f nE*. Jdnho_Tht^dnV/ju»y ?. \Qtt

A-look at best and

Tradc statistics

worst of7 92 pitchers

The Associated Preis

For setentn prtdicb immimI Ssm-Clit(c. Moflh aixl Bl>lc*cn. NU a> .1 \ image year.

Fof j velcran narncd Ryan. if* not. although il slill woulJ bc.

If your nainc t* Abbott this might havc bccfJ a guod m»uxi for a oWvnicjl.

But nut if your lumc i* Cu/-nian.

Pitchers ulwa) \ havc ups *.ind dowiiś hut r.ircly a* often as thi* season. #

• • • •

Herc"* u look at uho’s (Hit and ułm\ not:

- THE OLD GUYS: Nobn Ryan •te provcti fi* the b>t four ycar>

•    that (Htchict^ lifc need not Cfld at •10.

That tr.uhfion i\ hcing cametl •m for Ciltlomia by Bert . Hlylcvcn. 3-2 at age 41 aftef miss-. ing .ill of |WI with roUtof cull Mirpery. Thiny-sis-ycar-old Kick Sutclitlc is havinga comchocC year willi Baltimore after miting . tiK*M of the lu>t three >cimw> u ith ant) surjtcry and 37-ycar-old Jack Morris contmuo on his meny way willi a 0-3 rwiml for Tocunu*

But the J.V)cjf-oM Ryan is fi-nally showing sigm of weafing down After all. hc'* four year* oklcr tten his manager Hobby _YaJenlinc_ami_oldei Jhan.■»!> KtL_ one of the Tcxas Rangers* ciuch-v es .

On lite disablcd list lwice this —ycaf, Ryan li nally gol his lirsl 1992 win Sunday. diurting out Detroit with >cvcn stnkcouls ovcr %cven inmngs. Ile havn'l pucbed tudly. hut hc's 1*3 willi 10 no*dc-eisions.

•Tbcrc’* no dnuh ltc’s slill a

_top.ptiehcr^j^ys_ Detroit** Tony

Phillips. -J wish be d rebre. juvt"so lic coukl stop getting mc aut."

• • •

THE ABBOTTS: Stan wiih Jim. whn licusbeif third in the AL Cy Young soting łasi year with aii

•    IK I1 rccord and IW ERA This year. the ERA is therc at 3.00. hut


But at kast Jim rsn*t Kyfc Abbott. his tc-unnuic brie Iły last year in Calilontia after hcing sclcetcd the best pilching prospcct in tltc PauBc Coast Lejguc. Aojuircd irt the deal tiul <ent Von Ifayes to the Angcls. Kylewas counted on hy Philadclphia to bc a regular starter.

Ile Kas hccti - and hc mus* be, gnid Vott luo cjo be dning %omc-thmg nght "to kiep gcttiiig~~gf' chame w hen wtfre 0-9 with iM ERA.

Tbafs three losse^ short of liii team rccord t>f 0-12. Ucisc notc that thc-lliillics scorcd just 17 mm in nine lusscs - cighr^ShilC"" hc*> bccn in the ganić • • •

r HOT ARMS: Abbott (Kyk)

coukl lakę bcari fiuin Mikę Mor gan.    ^

- .. Morgan -went d i roc tl >_ SA-0 A; _ _ land after hcing the first pkrk ut the 1978 draft and had ncvcr cjuitc •rccovcK-d umil this scason. włren lic signed as a frcc agent with the Cubs. Entefing 1992. Morgan’* (iflimc rccord was 67-104. but hc's conung on - List scasyn hc was 1*4-10 with che Dodgers and is 7-2 with the Cubs.

Jack McDowclI didn!t havc lo suffer too much The fifth overalj pici m the I9*7..drjfjli by the Chicago Wbite So\. hc’s IhmN on 14-9 and 17-10 rccord* the Ust Iwo >rar\ to bccottw an AL Cy Young ctwŃcnĄcr tht* year with an 11 -3 rccord.

Therc’s morę.

Stkrh as Sealtk’\ Davc Fleming, ndds-on to lic-AL (uokic of the >var at 10-3 in only his tlńrd pro scason. I Cc spent most of List sca-son at Class AA Jaeisonvil1e.

Or Kcvtn Brown (l2*4>*of the Rangers. His 12 wins arc as many many as hc‘s lud in his presioos fuur nujorlcjguc >cason>.

