
Keęp fireworks off Fórest Ser vice Iaind

..TWIN I A1.1-.S - Fi rc works aml — natiorinl TorcM* don*! rm.\. In luti. wiih a hu|;c inf1ux of vi\iuirh cxpccicil ln mv;ulc nil pnris ni' thc Snwiooili National porcji ihł* holiday weekend. ihc piihlic i?* rcmindcd thutcvcn posscssion of fircworkson ItHiM Scrvicc prupcfty J* illcgal.

Ali fireworks fon ml will bc-confiseaicil. Thmć tising fircwolks-or caught w Uh iIkiii arc suhjecl lo a • $500 Hue aml can lv licld lubić for Mlpprcssion co\|\ mul damages rcsulting from a lirę causal l») iljcgal usc uf liMewurks iii lik* forcsi.

l.nke is open for tltc•Mimmer. Srnnkcy Henr ;unl Norlh Shorc cattipcroiiruU rcmam opon cłm icavon*wiił! no walor ’.iC.n!TT»r?'YiT

--W|K- rrr^M ramf.ills,

recrcaiiomsts atc .iskcdto si.iy\ifl^iV£xallccn:dr__

all wcl and innddv roods lo prcvcnl    _    , .    , .

4I f.    ,    •    1    .The rond and parking loi inlo

* *    .    # Alturas Kniei day usc bcach nrca is

Ali Twin l-allN tlisirkt hmJn jcc ***** lo a" use u,’"i1 twllur m4ivc. open including (lic Monumctn IVak ^ isiiors may jurk onisulc iho RnaU i.. lloMciur l ircwoóil i>    '•'"«?    ,hc

avaUiiWcin picfcllctl milKTil Gii*i'-o“*v',v''

Sprin^s ncar Telcphonc Canyon ' ,n|cl c.imp,Ti>uml will bc cl«w«l rwad: C»IUm Ui.lpc. aml SccomJ aof ju)>..\Vaici is ńv;,il;.hle at ,    ™ Ktkk < rock.    . - -Omiei pienie arcas A arki H and w dl

Oiinpjuoutid Iccs are $3 ai upj>cf Pcnstcmoti and Pcllil. Waler i\ asailahlc. Group camping arcas al Lower IVfisiemiH» .ind Bear Guleh are on a firM-eoinc. first.%crvcd busiu or mas hc tcsctscJ m advaiK'e

renuin tu/ncd on ihrotigh Labor Day.

Winie ilio Sawiooih National Rccrcafion area has many caropgroundv avai|;ih1c on a fif*l-. ...    . come. OrM-scncd b.itis, scvcn*5UC5

hy eoniaetnig ihe Iwm 1-alU chsinei - „>ay jH. rcservcd in advanco hy officc at 737-3-CHI.    callitij; I SOO-2K3-2267.

The Hurley .l.sirui repoMs all Thc Ahcc Ljkc Tf4jj No. 95 trails and    —>V|lh-0—upTcanyon—

;irc inuddy are ' is.iors are asked lo xWiktlh..eks. Iliker- ean iravcr>c thc . pr«veed willi eaulHHi.    ;irca ^„1 horses ean oouTIk: Queens

li.lomul.onal can.ppfou.ul l.oMs Ri'cr ,rji[ »' clearcd aboui four are Mal.oned at nuumuariner and    rir'J ^0's.nf. Heli

Bowiis. l ec mic' w .il. u au r Roąnnjr K cleared of ik»wn i.mber 3sailaMc^Sfi^nd^l<iTsct^ighi^t-un^^utJUuaą\iLcjl^ojlij»jtfliaL-Bnom^arinci. \5 al Howus alki twards Imo^ene Lakę.

per niglil al Canyon.    • -

Porysi liiad No. 227,-bclwęen llauniyailnoi and Hig Snu»kv. has hecn rco xik*0 lolhmUiy rcnnwal of a muih V.

All Kcieliiiitt DnUia cainpirmumls .110 opon wolt walor avml.ihlc al Gar l icld. Sawmill. Fcdoral 4«nl llmiiklary.

