(04) inst

(04) inst



Technical data



1-1 ''O

101,3 ml


18,8 m


4,6 m


4700 DWT

deck area:

1600 m2

containers capacity:

240 TEU

propulsion: 2 engines Wartsila Vasa 6R32 LND, each 2200 kW


13 knots

ship cost:

about 15 million euro



On 7 January 2008 a new ship was handed over to the Finnish owners: Oy Gaiamare AB and Meriaura Oy. The ceremony took place in Northern Shipyard in Gdańsk where the ship was biult. On 23 January, in Turku, Finland she was named Aura. The design en-gineer of the ship was Dariusz Jaguszewski.

Aura provides transport of heavy bulky cargo on the open deck.

These are mainly blocks and ship sections that are transported be-tween the shipyards. The owner signed a long-term contract with shipyard concem Aker Yards.

That’s why Aura carries parts of the largest passenger ships in the world.

Thanks to the specially designed supports (keel blocks) Aura can also carry bulk cargo. The same supports used for transporting ship sections may be placed along the sides to form a kind of walls that would enclose a cargo of gravel, rock or timber. A telescopic handler garaged in the forecastle is used to place the supports on the deck. Often, to shorten the time spent in the ports, the supports are placed during the joumey. On the deck there are sockets for faste-ning of the containers, these sockets are also used for fastening the keel blocks.

The power station is on the stern and it is remotely controlled from the wheelhouse. Aura is equipped with thrusters on the bow and stern which enables her manoeuvres independent mano-euvres in ports. Ballast tanks of 39(X) nT volume balance the ves-sel. The ramp on stern enables loading and offloading with the use of versatile vehicles (inclu-ding self-propelled platforms for very heavy cargo).

Thanks to the highest ice class, powerful engines and modem navigation system, the ship may be used year-round on Baltic and North Sea enabling prompt delive-ries. This factor is essential for building schedules of expensive passenger ships.

Auxiliary materials and tools

To assemble the model you will need: smali scissors, pincers, craft knife, thin wire, ruler, good paper glue, thin thread and paints to touch up white edges.

Ali parts should be cut out carefully along their outline. Tiny and morę complicated parts should be cut out by means of craft knife. Score folding lines with a blunt knife and a ruler to assemble very tiny parts as solids.

Following symbols are marked on the parts: left (L) and right side (R), openings to be cut out (£), direction to bow or to the top of the ship (—►). Some parts that need morę attention during gluing are marked with (!) in the auxiliary drawings - they parts are described in this instruction. Many parts in their symmetry axis have short marks helping to glue the parts together. Openings should be madę before cutting the part out.

Bend triangular and trapezoid tabs to the unprinted side and tabs marked with X to the opposite side. Rectangular tabs shouldn't be bent at all (they are at rolled parts).

Numbers of parts are marked black, parts to be glued in marked position - grey. Italie numbers mark additional parts.

The parts should be painted according to the colour shown near the templates. Additional set of laser cut parts may be purchased on www.jsc.pl

Assembling instruction

1-13 Hull. Cut out part 1 and bend the side parts so that they form triangular beams along the side edges of the deck (Fig. 1) and glue. Stiffen the deck transom with tab 2 and glue there ”tabs” of the sides. Assemble part 3 like part 1. Bend parts 4 as triangular tubes and slide them into the half of beam 1. Slide parts 3 over the pro-truding parts of tubes 4. Place the connected hull on a fiat surface with the deck to the bottom. Stiffen the deck with 0,5 mm thick cardboard (369 x 53 mm). Glue frames 5 on the ends of the beams (cut out the frames, fold them in half, bend the tabs and glue) (Fig. 2). Now glue frames 6. Check the straight linę of the hull at all times. Glue frame 7 to the fore wali of part 3. Glue part 8 between frames 5 and 7. Glue part 9 to frame 7 from the side of bow (Fig. 3). From below glue part 10 and move it towards frame 7. Glue wali 11 on the deck (for opened garage for the telescopic handle cut out the marked wali part) and walls 12. Glue the forecastle deck 13 on the entire assembly, consider the mutual position of parts 11 and 13 shown on the deck's tabs.

14-21 Sides. Cut out parts 14 and form according to the hull. Stiffen the cuts with tabs 15 and 16. Additionally, to the fore edge of one of the sides glue tabs 17 and 18. Glue anchor pockets 19. Glue the assembled sides to the hull. Glue anchors 20 into the pockets. Glue the inside of bulwark 21.

22-39 Equipment of main deck. Assemble floats 22-24 according to Fig. 4 and glue at the openings cut out in the sides. Glue gang-ways 25 along the bulwark edges connecting the forecastle deck with the main deck. Glue the box with fire extinguishing hose 26on the forecastle wali where a box is drawn (remaining boxes will be glued on the deckhouse). Assemble reels 27-30 according to Fig. 5 - glue one reel where two lines are drawn, the second one will be glued later. Assemble capstans 31-34 according to Fig. 6 and glue where the capstans are drawn on the deck. Assemble bollards 35-37 according to Fig. 7. Glue hatches 38-39 on the deck where marked. Support forecastle deck with poles A (assemble them out of wire or stick according to template A). Glue the poles vertically leaning them on the main deck where marked with white points. 40-72 Fore deckhouse. Assemble parts 40-52(B) according to Fig. 8 and glue them on the forecastle deck. Now glue parts 53-72 (C-E).

73-106 Equipment of forecastle deck. Glue winches 73-75 (Fig. 9) in marked positions. The winches may also be assembled in morę complex version out of parts 76-96 according to Fig. 10. On the deck glue bollards 97-99 and 100-102, roller 103-104, hatch 105-106, reel 27-30, railings F and most G.

107-122 Rescue boats. Assemble davits 107-109 according to Fig.

11    and glue them on the forecastle deck and on both sides of the deckhouse. Lean gangways of platform 109 on deck 41-42. Between the davits glue winches 110-113, guides 114 and evacuation ladders 115. Assemble boats 116-120 (116-122) according to Fig.

12    and glue them to the davits.

123-146 equipment on after deck. Glue parts 123-131, capstans 31 -34 and bollards 35-37 according to the assembly drawing. Exhausts


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