AR166 Kernel Technical Data
Description |
AR166 Kernel |
RTX166 Tiny |
Nurnber of tasks |
256 rnax. |
32 max. |
Nurnber of rnailboxes |
not lirnited |
Not supported |
Nurnber of sernaphores |
not lirnited |
Not supported |
Nurnber of signals |
16 event flags per task |
32 rnax. |
Nurnber of user tirners |
not lirnited |
Not supported |
RAM Requirements |
Min. 500 Bytes |
3 + 4 * nurnber of tasks Bytes |
Codę requirernents |
Less than 4 KBytes |
Less than 1.5 KBytes |
Hardware Requirernents |
One on-chip timer (any tirner may be used) |
One on-chip timer (any timer may be used) |
User task priorities |
1 - 127 |
Not supported |
Context switch tirne |
Less than 25psec @20MHz, 0 ws. |
40 - 100 psec |
Interrupt lockout tirne |
0.2 psec |
Less than 4 psec, 0 waitstates |
1. Iterns, which are flagged not lirnited, are not lirnited by the AR166 Kernel OS, however they are lirnited by the available system rnernory resources.
2. Signals are narned events for AR166 Kernel. Each task has available 16 event flags to wait for.
3. Ram reguirernents depend on the numer of concurrent running tasks.
Podobne podstrony:
ARTX Kernel Technical Data Description ARTX Kernel Number of tasks 256 rnax. Number ofStanowy Patent US4258920 (A) Bibliographic data Description Claims Mosaics Original document Citedspecyfikacja modułu Technical data Power and connections Supply voltage Frequency Three-phase, 220BSA 201952 20Sales 20Brochure 2009 TECHNICAL DATA — ALL MODELS Model Gear ratios Tyrc Front size(04) inst 7=>AURA Technical data Y length: 1-1 O 101,3 ml beam: 18,8 m draught: 4,60000004 2 Wydział: Fizyki Technicznej Data wykonania ćwiczenia Prowadzący ćwiczenie: dr inż. Sławomiscan0031 3 LyngsehV ALM ET Marinę UMS 2000 Technical System DescriptionUMS 2000 Extended The systemrequests mode01 Request Codę: Engine Data Description:14936 SchwingKVM423 Technical Data Concrete pump Model 900 HDR 1200HDR Ma*, theor. concretepage4041 II. Technical Data and Specifications a - Sietr.ng (VW Possengec Cors): Owali rotioscan0030 (8) LyngsehWALM ET Marinę UMS 2000 Technical System DescriptionUMS 2000 Basic The UMS 2000GDS20 20 FULL RANGĘ LOUDSPEAKER GDS 20/209 5157 094 02!TECHNICAL DATA Rated impedance Voice coil resdane zsó/nsa/tfogoj IC No 4812 712 14051 Whlrtpool Europa Technical data Program timer Typewięcej podobnych podstron