





artf May Fowar. AaM your •or rt. MtikrWJHRA • LfMMIOiL LM. BbPNłS CTL



ommDUmm. Oalotey aaw that bo bod •«« booo *uite mademtood. aad m •mNod a ad tboo amid:

"l+óy Ca lorę j U Uke tbf roi of modero wlo#a. and I 19 Uko a lot ol modern buebanin We oarb go ser I MMI At way la m vorthto*e OM*, i Cod too*a I doo*t stand op for It. but ! u la aot my wito* w aj la aa? mena# q4 fbo teord '    %

"Oooe ah# want Dom to go atong ©u I bor roadr*    aaked -am bow


We r- Mano eta 11 y etrapped Jo** 1 now." mM Ga lor er cslmly. and ebe I boa gol 000*7 froaa tbo bot " He ( dUn I remoro bla plpe from bU ) tudulb. atill hoidl*g It fcetweei Ola i teeiY ba pot bu hasd U bto poeheL ' took oot bu wallet. drew forth foor Ucrka aod laid ibem desa boi ort Ruggtoe -*f| U nuU* a aum." Cai-©»#£ 0<*ed. eaflckeat to Uo a lot t© Oedcea Park la tba way <A aeedod rw poito" Rug* te* bad aerer tera a ■mile auet aa curred ble cojpanloos WpM “But Oodeoe Park will-bae# to be ropalmd by mooey from eom olb

"Tbat fta Juat Wby



ftenalag omr IM

aat. Tf | bad a boy I mtbsr bar* blaa marry Lecty Łase af tbo Galoty. Now you knew wbat I

. IL-UkA)

jo- ; ^ v^i\ Vtr zrj




AEdlMB Padbc RaiJwny ,

Im gold U k prtsa tar tbo

°* wbeat. grown oa tb# a_____...

UMMMt IM w CMIHM for At*tN m <«9i Land Chow lA Now Tort u BMkAM: Um cm perlik* opn, tbe +**>< OC UH banda©** viii ahowH •*• &*&«f Im tb# awpeTot*/ of Cs-nadHn wbmt landa, by throwing tb# *+>'—* opas to famin af *n Anet* !**• CaKod Mimom ud Qmm4» , TW U a) ud Uuw raUwajn v«^ by DO Mtm maglowa U Hti U# CM. mmMImm rmlhraya rurwuud mi tb* mm4 m N#t York pifor (cmntflt-l*C •• ths msalu Of the compoGtiose oayi tbat they wora moc U bo bun«4 mm tbo Caamdtos* cnpfarwd Uo moetIHportaat prlao of Ibe show.

Tka wtaser of UU btg whaat prtae wio Mr. Mo*** Wbsalar of koMHa A ud Ita

M grant dOMl of


nrirl—1 H Ra wteppaa lorwf Hto tba aMo# rt«j. aad carrted a* tba gtUfwwB trwpby aad 91.0*4 for tba bawt tbe ooatlaaal TbM tlaaa tba wlaaar arna a brUHb Cołmabia au. Mr.


tbat prortac* Tba aablbU raaaltfad of ©aa huadred aad drawa fros all paru of tba prortaca aggregatiog Ib wetgbt oaa aad a balf

At tbe wtit Dry graaa. be Id at Colorado at wbieb tlaae It waa tbe aezt Coogreaa at LatbbHdga. la 1912, tbw ProylMca of Alberta nada a wooderfal abowtag af gndma, graaaaa aad regrubW

-Al tba Ccmjcraaa. Alberta gal nawa prteaa aad tropkW. taa to ewr. tbaa asy auta of tba UbUm.” aaM Mr. HoubkHa ta tba MoiaMa MaHarta -We Wombt bark al bwt tba bolbb oaykag wt wdgbt aa wali tatae aQ tbat waa galag. We wowld karę brtmgkt