_Or thcjCki/inam. at jcasl one of

thettt. Toronto JtiairGu/itun i* 10*1 this season after a 10-3 rook* ic yc;»r. J*>sc. his bruther. is 7-3 for Tews..

And ilon’t forget guys likc At-lanta*s Tom Glavinc at 11-3. St. \Am\ Boh Tcwkstmry._9»2 with a

PORTLAND. On:. (AP) - Tlić Ponlatsd Trail Bla/crs «*cquirvd the righis to.HrM-round draft pick'Trący -Mirmiy- iiHHhrW team.    J|V cdqęv_

day ihal *scnt Dale Ellis" to San Antonio and Alu AWclnaby lo Milwaukee.

MunuyT”j‘“fT fo«M-7 diam^homer' from UCLA. Was pickc»l b\ San Antonio as the No. 18 sckcilon in this ycar's draft He averagcd 21.4 point* and shoł 54 perccnt List scason as a junior.

‘The dcure to acqiitre on ouLsidc sbooicr is what protnpfcd the movc.~ said Rucky Bockwaltcr. the Bla/crs’ v?cc pa*sidcnt for. basketball opera-ikms

Tocy K a icrrific pchmctcr shoot-er with a very hright futurę in the NBA.*! Buckwalter said. "Most ob-servers fccl tlut Trący would havc bccn a lot tery pici in iic\l >car‘s draft. lud lvc not come out early this year.” Murr.»\ shr^MtTTyr^aai^cunL.3,__

poim r.uigc (78 for 156) and 80 pcf-Ccni front Uic free duo w linę lud sca* son. Buckwalter said Ik sccs MutYay • playmg as a tescrvc at both big guard and sm.dl forward.

Ellis. a 31-ycar-nId guird. will be playmg for his founh team in 10 NBA


1.94 ERA .indTCfiSnetouN Jóhń SmalCY. w Im has .uljiisted to tlić Americaii League well after • a slow surt.

COLD ARMS: WfiiCTmc Otir-man lus bccn iwtliocrc. tlsc vamc C»n*t be said for Dssight GihiiIcii. the fumter ace of tfw. New York


_ Gisoden. wltosc .714 wuming •pcrccniagc tl32-53VWas i!k* hol i0 hisłory Vhen his season ended Last Sept. 7 w ith a tom rotator ctiff. is baving a bard timc regaining his form Saddlcd with 4 team tlut\ hatting just .232. Gooden is 5-7 w Jth a 3.81 ERA.

"Di*c’s l<en far Ktter ihaii we lud hoped after surgery.” %ays manager Jelf Tochorg. "You rcally havc to w.iit for nest year.”

Gooden has pktuy of company. Among those pitchers iuu performing up to thek usual st.ui«lards are CalifonuaN 54 million nian, Chock Fmlcy. wfio is 2-K with a 5.63 ERA; Kansas City"* Toni Gordon 4l-8> and Mikc Boddn-k-er. bamdicd to iIk l»oBpcci. I.ike Doddickcr tO-4 ssirh a 5/21 ERĄ i.— Toronto** Davc Stich w-as sent to’-the bullpcn with his 3-6rccord and 5.79 FRA

The S-m Francisco Giants. mcanwhik. tumed rdkscr liaic K)ghnn"imo“j-M3ncrr-Thc pl.nr-failcil .ind Righctti is hack in the pen with a 1-5 rccord and 6.37 ERA.

Croatia cómes on when

•    •    I

it counts in basketball \

ZARAGOZA. Spain (AP) - Tout-cd as the bcsl basketball team thi* sidc of Ponland. Croatia fmully livcd up to ils bitlmg Wctlncsday by routing Slosenia 93-70 in the Euro-pcan*~Olyrnptc— qualif)Tng toumii— rnem.

Prcoccupicil instead with illnew, euluuMioo .mkI mfighting through tltc firs« cight days of the Europenn Olympk t|ualifying toumament. the favorcd Croals almost didn't make the finał round of the toumament. r.ccding to beat Greccc in tltc last qualifymg guard lo gel therc.

But New Jersey Ncu guard Dra/cn Petroyte scorcd 36 point* and Toni Kukóe odded 16 as Croatia routed Slosenia. 93-70 to fmally come alivc.

••Beforc we Marted this touma-cncnt. wx pbycd 11 games and beat cverybody cuily by 25 oc 30 points.” Kukoc said.

“But when we came herc we played for ourseWc*. I ik>n*t know why. but I played for mysdf. Draicn

played for lumself. and Dino Rad ja played for hirmelf. Now we renli/e • tha« the only way 4o win rs co play weedw.”