Fo.\ Creok lamp Tiałls No. 149 has a i|uaner-nulc scelion ilut has hecn rofiHiksI Nortli l ink Trud N<*. 145 has a shoii rerouted seelion. Bald Nh hi lila hi Trail is opon. The drinkiny finirUain is now .opcn al ! rek—    «

A weekend ol reorealion and irailrides lor ihc ahle-hmlied and handieapped is schedulc July 17-19 -4KUiluvKs*iclunu.Hantfc(Diai«u.-

*. Down timlvi is.rcpurieil.bei^con_ Bip Mcadows and lilk Lakc. TraiT-No. 101 front Kcdfish L-ike Inki u* Mat Kock Juiklńm is ckarcił of rtkk slahs. However.‘ mudslidcs are n*|k»ned in ihc area.

f:\cnmp cainplirc proprams are provśdcd al <hc ouidoor nmphilhciUcr al KcdhOi Lakc vis»ior center. Daytinie naturo walks and juiiKttr. ranjfer acii\itics are spiinsored ihrouphoui ihc w cek. Times and acmilics rnay he uhlaiikul hy eallmg 2DN*774.J5.V>.

Programs aro conduclod ai iho-Saiurday. Thls wcek’s


prescnlaliou i< "Idaho, ihc Carly d.iv\." . . -    — - -

Self-impose limits onnongame animals

tluiilcrs iiklay arc loi tffe mosl pan convcrv.il »oni*lS. Tlut.is lo vty we belicvc m Ihc wisc usc o( n.iiural rcsotirccs such a% gamc animals ihrotigh wildlifc

Ilunlcrs _undcrsiand ihal utilimiicd hunling of a panku lar spccics could lea\c lik* fićlds or •Vrcsis cmpiy. To prcs*ciit sueh a disaster. limits aa* sof.    arc,

cslublishcd. high and Iow populatioii arcas aro rcgulalod. all ^•io'promn:c*mr>nrrticctivc-wildhfc— na napo mcm,--------- ------ —

tiunajremcm pro^rnnis willi :m assist ifoin nnld Vintcr\— has hrouplu nur big palik' JkrnK up Kt record numhors. Sonic wildlifc docs noi cnjoy iho proleclion of such managenteitt guidclincs.

—    Clitssilied as.pesls. prcdalors. or non-gamc animals ihcsc gronps are noi officially managcil hv ihe Depanmonr oi i:isJi and Gunie. Vii many of ihcsc animals c<Hne under

• hcavy Imnling prcssurc.

The most Imnled i no In de Ihc coyotc. ihc Cidumlnan \quirrel. ihc jackrabhit. and ll»e mosl prtpular. lite rockchuck I ani noi .nlvoculing ihal ihc Dcpanmeni lakc-os^cr-managcrticni ol Ihis wildlifc. Bul as hunters we musi rcali/c ilut thc liuntmg prcssurc Ihal ihesc species

-    cayi boar isitot wiihoul limits._

So pcrFiaps ihc soluliof) 10 mak mg surc ihal fherc are always going io be snmc rockchucks for a spring huni is for hunters 10 prąci ice somc sclf-imposcd managemeni-wise usc of ihesc

—nomgamc rc^ources.

I su^pect ili.n many huniers are * alrcady doing lllis. If you are -"łwiiuing.rockchucks »l_only ińakcs sciisc not lo sIhh*i oul a rikk pile if

•    •    DAV© HOCXLA^tXFVTh*

TfioYockchuck Is ono ol mony onlmsls thot doos not onjoy protoctlon of monogomont guldollnos, yot comos under heavy huntlng prossuro.

you cxpcci rockeltucks 10 be ihcrc ihc following ycar. Ii is a basie unwhttcn rulc of non-gamc nunagcmcni.

(As a solutiori 10 a dcprcdalion problem coniptctc climinalion of chucks in o ccrtuin locłlion-tnay bc* iKcdcd.)

Tłicre are oihcr prucnccs whiclr will help con\crvc non-gamc wildlifc. Limińng thc nuinbcr of lidics^ińrmjnra punicular spccics-cach ycar.