H akmg. toa. If we bad bad a Mat car

to pot It oa. Alberta rmptarwd sterty LO Mm prtaea. 2k aecoode. 2 tblrda. <-apa. 44 medale. 94 nbboaa aad 2 ewewpwtakea. Tbe graad awewpetaka prlae. for tbe Uat eabfbtt by auu or prorlsee. a mag.ilAo*at allrer cap. waa preaeaud 10 wa wltb macb cero-aooaj at a recep^loo to tbe Caaadlaoa la tbe RHpreaa botel Tbe praamta-fkm waa madę by Prof. Ot In. cbair-men of tbe JodgUig commlttea. and tbe cap traa reeelyed 00 bohalf of tbe prorloeo by tbe Ko*. Doscaa Mar dbklL

Na dary.

#D1da‘t you gira tbat naa a jory


’!-ook berr.“ repl^d Broocbo Bob. -tberc aia*t » tg lot o’ meo la tbU aetUemeot. We couldo t powlbly git twe W# of >M t oget ber wltboul aUrt la’ a faul a^nmeat about aoarthio* tbat bad nutbln' ahaieter to do wtU tb# caae.,#— Waablagtoe Sur

A womao caree ao*. w ho make* tba

t&oaey. Juat ao abe ca u Bpeod ki.




Bf MA1TE VAH VOtST fc—»■■ b ■. c Krrrau


VHm B-*ir (N S»«r«U eea ef ib* Mft» awiih»a dołur .t*>ecx kina of tiuir wwa tfui w • f ai the Ea*«**

ef Lady O* torty t)u>,» ftfUrUA

ratua .a u lurd GaUrwy dortn* Ul tB Uo L'aMed btUB 4Bd UM itiumH to tbo MM wab T*k yoeta Ua aa Idtal girl Ha wiat Mo mu Uly. DwNbi af •a WeiaOfet widew. wWa U aad

“Blair, boweeer- ba aaid. “waaaY aa baea 00 tbta eeaat aa yoa*d espect. Bla tstultloa waa wrony “

•iwgglee rateed bU yetrowa allgbt 9-

“1 saac to aay." Lord Gaiorwy woat CM. "tbat be kaew im Ib (M Weat w ban l bad cni tooae lor a lew blaeaed Hoatba froo )uwt tbeae tblaga lato wklcb be baa rest bu boy—from wbaL If I bad a aoa. Cioć ksowa rf sbrww blaa aa lar aa I eoułd -"Blair waatod Dam to aaa tbe wortd-

-Of cooraa. tbat fta rtgbt eaoagb. We all bar# to aaa R. I lancy, bot UH cer laaT mady u look at It *

-Ha la tweMty-tw©,- Rnggiea re mrsad. “Wber I waa bU ag^l waa copportlag fo«u «tef*c "

Calorey waa! as: “Oadewe Park at yreeeat lea*t tbe wtodow for Blaira boy to eee Hfe tbroagk. and tbat H w bat I bar# remie op to London to talk to yom about. Mr. Rugfiiaa. I tboaid llka to bat# yon taka nim •way.“

“Wbafc Dna beea op to dowa tbereT*

“ Notbiag aa yet. bat be U la tae

-Mn* to Abslog ot Ten ftdWN n

Pocket of a womaa- bo Iw la a o«at

Kugg*«a‘ broad race bad oot alterad tu etpreaaloa of uaftet especiatloa.

Tbcraa a lot of am dowa Uuxe*-ba aaked.

oto a a »*<* " CU -tey aald brlef-. Y#d HM# Ot JM

btH Im krl oOMf

RugfUe woadored bow the bua-baed bad rot bo Id of tbe cbacka. but be didaY aak aod ba dld »ot lock at

~Wbe* Ou cm Ha to tba Park.** aaid O-Corey. “1 atorpad bridga pUylag.

