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Lots of Chp^-

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Marketplacc D4


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Con-^ -

M»Q*C V»’*f    IN


04th year. No. 109

Twln Falts, Idaho

Wcdoesday. Aprti i9.i989

Embezzlement charges narne Blaine County official

By The TSmes-Ncws    $15,909 in damoge*. He wid be

HA1LEY - Blaine County Pros-coitor Ned WilUamion hal filed nino ccunta of grand thofl by em-bczilemcnt against DeputyAudi-tor Gaił Louise Petorsoo of Carty.

The complainta ollcge that Pt-terson embeuled $15,909 in chocka and roonoy ordere betvrccn JuncJ8S8 aod March 1989. A worrant was isiued for Pct«r«on'» arrest on Friday and a $10.000 bail was posted.

WUliamson nlso said thore will bo civil charges filed asking for

w3T ask the msurauce to handle the civil against Poteraon.

Discro pańci oa w ero discovertd afler another county employee took a phone cali Erom aomoone who wrota a $37 check for a traf-Cc vio1ation and never recemjd thc chock back in a statcment, V WilHamsort said. This prompted anoudit.    •

A preliminary hearing ie »<t for 2 p.m. May 8 in fith District Court

The Times-News was unnble to rcach Pcterson TUesday.



Quarter inflation ratę tops 6%

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON* — Ilfglicr fm»d and ćtvrg\* cwti boosted consumer prices 0.5 prreent in March and rcsultcd tn a 6.1 percent annual inflation rato for thc first three months uf 1089. thc hirgest tpmrlcr-ly advancr in iwo ycar*, thc gowrnment said Tbcsday

ljit months rise in thc ladwr Department1* Consumer Pnce lndcx was fresh eridence tliat inflation continue* to run abovc thc 4 I percent ratę registered in Iwth 19S7 and I9KS

Analysts said thc had news isn t ww yct.

^Inflation wns uncumfartahly high. widrsprrnd and entrenched in March. said Allen Sirun. chief econcmist for thc Boston (*o. Wc hivml sen thc

bist of thrsc high numbers because therc will Mili ^śon can reC4*dc. Siiuii sani be u npplmg through of rising business tost* for* Kor a year. tłvc Fcdera! Kismt lioacd has bccn *hoth*'materiale nr.d wngcs and r.srnjrer.crgy cmts-mHłtpng mu n*t rau^^ipttard m un dforl to *low

in the neit few months."

Stnck pnees rosę sharply Tbcsdny. with thc Dow •limes JÓ stock industriol uvcragc gaining 41.61 points to cłosc at 2.379 40. a pcwl crnsh high Kzpcctnlions that the renomy is cooling off tut IwUtcrcd łi>* ir report from the Commercc Department nn Tbcsduy that showed Iwusing starta had fallcn 5.4 percent in March. with construction of single-family Komes beginning M thc skiwest puce in morc than four ycars.

Ute only goud news on inflatkm was thc bod news on housing. ur.dcrscoring a Wrak first quar-ter cconomy and raising !>op\- thnt toter an infln-

thc cconomy iukI arrest inflatiun Hut a growwg number of amilysts itre wurried thnt the anti-infln-tion campaign will sduw tłu? ccoiuiiny mi much thnt thc uninlcnded rcsult wiłlla* a n-ccssion.

Presidcnt Bush tołd a knMing trodes group the key to contOnucd cconomk hcslth for the nation i* bnnging down inflation and internat r;Uc^ by rc-ducing thc fcdcral deficit IIk* March tnerense was traccd m part to higher rond ct»ls. which lust month rosę 08. percent. lwice as fu?^ u* in Pebruary.

Tbkcn together. pricc* for mcsU, poulto. firf* and cggs ro*c 2 4 percent.

Hoffman's suicide due to drug overdose

The Associated Prrs*

DOYI.KSTOWN. V.\ - typu? founder Abbic Hoffman cummittcd suicide with a 'ma**»ve owrdosc' uf thc drug phcnob.ifbil.il. thc coroncr >aid Itasday.

*The death vn> from thc ćómhincd cflccts of phcnołkirbital and alcohoł. Coroiwr Dr Thomas Kosko *aid at ;i news conference.

Hoffman. who hrld fast to his anli-establishment comicthms and irnide his poinU with K*aring humor. was found dead April 12 at his homc in New llopc. Ile wa*52.

“I think it i* likck that hc litcmlly fcll uslecp .ind dićd in hi* slccp.* Kosko mm) Other than that. u hal occurriti in hi- Ust hours :* strictly .npcculatwm.'

Th** autcip>v found the residuc of about 150 pills. H*vcral tinic* thc Icthal do** cven witbout thc proencc of alcohoł, thc ctirom-r s.iid. Phcfio-barbital is a Umg-ucling scdotivc and an ar.ticomulsant.

Hoffman’’' 1i)«mhI aSoJuil IcCeł was .20. lwice thc legał limit in lYnnsyl-vnnia. Kuska said

The coroner said iaboratnry test* fthowed twm other drug* wcrc present m Hoffman a system. But hc said the smali quantiiics of prupranolol. u*cd for card»ova>cular cunditiuns. and

bcr.iodiazcpine. a da>s uf drugs in* cludin^r thc *cdativc ValUim. had ik» cnnncction with HofTmans dcoth

Althoogh Huffman was omsidered a seSf-taught cxpcrt m ilruK*. lłc»>ko said therc was no evidcncc hc was usinp drugs for plcasurr. •

The* coroncr’ said~ hc rtlaycd hts fmdir.gs to Hoffman > fasnly mmutes beforc his news cooferi-nrc.