I usually make it up 10 thc fctoihills 10 huni ground squirrcls about once a ycar. I always fmd squirrels and ii is one of my łaźnio lnm(s of dtp ycar.

inenrase ihe challenge of tł>c huni.

Handicap yoursclf hy allcmpiing longcr morc difficuli shois. A hunting partner oncc madc a pcrfcct sbot on a cltuck al kast 400 yards a way.

—Thot oflC slK)l madc his huni amJ hc did noi carc if lic madc anmhcr shot Ihe rtsi of thc day.

If ihc populalions are down in somc spois don’1 huni iłicrc as oficn and if ihc gcncral popolaiion-is Iow ii is limę’ lo icavc thc coyotcs alonc for one season.

With lite rockchuck. hcavy hunting beforc thc pups arc aMc 10 survivc on Ihcir own can drasitcally redute pnpulations and rigni on ilic c.irly

I knew of a fellow who captured rockchucks and moved ihcm lo his propcriy and providcd habitat improvcmcnt so ihcy would do wcIl.

The prcssurc on iltcsc non«gamc spccics is oniy going to incrcasc as-^jT ilic number of hunters incrcascs. Thcre are morc groups of out-of-siaic chuck and squirrcl hunters who are commg lierc 10 huni.

V ll-i* casy 10 tell oursclvcs ihul wc mighi as well slioot all ihc varmints wc can bccausc ihc ncxt guy lo como along will do il if wc don‘l. Bul if wc all pradicc somc common sensc wiih wildlifc managemeni thene will always bc a Tiuhi.

Sclf impuscd liniiis is good carryovcr. Go

managemeni. li is noi illegal lo spring liuming.    -- "

lakc 50-100 riKkchucks a day. bul How far you wanl lo go in non- £>.mc/ //oek/.toder is .1 leachcrut it may be wi>c 10 llmłl ihe i.ikc and -parne managemenua up to>©u._._Gwdrng.Afig/iJScbop/. ^

Scientists: Sturgeon may be doomed in Kootenai

LIBII Y. Mmii (Al1) - While sturgeon. ilic* JK|Xi/iiikiu of Fisli. Wildlifc and Farks in Kalispcll.

prehistorie giam fish living m thc Koołcnai Rivcr ol Montana and norihcm Idaho, arc doomed 10 csimelicMi if peoplc tU*iT clungcjbc way lhcy um: l.ibby Dam. scienfisis wam, V*

They \ay changiiig walor flow pailcrns Itase dtsrupicd ihc iHtnnul lulnts of thc sturgc**i acul lew if any young sturgeon arc being Itorh.

ulaaUł l *    łiAi .HU’ JI .S.

Tllcy-rc jusi gclling older. Tlicrc arc no ocw oucs eoming in.** he said. -We*vc gol a linie bil ol nmc umil lhosc fish dic. bul il is not a good situufton ”

Slurgcnti evtt|vcd 2CXI milhon >var% ago.

Tik- Kootenai Rivcr strain is geiKlicully dislinct and has hesan isolatcd for I0.IKK) years. said Kim

Jsau; „LJaTi ki iii hJnalauiU .Lir liu*-hlj!ui ilfjuaaL^aAnalU nifU

pntcess ihis spring uniil Ilic coqv\ cul wrater flow. hc said.

Pcrhaps .8X0 siurgeon survivc in Brilish Columbia and Idalto siretcbcs of ihc Kootenai. and jusi a lundful reinain in Montana. Appcrson said. The fish can !ivc a ccntury. and in thc Kootenai. lhcy liavc rcached Icngths óf 10 feel.

\tong thc Cttlumlua Rivcr. resersoirs havc bccn ^Llmw.ia fliiJuouaŁ

l isli and Wildlifc Sen icc reecnily.lo ikcbrc ihc Dcpaiimeiu of Fish and Gamę.

KiHitcn.ii River siurgeon anendaoęered spccics.    "Tliis popululion is ctid;mgefcd.M she said “Ifs

Inslead <»f unmedt-tkTy .ukling.ihe fish to Ihc lisi,. g*>iłig down ihc luhcs if wc dęKiYdo sonielhmg lo hiolo^isK, hyflhdo)»isi\ ;md oiKts arc mectittg 10 get S4iinc rcgcncraiion in ilic rivef.”