Uf baal w#at aiowly ward tŁa cbeeka; ba toocbad wltb bla i agar* aad aald:    U

H loee wbb ywwr w«#r Aad Lord Oekwegr HagMid aad

It fta pum good maturę os MM part marę prodlgalfty Bditb ap l^aMd to blaa. tbaTa alL"

faoa Ha tba woridly appeaJ to tb# rteb yodng mas and bw

lieied tbo atory tba

“Hera you apoboa to tba boyr -My daar cbap. I barn rpobaa \o Ud abowt aotbftag. 1 prafarrad ta como to yo*L-Toq aald

Tbara wam iwo ladlaa


Gaftoray bad mdlled beld U aa ba/ore la tba paim of bla

T caa look a/ter tbe aRalra of my wtfe. and Łbla abaa t bappea agaia. I promu# yoa— oot ki Oadeae. but l*» afrpJd I caa oot do mocb la tbe otber Tbo Dscbeae of Break water baa at Otdaae for aearty tbma ad Daa to U lorę w!U bor." Kugglee pat tbo fonr cbecka osa os top of tbe otber -la tbe lady a wMo*!" -rnlortunktely. y*a."

“go tbat*a tbo amt Etos baa got lato at Oadesa." tbo WpwiF aald. Aod Calocey aocoerod: Tbat la tbe sam.** ** Asd be bat gooe out tbtre today — got a wlm thW aftorulng *

-Tbe duebeba baa bceo la aa awfui funt.- sald Galorey. "becauae Daa'e beau ctoppikM *• *^©doo ao toag 8be aect hts a maaaage aad aa *ooa aa Daa wtred back tbat ba wae comlag to tbe Park. I declded to come bece aad cee yoa/

nucktoa rumlsateO:    "Has tba

duebeaa comr'»catlot»c toanclallyT*

-łUtberr** tb, otber asewerod And Rucitoa tamed bit broad. boa-«i fam fon ,oo Ot lor ey* “I>» yoa tbisk abe ©ould ba bo. gbt off*-Gaiomy took bla pipa ©ot of bis

*^1t depesda oa bow far Etos baa gpse oa eltb bor. To be fraak witb yoe. Mr. Ruggtoa. It to a caee.of r*x>

uo* m «ee |e«v m> um »wu

U maiły H tore wltb Dan. Gad*" a* cUlmed tbe sobUmka T bate bron oa tbe polał of tsratag cb# wboto

brood out of dooru ebeoe »##» daja !• wae llbe icsprtenaiag a mouatato

► »*(••• ■ • • L•"•* • •’* — »“

tbMt boy—t doat kaw w-baru ywo>a W biai or kow 700 Itft kim aa ba U. bat ba la aa «dgar aa water. I karo ulked to kim aod I kavw."

Notbiag la RuggUa rtptoaaJuu bad cbaaged wątli mow. HU eyaa giowed.

DmmU all rtgbt." aa mwj oofuy. *D0M't yoo worryf fla'a aU rtgbt. I cuaaa h*t fatbar kaaw wbal be waa doHg. aod l*ń bet tba whoU Lblig waa Iwet w bat be aeat bis o *er bera lor! Otd Daa Butr waaa t worib a co©-par wbea tbe boy waa bora. aod yef ba bad Mtaa aboat aterytblag aod ba oeaoad to kaow nora U tbat old graj kaad of Me tka a a wao*a uWary U | booka. Urn aU rtgbt** i “My daar bib." aald tbe aoOH maa. “tbat te Juat w karo you Acoerr vadi art uroag Tou cotoforl fout aelf w1U your eterwal Dm'i aJl rlgbL and yoo woa l a*e tba Uutb. Yor* * oot braatbe tba w ord actodaJ aod yev you ara tblck eaougb la tbeut tUd kaowa You woat od Sic ibes. *at tacy uia tbare Kow be beret aad looC ot tbe trutb. wt»j y©o? Yoo ora a scbm of eotnsoo aewae Dan HU Ir U oot all rtgaf Ile Ib Hi aa lofemally dnageroua portt«oo Tbe Ddtbewa of BraMkwrarer will nrry bln It la w kat abe boa wa»ted ro do fo^ yrara. but «|e bae oot foood o mm rtcb eoowgb. aad abe wiJ marry tbU boy offbaMd*