Litbuania. rncanwhilc. osercamć a - ninc-point deHcit at the h«lf-io de-— fcat Germany. 100-84. and rcimln the only undcfcated team m the eour-nament ai 4-0. Goldcn Sute War-riors guard Sharmus Marciulionis led Lithuania willi 40 point* and 14 rchoundi. whilc forward Arturas Kamishovas, \*1so pUys college bali for Set on Ifnlll in tlie United States. adiSed 18.

In other games. C/cchosJovakia elimrrnated Uroel bchind Pavcl Becka’* 22 points. K9-80. and the Com-monwealth of Independent States moved closef lo an Olympic bertb with an 83-75 win ovcr bały.

Kcvults against .firM-round i>ppo-nents carr>- ovcr into this fmal round. and only tląc top four fmKłi-cr* in this oght-teum round robm will adsancc to the »IV92 Olympic Gamę* in Barcelona. -    -- ---

Top money-winners deny rivalry

LEMONT. III. (AP) - Davis Lovc III and Fred Couplcs deny Ihc cxi»-tence of a rWalry o* they cnicr the sccond.halftif the pro golf season in a tight race for ihc yearY moncy-winning titk.

#,No. no. no. Nothing likc that." .Masłem champion Cóuples wid dur-ing a joint intcrvicw with Lovc after a fi(ul practicc session Wednesday for .the 51.1 n.illion Western Open. ”1 don’i hove any rival cxccp( my-sclf and the way I play. and right now 1’mbattling h. *

**l kccp on cyc on Davh. but tltat’* just bccause I likc to wacch him play. Any body Whópluy* likc hc doc* is fun to wacch.”

•Lovc.1ikc Couplc* Ihc winner of three titki and morę than SI million alrcady this season. agreed.

”Wc doo't go out therc trymg to

beat eićh other.” hc said. "You cariT do that.”

Lose finished one strokc bchmd Couplcs last wcek in the Buick Clas* sic. and his kod dwlndkd to only S2.22I. Hc has Sl.066.694 and Cou-plcfSl.064.473.

”If Fred and 1 try to go out and beat cach other. ftvc other guys will go right past us.” Lovc said. *T don*t think we cvcn think about tlut. We’re pi>t trying to conccntratc on playmg well and winnmg touma-mcm %r

And tlut led them to anotlłcc arca. something of a pet peeve for both . youog men: cooint wjth ncw-found celebrity.

"My goal is to win golf touma-ments. not bc u celebrity,” Love said. ”But I guess they go together. When that fact hitt you. you ktnd of gó. ’Oh. is that the deal?’

i MUZu

nu*Ctf • mvu*

iron m •»» UW




seatom. Hc is fifth all-tuiK among NBA 3-potne shooters and shares tlić kaguc rccord with Mictucl Adams for most 3->oinicrs in a gamę at nine.

Ellis p1a>xd three scasons in Dallas and 4/; iii Scaltk beforc hcing tradcd to Milwaukee for Rieky Picrcc in Fcbnaryof 1991.    #

• \V<’rc surc lic*s gotng to lit into e\mtr.cry-Atłb ticcausc ihełr wcakpcis lus bccn a lack of outsidc shootmg.** Milwaukee Ciuch Mikę Dunkavy said **Dak will cc mmly he ahk to pnwide that for ihcm."

Ellis has a earccr aserage of 17.9 pointv LaM scason. Ik :is*cragcil 15.7.

tops for the Buck* but his lowcM Cig-ure sińce 1986. He,was u^cd moitly as the teanfs sixth man.

His best seasem was 1988*89. w hen hc ayensgcd 27.5 point*.

Tlić 6-10 Abdclnaby. clmsen out of CiukiT a* the 25th player in iIk 199(1 drhft. fcll ouc of favur with the coach-ing MafT in his two scasons wnh Port-


Ik pbycd hrielly in the regular ro-taunn o* a backup pewrr fnrwurd and center imdw-jy thfougb the 1991-92 season Kit othcrwrsc spent nu»st of his timc on the Kftdt.

•*l think conung from a winoing or-gani/alion likc Port land has bccn ovcr

•7X0 V jn-1? V

*tK J»rv


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the p.tst fcwv year* ;ir>d playmg esery day in praeticc against tho< quality players has him nrady to bc ablc Jo step into a bigger rok with another. * team.” Dunlcasy said.


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