Guidcil lours ol ihc Sawioolli hoild a recovcry plan lliai will salisfy ilic Icdcral

“T“^r,łl*    wagoii luks.musie - Anatlromous-pish Halchcry arr -wikllifcaccncy-.-*----

aiid ca mes arc planncu al Covc yVatLiblć daily al 10:30 a.m. aml The siurgeon !iavc Crcck. Ift nnlcs soulheast ol |.(io and 3 n.m. The hatchery is Kootenai Riverdowiisirc;

___________ p.m. 1 lic hatchery

KcfclHim.    lucalcd s»x inilcs eouth of Stanley on

The Smokcy Ikar ramp al Alturas High way 75.

not rcpmduccd in' tlić mi from l.ihhy Dum sincc lite strucrurc was huill in Ihc carly I971K. sjid Brian Marńu, fisheries biologisi lor thc Montana

Dau* BiHjnef of bomtUTrryrCnumyrtdatmrnTt' -Idaho (\msecaalujrv Lcaguc board mciubcr. says oihcr fish arc fiuning in che rivcr as well. The league is frustraicd. lic said. ul ihc Corps of Fngmecrs lailure lo reaci to their eoncems.

Siurgeon sec mcii 10 bc starling ilic spawniitg



sulmon io ihe ocean. Siurgeon donT trascl 10 ihc ocean, bul Maroir. and Appersun say rivcr flow is probaWy lite crńical factor m saving Ihc sturgeon.

Siurgeon nced ilic rush of spring runoff 10 Mimubtercp.iwmngand-pTm-nk-spawning-hobiiai. LkMogisb siy. Thc.dam cndć»l.ihal June rucłi. imd lite spawiiing. In 1989. waicr rclcascd from ihe dani closcly matched naiural condilions. and Idaho scicmisis found fcrtili/ed siurgeon cggs bul no yimng fish.

Contioucd from Dl rcstriciions .nul survival of juvcmle fish dnnng iltcic ntigndion lo ihe sca.

The ihird-phasc emphasis. scltcduled for ciinipIclitHi in August, is on slcps ht imjmwc fisfi hahn.it and production. It also provitk*s rchutlding largeis for weak salnkin suteks and ćoordinalcd moniioring and cvaluaii<tn of progress:

Bul Kehollawk sjid ihc couikiTs goa! of rthuilding Ihc spring ehinook rgn lo an avcugc of 40.(XX) fish und

ihc iumn]cr ruii-tu.abouL-L5.01<LbX

2024 is far loo eoiiscrsaiiec.

"Snake Rivcr sioeks ik*vcr hecome

Ulalio lt> suhsi.miully incTcasiitg K»lh

lite ralc of rccotcry and ihc nltiiualc recoyery urgei. %

• Al lo w* li mc fur a fuli region.il rcvkw of Uk* arulysis uscil lo dcselop ihe draft changcs lo Ihc fish and wildlifc program ;ind for compkiion of a signifiejni ncw model hy fisheries agcncics and InJian inhe.

Conscrvaiion groups. mcanwhilc. calkd oncc agam lor ihc couneil lo

drawmg down lower Snake Rivcr d.uns hy 1995. "unJess dra wdowns arc shown 10 hc ceonomieally or Mriieturallyniifeasihlc. hiofoglcall)' imprudenc or inconsisicni with Ihc Northwest Power Acl."

The allcrnatisc baekcd hy Gov. Cccii Andrus aml iKhers as lite mosl cosl-vffeelivc availahlc alsit ealls for uiodifying Columlti.i .md Siukc hver hydroclcciric dams m miprovc safc

abandon ils emphasis on using Idaho fish passage. li opptłscs provision\ in waicr. ineluding purehases of sictred thc ectunciTs profniscd anicndincnt irrigalion Waler and rclcasęs from rccogm/tng eoniinued harging ol UworsltałTR cscrToirTltt 1    ca Inmn-arcnmd-d am T-b)ri hc • U. S.

flow* down Snake and Columbia Army Corps of Fnginccrs as part of

inily prodiitlisc umfer (bis visiiin of, risers for lmpowed ndihiigrnuon. anovcr.dl stmegy

Conlinuod from D1

for a fighi. .