-Wen* aa Id tbe WagMilf olowtf.

ker aad U ba narriaa

“Marrtaa W“ esc aiswd tbe nobla-Ha cl ~TWr* yoo ara agala! Do yaa tbbab Harriaga aaake* lt aay waer’ Wby. If tba wect oC to tba CoatHaat wftb bis for ali waaka aad taew ae< Ma Owa. tbat wwaM ha predenOda ta aurrrtag bu My daar wara.- ba

be oooeltBded tbougbtfully. asd Oord<s

Onlomy repested

“No. not tbroe Wbat d© yoe "Tour wtfe"—Ktoggtoe beld up os# Mnger aad Galorey Utermpted bim t©

TH taka cum of Edith “

“Tbe Dwrheae of Break w aur tbisk woa t talk of ouoeyr “N#w doM*t cocat us IC 8ba to lag at taa bMIIIob posada."

Raggtok «aa boldtag up bla tecosd fiager

* Weil. I gueoa Etos baa gooe oot u> taka oaro of bar today "

Daa and Kugstoe bad *eea “Maods-

lay- from • boa. from tbe plt and from tbe atalla Os tbe tabto lay a booa of tbe opera Wbito talklsg wttb Galorey. Kaggtoe bad uacosaciosaiy •rrajDged tbe cbecka oa top of tbe libretto of “ Mar dala y"

T‘U Ufca car# of Mleć Lano, Kog lin taki at tosgtb.

HU lordtblp ocboed. "Mika Lana— and kjoked up In aurprla# "Wbal Mina Lane. for God a aaka ’

“Mlaa Lotty Lano kl tba Galoty." Rugg ra anawerod.

W by. abe toni la tbe ooeeOon. my

dear man "

-You p«t ber tbor* )ucc now your eelf.”

“Boak!" Galorey enctoliDod tmpn-, ttoatly. "I *P©ko ^f bor ao baing tb* imag o# UM aa*' “No." correct od tbe otber. -7 os *et tb* Ttorbami of Bmskwnur an tbe Uiatt-*

Galorey #mned fraakly. -To*, nr# rt* L my door cbap " be acoepud



uan fn»e;T C.‘.r NOT MK rOUND • _

Law Parwi «f E»piea«v* Uead. W ha cała Report Ortfera Fram •tAd«aga ,• uf tbe ierweea Maard.

Tbe CMłled Sutre battłafbip Malnt. • wbicb mk beueath tba weteca of Haiaaa karbor la frbruanr. UN, ae tbe reaulc of a« eiploeloo. waa bloww ap frota tka owtajdr Thlc akt an-Douuced Ute yeaterday by (be o*«al I board wbtcb baj bewa ataslui&g tba wrack Tbe Pedtag coodrmt tba report of tbe erigioal ioraetigttora, w bo madę a carcful examla«tWn of tbe •reck rhortiy afur tbe ółaaster.

Tba L^irtacat iclte© ou! by tbe wary degurtsaat U brlef. SrofU'? Meyer d<H* aot belHre It aeeeaMry to >asae aay euewded eipHaaiioo af tbe board*a oooelaaloo. beyoad tbe dal •uuwrtt tbat aa aatertor azplatlaa

wit. reagoMalble far tba loaa ©f tbe wa.mblp aad tbe Itrea of aaajoy as. Tbe autetaeat foliowa:

