
_ 0,2    Twin Fais. Idaho Thu-sdjy JjN 2. 1592

Keep fireworks off ForestSer yiceland

TWIN FAliliS*-’l;irc^o(k^ avul nationu) fnrcsk ikuTt mix. In fact.

'.wiih a hugc'influx uf visittir* cxpccfcd-to infule nil pam nl tbc-*

Sawtooth NjCuin.il    thi*

holiduy weekend, ihc puhlic i\ rem nuleil th.it cven posscssion.of fireworks on FnreM Sersie property i* illeg.il.

Ali firewojk* found wilf bc confkcaicd. Tlutw ming lireworks or caught wiih tlicio arc Mibjeci u* a $500 finc and eon lv Hcld I iah!c lor

..    C"V'V ----1^--LaU-iK-o,*,. for-llic-tuiiiiucf.-

resumng front a nic causcd ny ..    .    J . .. , v,    CK

• ~illepal u%c «»l tnicworks iii lite fołc\l. Sn,ł*c7 Bc|jr mi1 No,"* *h",c >    •    eaittpgrouiuis.rcmaiii open this

• Wit li' rei rui*--rainlulU,. .wjumi wilh.im.)vjlcuvaibMi:-i>L.

rccrcatiuni*!* aieuskcd io %iav uff fcc% collcctcd.

all wet and imukh .in.uN to prc\cn7 ciamagc.

Ali Twin Falk discrict roads arc open including tlie Momnncni IV.»k Road to lloslcilęr. Fifcwood k ayąilahlc in ptclelled unit* at CroiiM?

Tlić roat! and parking lot inio Altura* Inlcl day u%c bc:ich area i% dosed tó Ali iivc umil turtlier noticr. Vi\iior% nyiy park musicie tlic consiruciion /«mk and u alk Io tlić heach

■mi •• ima

Self-impose limits on nongame animals

—rttnmtfTS -md.-ry-arr-lm-thc-motr-— part consenraiionbls. Tliit is tu yay .

we believ«-4«Mhc wixc u.sc of • natural resmiftes Mich as gamę animals through wildlifc mail agcntcnl.




Sprfngs near Iclcphone Lanymi road; Coltem Kulgc. and Sccond Fork ofRinrk Greek

VaCampgiiHind fcc\ arr $3 al upper cnsiemon and Pcttit. Waler t* availahlc. Group camping afcas al Lowcr PenMenton and Bear Guleh arc on a lirst-comc. l*ifM-%crvetl «tasis or may lv jc.seiml in adv;iitcc by contucting tlić Tu in Falls disinct offi^c al 737.3200.

The KtnTOy district report* all . traik and campgrotiiids open Ko.uk ;ire nuukly are v imi or\ are askcdTu pmcccd willi caumm.

lnlornialion.il c.unpgrouiul bosts are sialiimcd at Baunig,irincr and Bowik. Fec sites wilh water

B1umg.1rir.Of. $5 at Uown.s and $3 per nigltt al Canyoct.

Fore.si.road No. 227. helweci! Baunjg.irthcr and Big Smoky. Has ho en reox*ned InUtming fcmov;d uf a niud* V.

Ali Keielimn District carnpgfmtink are open willi w.itcr aeailabfc at Garficld. Sawmill. Federal and Honndary.

Fox Ci cek lamp TraiK No. 149 has a i|uanct - mile scciion iliai lus-becn icfouiciL Nottb J ork—TraiJ No. J-yt.lijf\ a sboit-ferouied scction. Ba Id Mountaiil Irail iv open. I lic dranking louittain i> now open at Louis Stur Menu mai.

A weekend uf u-crc.iuon .ind inilHdo foc ihc ahwtodicd and handiiMn|vd is seltcdnlc July 17-19;^ on the Kcicbtim Kaugcr Distrat

Intel campground will be closcil all uf July. Waler is available at OutUi pienie arras A and II and wid rcinain lurncd on through l.abor Oay.

wTill^ the SawioolKt National Kecreation area Itas many campgrouitds availab1e 011 a first-come. Iirst-servcd hast*. scven sites may be rc%crvcd in advancc by eainng.l-KOU-2K3.2267.

The Alice Lakę Trail No. 95 is blockcd. al ihc up^caiiyon su uchKicks. Hikers can iravcrsc tbc area but hortc* can ih>«. T>ic Quccns ’River trail is cle a red abbut four miles to ihc fir^t Crossing. Ilcll Koaring is clcarcd of down liinbcr and work has becn eompletcd tow :uds’lnK»gcne l~iRc.

