trncterlatics of Outgolng Tcrrestrlal Radiation at WavelengUts 7-26p....... 340    423

S.    F.    Kcnwtrk* on thc Intcrprctation of Lunik-10 Magnetometer Reeults. .......... 346    431

Sh.Sh. lk>l;'inov, Ye.G. YeroRhenko, L. N. Zhuięov, andl.A. Zhi-lln: Possible In ter pręta-

tlo.i of thc Iti-aults of McasurcmcntB on the Lunar Orbiter Luna 10 ............... 352    436

A.V. tluPycPnii: Tiicoryof Uydi-oinagr.clic Soundlngof PlaBmaConccntrationinthe Exosphere ..    357    442

V. I. Siu*hov: Dctcrminntlon of thc Pa r aro eter a of Interplanctary Magnctic Field Inhomo-

grncities (rom the Anisotropic Stage of Cosmic-Ray Dorats................... 364    451

L. I. Miroahniihenko: Dcpendcncc of the Dlffualon Coefficlent of Solar Coamlc Raya on the

Mul nitce fmm thc Son ................. 36*    456

G. V. Gukln and M.N. Kalkut lin: Spocę-Ti nie Dintributlon of lonliation In the F2 Region of

Ute IoiMM|ihere ut High L.ititu<lc» in the Southern Hemlaphere .................. 373    463

K. N. Vasłi’yov: Gcom.ignctlc Kffrct in Vertical Diaplacemente of lonliation In the F Region

of tłu* Imtoaithcre ................... 378    469

P. Santar«l/iev and K. Serafiinov: Aaymmctry in the Diurnal Variationa of the E-Layer    ....    382    475

N.    I. l*otapova and I). S. Shapiro: Low-Lying Nighttime Ionization in the loooaphere.......    389    484

V. Yc. Kn5it|*rovpkiy and f. A. Kuzubov: Mcthod of Allowing for the Stratified Structure of

Ute Karth m the Medium Radio Wavc Rangę.............................. 395    492

V. M. Driatskiy: Aurora! Abaorption in Conjugate Regiona at High Latitudee ....... 398    4 96

T.    L. Vlnmkova: New Method of Pindlng the MatrU of Coefflcienta for Computing N(h)

Prnfilcs of thc lonoapherc ......................................... 403    502

V. N. l.tigoeenko and N.N. Lugovcnko: Dctermlnation 0/ thc Direction of the Magnetliatlon Vtrt.tr of Magnetic Rocka by Computatłon of Some Statiatical Parunetcra of the

Ar.nm;tlous Magnctic Field .................................... 407    507

A. Ya. Kotslueyn: Meaaurement of the Geomagnetlc Field Coreponenta In the Piane of tha

Magnctic Mcridtan at Sea by the Nuclear-Preccsalon Method .................. 411    512

N. V. Ku.snnova: Measurements of Geomagnetlc Field Components et Sea by Means of a

Tfo-Componeni Towed Magoeforaetet.................................. 415    516

N. D. Mcd\cdev; Reaulta of Geomagnetlc Inveatlgatlon« In Eaat AnUrctlca durli* Ute SUth

Sonet Antarctlc Expedition In 1960-1962 ............................... 418    520


A.K. 1* ..kratot andA.A. Stepanyan: Some Dynamie Phenomena In Diurnal Coamic-Ray

V>riatw .................................................... 424    528

L. I. Mirnxliniclit-nko: Posad-I-''ollectiveSolar Coaralc-RayIn)eclioninto Ute Ceomagnetoephere    426    530

N.N. Ycfimov; Method of Allowing for Atmoapherlc Effecta in the Study of the Stellar-Diurnal

Yanaltons of /nr Showers.......................................... 438    532

L.A. Shrhcpkln: Equtllbrium Fj-Layer at Low Solar Activity ..................... 428    532

V.A. Minyura. G.N. Takchev, Yu.G. Yerokhln, V.l. Ivanoy, andG.A. Drozdetskly: Method of

Condueting Ionoapheric Meaaurementsfrom Nonecherently Scattered RadioSlgnale.....    431    535

T. V. K.uachctskayaartdG.S. lv|nov-Kholodnyy: Diurnal Variatlonsof ElectronConceatration

and thc Ch.tngr in looospherlc Temperatura et Heighta of 160-200 KM ............ 433    537

A. A. Starov.itov: Long-Period Variationaof the Cutoff Fr*quer.rleaof UteSporadlc E-Layer ...    436    540

S.S. ChatJaroy, S. P. Chcrnyaheva, and V. P. Dubktna: Change in the Rangę of the Seral-

transjiarcncy of EB According to Obaervatione at Rontov-on-the-Don............. 437    541

Y.1.M. Shv.tr ts :utd S. I. And’ *yeva: Sporadtc E-Layer and Magnetic Activity........... .    438    542

K.B. ScrMunmandN.P. Oanilkin: Dcterminationof thelnltiallleightofthelonoaphere....... 440    544

S. I*. CJ.fnt.vihcva and G.N. Pote»yunko: Comput.itt.-n ot thc Stahihty Coefficltnt ....... .    443    547

v».M. Arosn.iLe, V.A. Zagulyayev, A.A. Kaahin, Yu.V. Kuahnerevakły, andD.S. Chtkovaai:

tt.-L:i..n»hip bctwcen $q-Varlations and Drift In the lonoaphere ................ 444    548

S.A. N;.n.i.-jv andT.Ye. Ryahkina: Poeaible Uaeof the Correlatlon Method of Wide-BandSignal

RtYfption inlhe Study of the rarameteraof lonoepheric luhomogeneltieeandSIgnal Dtaiortloc 447    551

A. N. Z.;ytsov and Ya.I. F'1'dshteyn: Polar Dieturbancea and Current System According to

U.u Oii.amcd In the Winter Se a son of the IGY ................. 449    553

V.K. Ruldugin: Short-Periu.l Puiaatlona of Auroral Coam.c Nolae AbeorpUon........... 454    559

U. V. Al.u!tiov: Aninu '••>ting Manlfeetationof iheSunepotC/cle In AtraorpherlcClrculatloa ...    458    541

V.    N. i.u.;uvcnko: Corepataiiun of Ute Autocorrelatlon Function of the Anomeloua Magnetic

Field (rura Eipcrlmental Data ................. 459    584

R. M. Lyakltof: Current Kunctioe of Ute Mała Geomagnetlc Field Repreeeeted by Three

Fccrntnc Dipolea................................... 461    548

V.P. Golu\knvsndA.N. Puehkov: ReverelbleMa*netoelrictlonof MsgrteUle et High Temperatur** 443    544

V.A. Konstantiooii Wi.le-Band Co*verter of the WavfGuld* Typ*.................. 445    510

V. N. Dobrotr and T. P. Puoloksynen: Eaperleoce wtth Quarti Yartometere et the Central

Magnetic Oboervalory of the US8R .. ........ 444    5TI

(Mil* KHM peMMod.    IN9

Avti labie fro* American Ceophysical 1 hi łon



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