"Tba tajwrlee to tba bodom af tba

by tóe eipfoakm af a cbarge of a Iow fana af as-pioafy# eaterlor to tba ablp batwaaa franea W aad 2L atrtbia B. part aide TYM rea^Hbd la tssktag sad azplad* fag tba contaou of tba atitaeb re-oarwe ■sagaitse, A-14 M, pM camteaU tschwUwg a larga ąmatfiy af Wac* ©awder Tbe aaore ar laaa oasplaro af tba rw

W. Raaeetl. C alt ad Suui ■ latałar m Taberaa. today waa tu •trweted ta adria# Bbuater to ausd bla groead

80 bltterty doea Perala rw»t tka btlUgerefit attltude of Ruaalae la eesdiag ber famed Uiougb batad Coa-aaefca tbai faar la eipreuead tbat aba win poaace oa tkam aad peeefpltate a war. NoUlag woold dellgbt Rus au mora tbaa ooeb aa attaek. aa M woold gire bor tbo eicarn ao Tesg asd aa rlporoaaly aouybt to occwpy aad bold flar all lima tba aortbera balf af

ta pełno# atrtpea He wfTI Work la tb# prte m1U tor tbe »#zt 19 yeajs. alftowtag for good bebprtor.

Coarfeł No. 2J21I. formerty James B KcNidut*. CYLng.i prtater and •tayer of tt taro la tbo Loa Angalea Time# br dynamit Ing. wmn acbedsled for aa emmtaattoo at tbe kandc of tbw prtcoa pbraftetan boensee of tb# dlecorery that b« baa tabercwloato Os rcoosst of tbo locaclos of San Qw«ittla prtaoo aea/fy all tuberculoai* prlnouera recorer the u bealtb. TY u* Na 29214 baa eiceOrei pmopectf of a loog ltfe bob Ind tbe lotto But If the erami*#Uea cbooa tbe tuberculoai* we(j adrasced No 2SJU to to ba glt-eo oatdoor work

Ctarsn'# RopaM Abdtoat##.

prtace Cbaa. tbe regest and fatYer of tbo ckltd rtnperor. ha* abdlcatod HU place aa guardUs of tbe tbronę I* Ukeo jolbtly by Sbl Haa. a Man cbu prtnee aa# fonser prealdent cf (be natlooal aeaembly. and Hau *kl Cbasg. ylce-prraidettt of tbe prlry COMMCB

Tkling adiantagw of an art pL+toń by tbe Hit leglalaturc. Leoittooa tMalaei clt* gorrmme^t win tbl# winter ektablub a Buolcłpnl kt plant

Meoomlnee councll kac rotrd to malaulo a matucipal ikaung rlok ibH wtnter.

At a meetlng of tbe Weet Mteblfna Tra na porte tVm aawtotloa la Mnak«-goo It waa declded to eectim aa ts-toud rtgbt of way lor a raflmad from StogwM tbrv%gL ItdSitortk. WdU' -.11^ aad Ledlagton to Maaletee.

Tke grek tost reUglou* drtaooctra-Moa tbat Aag.naw ban tm ksowa wae beld In tb* Manostc tempie wbes 10# bsainea* H^n ut dor*a to a ban-



Cores all blood hun*ors. aD eruptious. clcars the compłtx-ion, crcAtPS an appetite, aida digestion, rcłieres that tired fecling, givca vigor and rim. -

C^; li Im© BA wuu uq«e> u«io ad tbeoUBtrd MHU calUA Mąraataba-

The Ar my of Conslipation

li Owwłag \mt\itr Ewy Dup.


ntęomCM— ther moLmifpwnśkil — Ihry prrma-    »

omGy fu/f (WW J' TLI

m j    111


Ug tbe    _ _

bla ca orek wtth tbe - „

WYtte be wae la tba wideł af atraager mteced tba ebareb aad

a ocat far bark.

iioctor Reed waa prartag la « oot a. aad tb# maa la tbe mar, atralalsg bla eura for a wblfta. owt:    -Fray

tboy mated aa tbo saa ta tba

■aa u tsrs togolA Jbs—Taa; ba


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