IJjpvn titnber ts.rcnoned bet w cen Big Mcadows .md lilk L-.ike. Trail No. 101 front Kiylfislt J.akc lnice to Fiat Rock Junt tum is clcarcd of rock slabs. Howccer. ipudslides are reporied iti the area.    • •

• £vcning eanipfirc piogfams are provided at Ihc outdoor ampltitlicatcr at Redfidi I^ikc visin>r center. Oaytitnc naturo walks and junior rattger aelivities are sponsored throughout the w cek. Times *and acticities may hc obtaincd by cal ling 20K 774-3536.

Programs are conducletl at the .WuudlKiyeŁcaiiipground aliLp.m^ on ■ Saturday:---This    weck*s

prcseniaiion ‘    *


• Hunter* undcistand tlut “nliimled hunting of> pnrticular spceics eould lca\c the liclds or •eresls empty. To prcvcitt sutlt a disjster. timi&s are Hi. scasotis ar^ established. high and Iow populalii<tt areas are rcgulalcd. all u* promolc nunc cflectiw wildlifc ’ iii.inagcmcnt.

rhcTgnrangi,nii,iii pmgT.ww*’ with .111 assisi Irom mild wmters has brnught mirhig ganx* ItercK up to reeord nuntbers. S4»nie wihllife docs not cnjoy the prmectiou of sucłi manageiiicnt guidelines.

_ Classified as pcsis. prcdalors. or lUHi-game aitiihals’lhCW‘gmuprarr" not offieially managed by the lX'pann|em of Insh and Gamę. Yct many of thcsc animals comc under hcavy humingpressurc.

The most huntctl includc the eoyote. tlić Columbian s^uirrd. the jackrabhit. aml the most popular, lite rockchuck. I am not tuhocafing that Ihc Department take ovcr management of this wildlifc. But asjmntcrs wc niust rcali/e tltal the hunting pressure tltal tltesc species can bearis not withoui limits.

— So pcrhaps.ahc.solution to making surę that literę are always gomg to be sonie rockchucks for a spring hunt is for hunters to praelice soinc sclf-imposed mattagemciif-wise usc of thcsc* non-gantc a'M>urces.

Tho rockchuck-łs-on©Df mony animals thot doos not onjoy proloctlon of monagomont guldollnos, yct comos undor hoovy. hunting pressuro.

I suspect iliai inan> bimters arcT alrcady doing this. If you are hunting rockchucks il i#ily m.ikes sensc not jo sIhku out a rock pile if

you cxpcct rockchucks to l>c thcrc the following ycar. li is a basie unwriltcn rule of non-gamc manngement.

(As a solution to a .depredation problem complctc climinalion of chocks in a ccrtain location may be nceded.)    ‘

Thcrc arc othcr-pmcticcs which will help conscrvc non-gamc wihllife. Limiting the number of .limes you hunt a particular species cach ycar.

-l-UMially-moke il up io% the-* footltills to hunt ground squiVrels about onee a ycar. I always find squirrels and it is one of my faeorile łmnls of Ihc >\'ar.

—Sclf imposcd‘limttx*is-good— nianagcment. It is not illcg.il to take 50*100 rockchucks a day. but il may be wisc to limit the take and

inertase the challenge of the hunt.

Handicap yoursclf by attempiing longcr morę difficull shots. A hunting partner pnee madc a pcrfcct shm on a chuck at least 400 yards away.

That one shot madc his lium and hc did not carcSf hc madc anótbcr shot ihc rest of the day.    - . -

If the populaiions arc down in* somc spots do’n'1 hunt thcrc as oficn ndtflhe generdnopubtion is Iow ii is timc to ićavc the coyoccs alonc for one season.

With the rockchugk. hcavy hunting beforc the pops arc ablc to survivc on their own can drastically rcducc populations and carryovcrrGo-1ight on• 1 Iw-carly-sprmg hunting.

How far you want to go in non-gamc nianagcment. is up to you.

f knew of a fcflow who cjpiurtd rockchucks and movcd them to his property and providcd habitat tmprovcmcnt so.thcy would do well.

Tbc pressure on thcsc non-gamc species is ocily going to inerease as the number of hunters incręases. Tbćrc arc morc-groups of out-of-statc chuck and squirrcl hunters who urc commg lierc to hunt.

