Upľat 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 024

Upľat 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 024

meanings of new words, or wom out a grammar L “

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own stones occasionally.

•    Explain the lesson objectives and the sequencing of the lesson for the benefit of sequential leamers. The clearfy numbered exercises and simple layout of Upbeat will appeal to sequential leamers. Global leamers will respond well to the overall impact of each lesson on the page, aided by motivating visuals and clearfy labelled headings.

Multiple intelligences

Recent work on the concept of intelligence has focussed on a multiple view. According to this theory, students have a rangÄ™ of intelligences rather than just one measurement of IQ (intelligence quotient). Intelligences can be stimulated and developed through a varied and motivating syllabus. The intelligences are:

Linguistic: an aptitude for language Musical: an aptitude for musie

Kinaesthetic/spatial: an aptitude for physical activity and spatial orientation

Intrapersonal: an aptitude for personal reflection and a high degree of self-awareness

Interpersonal: an aptitude for interacting socially and professionally with others

Mathematical/logical; an aptitude for mathematics and logical analysis

Visual: an aptitude for visual appreciation and expression such as art, photography etc.

Naturalistic: an aptitude for understanding and working with the natural world, such as animals and the environment.


•    Recognise that you may teach according to your own intelligences. If you are high in mathematica! intelligence, and lower in kinaesthetic intelligence, you may find that you spend morÄ™ time teaching grammar and allow less classroom time for active tasks. Be aware of this and try to vary your approach in class.

•    Upbeat acknowledges multiple intelligences through a wide variety of topics and tasks. There are lessons based on musical themes. the environment and sport, for example, to appeal to students with different intelligences. Visual intelligence can be stimulated by the many and varied types of photos and illustrations throughout the book, and musical intelligence is stimulated by all the audio materiats as well as the songs in the Motivator.

•    Encourage students to develop their intrapersonal intelligence by asking them to reflect on their leaming. (See the tip on self-assessment in the Assessment section below).

Make use or pairwork ana groupworn, which appeals to studenta '^Ĺ‚h ^oi intelligence.


Assessment of students' language abilities is often required by school or government policy. expected by parents and sometimes dreaded by students! Assessment is therefore important. Test results can show the teacher where remedial work is needed and which students need extra help. From the students’ point of view, tests can give them a sense of achievement as well as focus their minds on areas which require improvement.

There are different types of test. A proficiency test assesses a student’s current language competence, and is not related to a course of study. Most schools use this type of test as an entry test to determine which class a student should be placed in. A progress test assesses the student's retention of language taught during a course, and is based strictly on the syllabus taught in a course or the language taught in a senes of lessons. Progress tests are usually divided according to language areas, and test grammar, vocabulary, functional language and skills in separate sections. In this way, students and teachers can build an accurate profile of the students’ abilities.

Upbeat provides a wide variety of assessment tools:

•    a piacement test

•    12 two-page photocopiable progress tests on the Test Master CD-ROM, one for each unit, with an A and B version for each. These test grammar, vocabulary and functional language.

•    Six two-page Exam & skills tests, which test both generaĹ‚ language skills and exam skills.

•    Two Exam tests

•    Six speaking tests

•    Regular Revision pages after every two units in the Students' Book. These not onfy give a numerical indicator of how well a student is doing, but also encourage students to assess their own progress by means of a simple self-assessment box.

•    Review sections in each unit of the Students’ CD-ROM provide opportunities for students to monitor their own progress.

•    36 photocopiable Quick tests in the Teacher’s Book provide a quick check on students’ grasp of individual language points.


•    Ran progress tests to occur at regular intervals.

•    Make surÄ™ that assessment does not take up too much class time. Too much testing can be demotivating.

•    Give the students waming of a test so that they have time to revise and learn any new words.

•    If you take the tests m, mark them as quickly as



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