ł —

The Tlmos-Ncwł/Scctlon C

flround the valley

Lońe sóckeye returns to Redfish Lakę

DOISH - One sockcyc salmon has • p.iNvcd the Lim dotn on tac Snake Rivcr and ii lic.ldin* for Rcdf»\h Lakc.

Six of Ihc migrating fisli that gavc

Redfish Lakc Hi rume have bcen spoOcd



"These fish arc aroj/ing.7 %aid TrUh Klahr of ihc Idaho Curixervation Lcugbc. "Wc do cvcrytlnng Wc can lo ki II them and ihcy kccp comińg back/' •

Walio sockcyc weie listed ai cmJangcicd

•    byjhe fcdcraJ govemmęnl lau Nosember.

Four fish rctumed lo RcdfrJi* Lakc from

*    the Pacific Ocean laM year. The sockcyc liiMorically relurn 10 ihc Idaho high

• mounłaiń lakc tow.ird ihc end of July.*

Any fisli Ihal do marugc lo return would be irapped and hcld at Ihc Sawtooih Naiionaljlaichcfy in an cfforl to saye the historie flCh nm.

—3.injured when car rolls ovcr . near Hailcy Wednesday

•    HAILEY - Thrcc pcoplc wery injured whefl a car rollcd ovcr wc*L Wednesday night.-

Tlić accidcni was reported juM bcforc H_p.ni, and cmcrgcncy crcw> wcrc vcnl 10 ihć *cc«xfu*6~or:thrcc;milcs wcti of Hailcy on*Wext Croy Street, a Blainc Couoiy Shcrifr% dupatcłicr said.

—-The diipuchcr *aid d>c d*d not.kuow the cxtcnt of ihc ittjurici or the cjusc of llic accidcitt.

% *

Burley man chargcd with inaMentmrdrivingrifterwreck-

i BURLEY — A Burley mu-łiai bccn 'chargcd wiih inallcnfivc Jriving and driving whilc suspended aficr a rollovcr •.Tucsdiiy rjight in which lwo passengen

#    wcrc injured.

Terry Lloyd Clawson. 19. was drivmg rtortlibound oii 400 Wc\i near U.S. Hrghway 30 in .Cassia Couniy when tbc car hc ‘was drivmg staned drifting off ihc Icfl sidc of the road.

The vehick. a J9HOiOodgc Colr. rollcd whcnCLTOTon overconectcd. repon* say.

--TIk pnssengers..Brenda D.iwn Kniglu.

-12, and Junct Kmghi. .16. both of Burley. wcrc ircated and rcle^sed at Cas\ia Memoriał Hospital. a spokesman ihcrc -said -There wus 52.1)00 domageToihc ca/.-

- Stretch of-Mule Crcek Road ‘ will be closed for road race *

JACKPOT — Mule Crcek Road from iackpot to Rock Cabin Springs Road will* be closed Saturday for the fourth annual

mmnn OfFRoud Race:-*-

The race ii schcdulcd lo begin ai 9 a.m., and allhough no ochcr iraffic will be permuted on ihc road. spectalors arc wclcome. race organi/ers vay.

Forest Service, BLM land ofT j . Iimils.for.4lh of July fireworks

*    TWIN FALLS — If you rc ihinking

about Moppiitg by Ihal fireworks Marni on tbc way lo hilk Ihis weekend, iliink again, say ofttciuh of Ok ForcM Scrvicc amJ Ute Burcau ufLaniJ MańagcmcilL    “

Fos session of fireworks, not to mcniion their usct i\ prohibited on BLM and Forest Scrvkc-adminktctcd land Any one caughl with anylhing ranging from iparklcn to firccrackcrs in his possesMon on public land k subjccl to a SSOOfine.

"In addition. anyonc found rcspontibk for starting a fire on public land* can also be hcld liable for the rcsulling costs of

the fire,** managemeni

ofTiccr for tlić Sawiooch National ForcM.