It is casy 10 tell ourNckes that wc might as well slioól aH the” varmints we*carrbccau«c’thc ncxt guy to comc along will do it if we don’t. Bul if wc all practicc somc common sense with wildlifc managccncnt thcrc will always bc a hunt.----—_________

Djvid Hockhndcr is a tcjchcr ji Coodinf High Schooi

Scientists: Sturgeon may be doomed in Kootenai

Tdalto. tlić carly

LIBBY#Mont. tAl*l - Whitc sturgeon. the prehistorie giant ftsh lśving m the Kootenai Rivcr of Montana and itonhcrn Idaho, are doomed Io cstinction il pcoplc don*t elwinge tlie way they itsc Llhh>' Dam. sąrictiiisis wam.

They say ehangmg water flow palicms hasc disrupced tlie norm.il tiahils of iIk* sturgciHi and fcw il aoy young'sturgeon are hcing bom.

The hbho C*ooservation l.ejgue .isked ik ILS. Kish .uhI Wildlifc Xęrviee ftcentl? to iieclare tlie KoiKcruV.m cmkingcitil ftarctcrr-T Instcad of immcdi.itcly .Kkling the llsli to iIh: list.

IX*p.irtmcii( of Fish. Wildlifc ai>J P.irks in Kalispcll.

‘Thcy’rc just getting oldcr.*Thcrc are no new nnes Corning in." hc sail. ,‘Wc'ye got a littlc hit of timc until lhose fislt dic. but it is nut a goud

Mtu.it iorr'*

Sturgeon cvolved 200 million years ago.

The Kootenai River strain is genetically distinct aikl has heco isolatcd for K0.(MM> years. said Kim Appersoti. fish rescarch hiologist for ilu: Idaho "Department of Fish and G.in>e

itu* kaul llN.

pwKcss this spring imtd tbc corps cut water How. bc said.

Pcrhaps KKO sturgeon survivc in British Cohimbia and Idaho stretclics of lite Kootenai. and just a handful rćmain in Montana. Appcrson said. Tlie fish can live a cccuury. and in the Kootenai. they havc reachcd lengths of 10 fect.

Along tlić Columbia Rivcr. rcservoir\ bavc becn dr.mn down in .ittcmpts to team how to Bush young salriicHftó”Uic*oceanr Sturgeon donTtrascI to the OLL-iLii. hm Maioiz antl Apf»cfNt»n.v»v.nvcr finw i%

Trail rkles .hk! wagon rnlcs. muvk* apil^-gaitlFś are pTauned‘.irCovc' Crccr: r6"hnisiv"sinnbw^cr-nr KetcUuin.

Tlie Smokey Ikar ramp at Alturas


gomg ckłwn ihc lubcs if wc don'l do Mimething co biologisls. hydrologists and ot bers arc mecting to get somc icgencr.ition in tbc r»vcr.~

Gutdcd tuufs-of-llae -Saw-tmilh— bui|d^ reeovery.piąnuiui^\alLsjtufy^he_kdc/aJ_1-Dasc-iiodncr^of JJumidars^Cminty. Idaho, au

wildlifc aceocy. *    Itbfin C«m\cnrilMNl League ln»ard member. says

Tlie sturgeon havc not rcproduccd iii‘tlie “ i»tlk*r fk!Tdrc*huning’in‘tbc rtvcr as wdlrThc KiKitcn.11 Riscr dowiiMrcoiii fro«tVribli^Djni sińce league is fru^iraTCdrhe^tdrTrrthc Corps of lite stmeture was built in tlić early 1970%. s.ud Bn.m Engincers failure co react to tlicir conccms.

Marni/, fisheries hiologist for Ihc Montana Sturgeon sceincd to be starting the spawning

Anadromous Fish Ilaichery arc .iv jilabte tlaily at lUiJfTa.m. and

1:30 and 3 p.m. Ihc hatchery is locatcd sis miles MHith of Stanley on llighway 75. .


prohably lite cntical factor in saving ihc sturgeon.

Sturgeon need the rush of spring runóff to slimubtc spawning and providc spawning habitat.

biologiMs viy. The dum ended ihat Juoc rush. and the spawning. In I9K9. water itkancd frotn ihc dam closcly matchcd natural conditions. and Idaho scientists found fcrtilizcd sturgeon eggs but no young fish.