Oddly cnough. spiny rays ean also hc xdccnvc. coy and mnddcnmg.

It pays 10 cltangc colors in flics. plugs. spinrtcrs. poppers or piastic' uomiv

Hass fishermen of strong repulc swiire for ycar> ihal luss "Icamcd” a solne. Tlk-rc is now somc ścieni i fic lusiiliealion fi>r th.il belief.

Tbcrc also arc a hundred bass lurc companks based chi tltai premisc. A good bass fishermen** bo* of goodics is one of thc wonders of lislnng tcdmotogyT

Thcre will bc a crowd at

li will rival ihe soflball luuniamenl for peoplc in iown.

tiul all in all. il is .1 sociablc group. wide-eyed prcdalor* all. looking fot somc of ihat wondcrful ihing calkd fisliing in waieirs fuli o*l promisc. ntemories and morc ihan jusl a fcw spiny ray fish.

Wjrrcn Schoth operates a fly fiyhing business in Wendett.


Quality Mattresses

from Uumwikl.

Simmons Bcotityresr




Mit IUlWiH-1


ihe fulurc.** hc >aid.:“The.cmincil would surrender cvcn a lung ierm goal of fully repaying ihe hydropower system'* delH 10 ihc fish.'9

Echoll.iwk said Ihe dramalic incrcasc in salntnn reluming 10 Idaho during good sireamflow years «>f ihc mid-198l)s indicates a sirttngcr. quickcr rccovcry is possiblc if conditions arc improsed enough.

.Hc called lor ihe council to lakc iwo slcps lo imprnvc its proposed omcnditKni:

• Make a commilmeni 10 return producli^ fislublc salinon runs 10

Mmc ad. lhcy said che four-stale "Wc kndw Itypassiitg and harging Hagcnnan this wcek

. _ _ i ...i.a    . a. *1... * n .!.*«•* *A f *1 • 11 •    V    ■»* * cfinl nK.i (k/1    "    _

pancf shuuld coimmTTd tlić "Idalto Plan** of drawing down rcscrvoirC hchind four lower Snake Rivcr rcscrvoirs cach spring lo help speed smolis ihrough slackwaier pools crealcd hy il.mts.

of chinhok' Miio1is’has coniriburcd signiftcamly loward llicir dcclinc.’* lite Idaho Slcelheail Salmon Unliimicd Maicincni said. "Thcreforc fish-fricndly in-riycr passage conditions musi bc providcd for downstream

The coiincil*\ nlan mcludcs* migrating juscnilc salmon.'


i mitrSHiJests \

B Cniw^Junior - Adult Sizes \

mtaWtL £

$38“ - SB9“ x “

oice $29“ - $49“ B


Reg. $225°°!


C«lf luiuipmCAl & Sopp(in M*mu(naurivg O Rr/KiTr

414MAIN AVL K,T>nN fi


■    \ 41M W1 «ve. w. I-

t Hunt's ^Hunting J Supplies

n & Gunsss;


HOT ..


•    7*21 ]M0N Biwocuuars

Ric7'89n NOW ’69**‘-

•Tasco 18x36xS0 Zoom Sronwc Scoct Rtc. »189M NOWn29

•Savace 110 Rtfit with 3x9 sco«. w^cs, moonts &r


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•    30 CAL MACNU&1 (0*

MOH ACCtTAn, LtSi K<r,



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New Mower Season...

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•RCrrO STOP~ (atops blade with engjen runnlng)



Ih opUcrud kila

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404 4lh Avc. W. .• 733-0990

•Comncrtn lo mulch or bag — with opUonoi kita -•II HP OHV Honda Engine •30* High Vacuum Cuttlng Deck

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I2& $4600


•hown trtlh optiooA) cutling deck



m Washington St. W. - Tfln Falto ♦ 734^147

. ^ -



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