"Rcccnt fiins haso nol offset the effeets of our long-tcrm drought,'* Richter &aid. "The mojiturc coment of our large forest fucls rcmońts very Iow. io fires can continue to bum vcry mtcnsely. A fcw days of hot. dry weather wili drive the fire danger righł back up agaiaM,

, «r,

Rupert woman wins $100,000

*cro injured »t/>f Hailcy,

propeny damage and suppetssing said Randy Richter, fire mani



in Idaho Powcrball drawing

RUPERT — A 37-ycar-old Rupcri woman ww SI00.000 in the Junc 27 Idaho Powcrball drawing. the Idaho Lottery CommisMon onnounced ihis wcck.

The commission did not relćosc her idemity ot her le<|ueu.

*    The woman bought the wuming tickct ot B&B Market, wherc \hc also pickcd up

#    5143 thrtc months ago with o Fantastic 5 tickef:

The woman said she and her husband plan to pay bills with their winning^ nnd bopc to retire some otd fa/ro dcbts.

Compiied from tuff and wire repom



, C2 1

On Wćdncsdoy, a comploint charging Harvcy with one coum of bank robbery was swom ib fcdcral coun bcforc U.S. Magiuratc Ronald M Boyoc.

Former Filer lawmaker found dead

By Drew DcSilvcr łoć Brud Bowlin

TiroevNcw\ wriicrs

TWIN FALLS - Former sute Rep. Lawrcnce O. Kniggc of filer ilied Tocsday niglil froin :r sclf-inflictcd gurishot wniind. the Twin FallS Couniy slicriffi Office reponed.

Knigge.~57r^%crvcd in the Idaho Legi siat ure from 1977 to I9K5.

His body was ftyund on a rcmotc brulgc south of Tyyjn Falku about 9:30 p.m. Tucsday by a couplc driving ihrnugh. the * ,ł>e dr;l and *nly

of a sliotgun wound to the hcad.

Kniggc had movcd back lo the Filer ar ca fruną Boise jusl a fcw days ago. Tilson said.

Kniggc’s sop, jCcrit. wlio livcs nonh cif Filer, said Wcdiic<Ujy that family members had no commcnt; In addition to'his son. Kniggc i\ *urvivcd by a daugliter.^who

Schools net smaller bite

attends sclibol in Washington stale.

Twin* Falls Couniy Dcpuiy Coroner * Gcnc Turley conlacicd fnmilyN^ members after Kniggcas budy waMidennficJ. and saki ihc dcatli c.irnc a\ a "lf»tal shock** tu tlH*llt. •

Family memltcrs last saw Kniggc

_    1‘ih‘mI.iy, TUmui vau1,

lnvcstigatori louńd aVolc in his ycluclc wiih a limc of 8:30 p.m. llowevcr. ihc ranibling notę rcvcalcd linie ahotil wliy Kniggc took his hfc

Kniggc. w!k> was known as a nunlcr.itc Rcpuhlican. was first dccurt lo lite Lcgislaturc in 1977. Friendyfuul former


■atumUjOcŁż r.

geulle.rpnrxicc.i1ti:i! hiin'in\T-gfcgjriuus. clfeclive lawmaker w ho liuiked out for Magie Vallcy interes! s.

"Ile rcally dbl a lot for Magie Vallcy^ sani Rep. Doug Jtnics. R*Filer.    *

* Jones, who was nppointed to fiłf Kniggc*s seat after hc rcsigncd in 1985.-recalleil tli.it Kniggc ascd his posili on on ihc budget .mtl agricullurc commitlecs to-look out f«*r ihc arca*s farmers and the College t»f SiHitltcm Idaho.