Continued from.01

rcstrictions .md \uixival of juvchi1c fish during their mcgratioii to tlić sea The ' thifd-phnse cmpliusis. M.hcduleil for mtupletKni in August, js on steps 10 imprmc fish habitat ond proiiuctiiKi. It also pros kIcs retniikJuig targets for wcak suitnon \t«xks and ćoordin.itcd monitoring and evjluation uf progicss.

But Eclmllawie said Ihc counciFs goal of rchuikling the springchimmk run to an ascruge of 40.000 fish and ihc suinmcr run |o aNnit 15.000 hy 2024 i s far n 10 eon sers at i vc. # * •'Snake River stos ks nes er Iw orne truły productivc under Ihh visioif^ che luturo. n\TsjTd. **Thc cnuncll would surrender cven a-long-tcrm-goul of fully rcpaying the hytlmpowcr systcm’s ilcbt n» the fish.”

EchoHawk said the dramatie inerease in salmon retuming to Idaho during goud streanifiow years of the mid-!9K0s indicates a stronger. quickcr rccovcry is possible if conditions arc iitipciwcd cmmgh.

He callcd tur tlie cmmcil to take* two steps to improvc iłs proposcd amendment:    Tu

• Make.a comniitnicnl to return produciivc. fishlihlc salmon run> to

liJahu by suhslantially ineieasing both Ihc ratę of rccovery and the ultirn.ik* reemery cargcl.

• A Ilu w timc for a fuli rcgioiial rei icw of the tinalysis uv.nl tu desclnp Hic draft ehangęs 10 the fish and witdhfe program and for eomplction of%a significjni new model hy fislwrics agciKtcs and ItsJi.in tribc.

Cooservation gremps. mcanwhtlc% c.dlcd oncc again for ihc council Io alundon i«s cmpKisis imi itsśng Idaho water. incloding purchascs of stored irrigalion water and rclcascs front Dworshak Rescrvoir. to inerease flow-s down Snake.and Columbia nvcrs for improvvd fish migration.

Instcad. they-stiid thv fonr-statc panel shoutd coumni to łhc *'Idaho Plan" of drawing down rcscrvoirs hchind four lowcr Snake Rivcr rcvcrvoirs e.ish spring to ltclp speed smolts through slackwatcr pools creatcd hy dams.

The councir.% plan mcludcs

drawing down lowcr Snake Riv‘er dams hy 1995. “unlcss drawilowus arc slmwn (o. bc ceonomically or structurally infeasiblCTlłTrTlogically imprudent or meonsiMifnt With tlie Nunhwcs^Power Act."

The alfcrnaiivc backcd by Gov. Cccii Andnis and ochcrs as the most cośl-cffcctivc availab)e also ealls for mixlifying Columbia .mil Snake riscr hydrocIcctrK' dams to improvji.safe fish pasx3gc. If oppcrtrr-pnwismnT uv the couneiTs pruposed amendment rccogm/ing continued barging ul salmon arouitd dants by lite U.S. Army Corps of Engincers as port of. u\) nscr.ill Mr.iUvv

. _.7\Yc kńow bypassing .md# barging of chinook smulis.ha.s contributed. significantly luward their detlinc." it»c Idaho Stccllftcad A: Salmon Unlimitcd staHriiiciiI said. "Thcrcforc fish-fricndly .in rivcr pjssage conditions musi bc proviiled for downsiream mierating juvenilc salmon."

Continued from 01

for a fight.

Oddly ciHHigh. spiny rays can also be seleccisc. coy and maddening.

Il pays 10 change colurs in Tlics. plugs. spitmers. popfers or piastic worms.

Hass fishermen of siroug repute sworc tor ycar* that bass "Icamcd" a color. Thcrc is now soimr sCłcittifie juslification for that KTief.

Thcrc »«Im> arc a ImruUcd hawiurc companics bascd on thut pccmisc. A good bass fishcrmcn's hox of goodics is one of the wonders of tislting technology.

•Thcrc will bc a crowd at Hagcmtan this week.*

It will rival ihc soflball tounument for pcoplc in town.

Bul all in all. il is a sociablc group. widc-cycd predators all. looking for somc uf that wondtrful thmg callcd fislting in waters fuli Of promisc. mcmorics and nnire ihan jusl j fcw spiny ray fish.

Wjrrcn Schoth operates a fly tishing business in Wendcll.

Simmnns Beuułyrcsf

lLIll —r.

ni 1. fefl w«i - m-r

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287 Washington St. W. * TWIo Falk * 734*4147



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