Vol $, Bot 7, 7a~1^8    RUSS


1 jiliicc ai Ncgative Absolute Temperatures. I. M. Rainer........... (E)    1652    2107

Arousliral Noiso in CdSc. V. I, Batbakoy.......................... (E)    1654    2109

Klcolrical Conductivity of Ca, Sr, and Ba Fluorides Containing TR3* Impurity.

T. I. Nikitłnskaya, E. V. Suntaoy, and M. S. Tyutln................. (E)    1656    2111

Tliwiry of Saluration of Parametric Rcsonancc of Spin Wavea In Ferritea.

G. A. Pctrakovskil...................................... (T)    1658    2113

Kffn l of an Extcrnal Electric Field on the Absorption of Sound in a Dielectric.

I. V. loffc and B. 1. Shkloyakil............................... (T)    1660    2116

Mmhilalion of I.ight Absorption in Germanium at the Boundary with

l.lcclrolyle*. I*. 1*. Konoroy and B. V. Bhohogollkhlna............... (E)    1681    2117

Kx< hangę Interactions of Cr3* Ions in Ruby. Yu. L. Shelekhin, M. P. Votinov,

and H. P. ltcrkovskii..................*......*■............. (E)    1663    2119

Inflmnce of Oxygen Impurity on the Conductivity of Lithium Fluoride.

Yu. ». Yladimirskii, T. I. Nlkltinskaya, and P. A. Tslrul'nik.......... (E)    1666    2122

Absorption of I-ongitudinal Long-Wave Ultrasound in Superconducting Alloya

ilavłng a Multiband Anisotropic Fermi Surface. I. I. FaPko........... (T)    1668    2124

The Displaccmcnt of F" Ions in CaF} Crystals by y-Irradiation. N. E. Kask

and 1.. S. Komlcnko............ (E)    1670    2127

Klfr<*t of X-Ray Irradiation on Prehardened Regiona of NaCl Single Crystals.

Yu. S. Boyarskaya and R. P. Zhitaru.......................... (E)    1672    2129

Si rond Harmonie Gcneration in Crystals of RbHjAs04 (RDA) without

Hirefringencc. V. S. Suvorov and A. A. Filimonoy................. (E)    1674    2131

Chan (Ces in the Conccntration of Gold in Silicon. R. Sh. Malkovich......... 1876    2132

<isci Hal ions of the Current in Piezoelectric Semiconductors. V. I. Baibakoy

and (1. S. Pado......................................... <E)    1678    2135

luvi siigaiion of the Characteristic Temperaturę of a Molecular Crystal.

Tensor Derivatives of the Characteristic Temperaturę. B. D. Koreshkov

and A. 1. Kitaigorodsklt................................... (E)    1680    2137

Trivnlcnl Harc Earths in Ccrium Dioxide Single Crystals. Dysprosium.

*/. N. Zonn, A. N. Katyshęy, 1. N, Kurkin, and L. Ya. Shekun.......... (E)    1682    2138

Acouslical Siodcs of Plasma Electron Oscillations in Metals in a Quantizing

Magnolie Field. S. L. Ginzburg, O. V. Konstantinov, and V. I. Pereł* ....    (T)    1684    2139

Availoble iron Ar.criccu Łistitute o£ Physics


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