In 1983. Kniggc launełted a proposal lo e«»nvcrt the old tubcrculosis hospital in (incKling Into a minimum-sccurity priton, Tltc plan failctl for Luk of fundy

Hep. Jślcvc Anione. R»KupV?l. sauF Knigge-ihjsIkhI luinl lo get morę mofiey for Iduho*s public schools. college* nnd. uiMvcrsitiv.s. Ile and Rep. Tom Boyd. K-Gcnesecoled ihc 19K4 cfforl to clcct Antone speaker. .    •    •

“llc’d havc bcen a candidate for

Icadcrsijip iHniself." sawl fejnner Rep. Dean Haagcnsón of Cocur d*Akne. "If ii wercnl for Im ItcWlJłi problems. u amid havc lieeft Speaker Kniggc inslcad of Speaker Boyd.**

. Boyd. j!so'considcrcd a m«»dcrate. w As clceted speaker in 19X6.-• Turley said Wednesday chat Kent Kniggc lud (old liim his fallicr li;id bccn diagnmcil as ntanic-dcprcssivc in lite carly I9WK. The disorder affccted Knigpe's legislatisc performance and saildcncd his Iriemls. liaagcnson s»id.

"Ali I can say is. literę but for the giakc of God go F Ih: s;iid. "On his good days. L:iwrfn^i! Kmggcvw¥.i\ q super Icyisł.UMf

and a fun guy.”

In May 1983. Kniggc was arreslcd for drunken driving. Hc plcadcd guilty and served iwo duys in the Twin J-alls Oninty Jail. Dur mg the Lcgislaturc\ 1984 scsshhi.

Pleaso sgg KNIGGE/C2

The Associated Preis .

. and The Tsmes-News

^ BOISE — The Idolu* Ijuttcry ComntWon . tumed a chcckToY 5o raUlkMroyetto tbc-Idaho Department of (^ducation on Wednesday. bul ihc Magie Vallcy,s thrcc •-largcnt sehool distriets' shure-is ncorly— S20CIAX) less they g<»t last year.

Public schools nxcivcd 50 pereeni of tlić lottery'% 512 milliiMt profits for Ihc jusT-complclcd fiscal year. bul that's just 70

_perrem of ibc 58.1 rnillion divklcd by ldahn"s

113 school distneis tłse year belmc.

The first iwo ycars of operation of tł>c x lottery produccd dividcnd\ of 517.2 inillioo per year. Tlić Utest divi<fcnd is down aboia half. but Lotter-y Contmission ehalnnan James limcc and other lottery offaiak noH.nl tiul bceausc i»f an accuuntittg changc. H cmi Id lvHia»vcr only 10 numths of rcvenuc on


i-Wt/e sates wcrc sery ptd fi»r fiscal sear . I992.fwc wcrc only able /o transfer 10 montm wotth of div»dcnds this year." Bruce said. "Now thal the accóuntmg adjitMmcni is

•    compkte. we cxpc‘ct ncxjryear.*s full rnonth dividend will rebound to the Slb

, rnillion to SI7 million leirer*

Tbc Twjń Falk tfchool Disirict. tac Magu* —^VaIlcy^-:laxgciu_wilLgeUa-chccK.L9r. 5I72.9H7. down frdm 5247^77 for fiscal 1991 ..Cassin Couni/wilt get 5135.442 comparcd by SI93.504 last year. and tbc Minidnka Couniy cclmols will rcecivc 5134.157 ctunparcd with 5191.157 the year bcforc.    •

The payments to ihc other 18 school distneis in tbc Magie Vallcy aho dcenrasęd. ..

TIk lottery siartcd in ntid-July of 1989. Saks for tlie.btcst period uf just under a year w*cfc ctpofted at 552.1 milSon. up 1.3 pctccnt* from the year bcforc

Of Ihaf amount. about S2K milb«>n. i* 54 pcrccnt. was pjid to wmners. Tlić stale5law aulhori/ing the lottery rci|uires ul least 45 pcrccnt of the tafc to be pani out as pri/cv

Salcs from instant, scratch-off tickcK continued to generale the bułk of the mcotnc but fcll morę dun 53 rnillion fmm.lhc year bcforc, lp_$32.9 mltllon. But a ncw gamę.

_ break open inMont tkrkcts, .ntded SI.S.millum— in rcscnuc.

Tlić wcekly Fantastic 5 gamc genefated 53.9 million last year. but in the lalcsl 12-month period, incomc n*sc to 55.7 miliion* after the Idaho Listery went lo iwkc-wcckly drawings.

