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ESTROM mission is to guide your day-to-day professional developmcnt and to dissemi natc all the latest findings and knowlcdgc thal arc crucial to the rapidly evolving field of radiation oneology.
Ina nutshcll. theESTROmembershipolfers:
• Online subscription to Rud i ol lic rapy & Oneology (the Grcen Journal)
• Reduced fces for attending ESTRO tcaching courses, confercnces and joint evenls
• Online access to scientilic materia) (events wcbcasts. delineation cases, etc.) through POYT. PSTROsc library
• F.ligibility for grants, awards, faculties and governance positions.
D»versifted membership categories are avai!ablc:
lndividu.il Members can opt to become:
Fuli members:
. Activc (95 EUR)
• Supporting Ambassador (250 EUR)
Associate members:
• In Training (75 EUR)
. Atfiliate (55 EUR)
• Corporate Representative(55 EUR)
Instcad of buying several indnidual memberships. your institutc can benefit front the Institution.il Membership which enables European institulions topurchaseseveral memberships as a package deal (minimum 5 individu.il members and 3 specialties have to be represented).
Corporate membership is the unique way for companies to be fully involved in the European radiotherapy community. The ESTRO Corporate Membership programme includes two different membership categories: Ciold Corporate and Corporate mem-bership. depending on the lcvcl of benetits your company would likc to take aboard.
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