The multi-statc Super Lotto generated . 510.6 million one year ago and 59.6 million

*    this year bcforc the ncw IWrrhall ganię was

introduccd. That gamc generated SI.9 million in salcs.    t

Which way?


Tho (oot troll may go thot dlrcctlon, but a roblo hos a dltforont couto In mlnd whllo rostlng Iłs wlngs In Rock'Crcok Park.--'    •

• • •

^Abortion hurdlfes morę legistical than legał

Woman arrested for Utah robbery

The Ałiocutod Pm*

. SALT LAKĘ CITY — Agents from ihc FBI arrested a Twin Fatls woman who is suspccted in thrcc Utah bank Yobberies last wcck.

Tamara Jo Harvcy. 35. was arrested "Tucsdiy al the Continental Motel in downtown Sak Lakc City.

Agenta said *hc k suspccted in the robbery óf a branch of West One Bank Junc 26. Fint Fcdcral Bank and Capifot City Bunk tm Junc 30.

Acconling to a news rtlcase front the FBI, - o fcw hours after tbc tliird robbery. ofBccrssaw the 1978 Ford Falcon station wagon be!icved to be the robbcr*.s getaway car parked m fiont of the Continental Motel.

Harvcy was jpotted lcaving the ruom amJ gcuing Into the car. Her descoption matchcd the description wimesses gavc of llic bank robber. the stałe mcm said. After qucstioning Harycy about tltc incidcnts. she wms arrested and is bcing beki, ^imhrtalrtaktrCotmtpJailr

By Deborah Sullivon Tnitcs-NcWś wnicr

TWIN FALLS — MOnday s*U.S-Supremę Cinirt ruling wnn*t place any ncw restrkliitns «in alionuNts in Id.ilio. bul lur Idabii wuiiien wlui wam lo icnnmntc tbeir pregnaiHrics. disiancc and limę nuy lic the real ohMacks.

Tlić Pcnnsylv;mia law uphckl m part by the high courr requirev a 24-hour waifing period for wumen secking abortions. parem ul conscnt for minurs and informed consent. which mcans physkians nitist tell tlieir pauicnis about fctal dc«elupntenl atul-altcmativcs lo aboflion.

Idaho law. unenfureed umil now. contaim similar provisicnis. including a24-hour—couluie •WLipenod. parcntal notificaiion lor minoru and informed coctscni.

But llłosc nuy nut hc il*e Nggcsl b.irncrs to ab«in»on in ItLiho. wherc 1.390 women termiitatcd their.prcgnancics Sn 19W. the List year for which Malistics arc availabk. Another 720 Idnlioans leli the stale to obt.iin abortions

There wcrc 120 ahoriknis perfomted in the Magie Vallcy m 1990 — all in Minidoka Couniy — but 257 Magie Vallcy women undiKwcnl tbc priKcthire.

Mary Kelly. exccutivc director of

'If tho number of abortions continues to docline as I think they will as reasonablo restrfetions aro placod on abortion, then the impact of Roo vs. Wado boing ' oyerturncd will bo proportionally less as wc as a socioty como to depend on it loss.’

.    •    — Debbie Roperóf Right to Life of Idaho

Placmcd Fatcnthood in Btiisc. said there arc cifht tir nine jboriiun prociitioncr* in the statc. wtm uperate hi tmly f|vc. of Idaho'* 44 cotmtics.

Only one uf sontltcrn Idaho’* largcsi hospital*. St. Lukę'* Kcgimtal Mcdical (eiiier^in-Boise, -tur rent ly_ pro v.ide* abortion*. allhough scvcral other* havc polieics pcnmtiing them.

Ii’* w* elear why so fcw dtKiors perform aburrfun* in Idaho, and nght-to-life *nd aborliiHi-rights advtKMlcs offer differeni c*plaiia%iitHis.

ix-hbie Kuper uf Right to Life vf Idaho saicl lite fCJ*on i* a Mrung public NcnlinKiit

.iganist obortUNi.

"I think there «* bccn siurh tremendous puMic disfjvor with abortion Ihal fcwar pcoplc arc secking a bort kio in Idaho and Ccrlalnly there arc fcwer physicians

performing it.” słic *aid.

But-ot bers say intijmidatkm by right* to-hfc gnmpt is the rcul renson.

Dr. Glcnn Wcyrich. one ot lour itoisc dociors who perform abortions. said his Ikhjnc and Office havc bccn pteictcd. Kelly said Plaimcd Paremhood lus cłtuscn not to provide abortions at ils Boise orfice in ortkr to conccnłratc tm scx cducation and comraccptisc carc — and lo avoid retrihution by abortion łoc*.

Bceausc abortion LiciImes arc su lew and far bctwccn in the Intcrmountain West. women trjvcl from throughout ihc region

to thosc cJoaor* wbo perform them.----

Dr. Edward Boas a>f Rupert. the only Magie Vallcy physician who perform* ekctivc abortion*. said be*.* sccs wnnien

Ploaso 500 ABORTION/C2

Revenues rise, taxes tumbie for Buhl schools

By Batilia L Redfem

Tunc*-Ncwscorrcipundcnt . .    .    .    .....

BUHL —• Tlie Bulił Sch«H»l District will lic getting *omc morę pfoperiy%tux rcvenuc lit the cnming school year. but taxpaycrv will be paying lew .

. Th;it’*”bćeaBvc‘tlHrt>ondeTnrBiihl I liph'School wrrc paid off this year. mott than offsclling a 5.87 pereeni incrcase in property tax revcnuc for the diMficF* mnintcnancc and operations budget.

• The Buhl School Boąrd approved its 1992-1993 budget Tucsday nighi at a hcnritig ret|uircd under the *latc’s ncw Truih-in-Taxation law.

Tbc budget calls for 54.186.638 in revcitoe and cxpcnditurcs. down 540.901 frx>m the S4.227351 the districi >pcnl last year.

Superintendenf Genc Pyle* cxplaincd to board members tliat cmcrgcncy lcvy fund* and somc grants mighi mercase revcnue. but tlić district w*>n‘l know for surę until latcr of) in the school year. . • • #

Hc rca^J the "nplicc of tax incrcase" that llic district i* rcquired to publish under the term* of Ihc Truth-in"Taxalion law. and .*aid it was somc w hal mislcodmg.

While the noticC my* nn inercase of 5.87 pcrccnt will lakc place. Pyle* said tnat’s onlypun oFtlic pic turę bccau it applie* to iust maintenaheo and operation*..

And hc added that it only cxplains part of how property

uues arc affccted by the school district.

While the budget for the coming school year i* down 540.901 from la*l year. generał maintenancejind operations cxpcnditurc* luvc iiKreased. hc *aid. Last ycar^$706.298 went loword ruainicnanie and operations. whilc ncxt year $749.688 k budgeted.

Bura* a n?*ulrofxbrhlgh*cbool boml* bcing-paid offrKyle* said. property laxc* will aaually drop from .006238 for evcry $1.000 of taxable valuc last year to .00*451 per SI.(XX) ncxt year.    i

TIk notice to taxpaycrs also says that on incrcosc in property iaxcs collectcd for the school district does not necessarily incrcase dollar* availablc to the district. becausc statc funds • will dcerease in an cfforl to cqualirc the money availublc to nil school dislricts in the stale.

-y In other business, the board:

Increascd ort fees at Ihc high school from SH to 510 for introductory an'and advanced an and from SIO to SI5 for carter art elasse*. Thesc fcex covcr a complctc year, or iwo semestent.

• Approved purthase of a public addres* system for the mullFpUrpose'room ar the etementary school. Cosi will be 52,794.32, including taxes.

Hired .i now-h,gh school counsclor. .Walt.Baucum, and_a_

director of spcoial cduc^lion. speciol programs and cuniculum devclopmcni. Blake Walsh


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