Althoogh fto?ko culed the dcath a suicide. HolTman 3 bruther. Jack. he!d out hopc il was an accidem.

* Abbic. as ouny of you know. was somewhat carriess with pills and wc alway> wnrncd hint aliuut thi* kind «if th;ng.“ Jack Hoffman said. at a news confercnce in Worccstcr. Mo*s . f the fomily s hometown.

Hoffman* owthff. Kkirence. de-diotd tocomment.

The day after her son s body was found. she speculatid that hc had commttid .suicide. siying hc had MKindcd depresAcd in rccent tdc-phor.c conwrsations But thc ncxt daw siu* said the family no lonjrcr suspcctcd suicide.

Other relatnts and friends men-tiuncd suicide.

Kosko said Friday thero was no in-dication then that Hoffman killcd himself bul that prclinunary rcsułls wcrc inconclusive.

Abortion mail deluges Supreme Court justices

The Associated lVrss

WASHINGTON - Americaiw in rccord nombers are writmg and tek-idmning tłu* Supremę Coun to cx-press their vicws on abortion. but a ct»ur. spoko w oman says its aB to no avail.

"I hopc they uttderstand this is nm a popul.ihty contest Wc arv not keeping score of who favnrs abortion and who doe'. not. Toni Housc said atiout thc ten* of thousurpls of letter* and hundreds of tclephone caib reaching thc court cach day.

Ms. Housc. the court * public infor-mution nfTicer. said. Whilc pcoplc have a righl to wntc to thc court I hopc they do nul expcct that thc enunciatinn ofthcir opimon will huve \iiiy efTcci on the just:cc>.“

The court to hcir orgumenU April 25 :n u kry aliortłon-righu ca>e from Missouri in which the justices

arc l>cing a^kcd to ovcrttim or sub* stantially limit their landmark 1973 decision legaliring abortion.

M<. Mouse said thc volume of cuurt mail and calłs mcrca>cd dramaticolly w hen thc justices last January ogntd to study thc Missouri casc. and that switchboord operatora and moilroom employyes hatT bccn In-bonng against thc nsmg licie’* n:ncc thc mas*jvc march on Washington by abortion right% advorate* carlicr thU month.

Ir. rormnl limes, thc court rccmt* about 1,000 picccs of mail doiły. The ccurls mailroom was inundaled with on cstiimited 46.000 letters Monduy Ncarly 19.000 morc arrieed T\jcfdoy.

Somc send morc than letters. The court has rcceivcd u number of clothci hangers. gm!y symboU of il-lega] abortion*. and .numerous pho-tograph* of oborted fUuser.


Realistic training

Fireman Vcnton Plotl chcckn a windnw bcforc thii housc wit engulfed in dames T\ic*dny moming. Twin FnIN drefighters intcntionally

set firc to a vacant houac on Elizabeth Boult#-vard in thc coursc of conducting a training session.

Spears expecting fast start

By MICilEU.E COLE T)mc*'Nrurt unter

JĘKOMK - Aftcr closing thc dcal fur his ncw Jrramc factury. Wnync Spears spent thc olunc ridc homc on Foduy ^cnbbUng Jigurci on a nupkin and dcciding when hc cuuld havc thc plant up and running.

Tbesday a Spears Manufactoring Co. official conhmicd thnt thc Cali-fomia lwscd plauic pipc nnd volve manufacturcrs ncw Idaho plant sbould bc operating within 90 daya.

%\Ve>e aruious to get up thcrc and to get going,* said Kenneth E. Rug-głes. thc company a chief finnncinl of-ficcr

Though Spears h4isn’t sturted thinking ałiuul liinng yct. Rugglcs said hc cxpcct> rauipmcnt modtfica-ticn* to bc fimshcd nnd tho plant ful-ly opcralional within thc ncxt »ix months.

"We will be hiring 125 to 150 within the first ycaf' and w ill bc up to 400 or morc within thc ncxt three ycars.* Kuggtcs sa:d.

The majority of thc job openings will lic in aanufacturing, with only a few officc Mipport personnd, ho said.

Jim Ingalis. manager of thc stale Job Scrvkv in TWin Fałla, said Spears has not orked for łvclp yct from his officc yct. but hc cxpocts to bc contacled.

Tb identify pi-opk* with skills nccd-cd hy Spears. tłie Job Service has set up u ncw job claH^ificatiun codę for plastic* productiun workers. Ingalis said himfadi thted thc Job Sferwiee offices within days aRcr Spears an-nouneed il would purchasc thc Jcrocnc plant. Thosc applications arc still un filc.B Ingalis wid. He advises uthers who wtsh to be considercd for possiblc employment at Spears tn filc appJkalions with thc Job Scrvicc

The privatcly owncd Spears Man-ufacturing unnouneed plans Jon. 23 to buy thc G00.000-*quarc-foot Tbp-perwnre plant und 90 ocrcs of land. Ncgoiialions dragged on for ncarly three mcnths bcforc the partics in-vołicd gathered in Jcrome on Friday to ciosc thc dcal

*1 cant tell you the number of hours wc put.into this,* suid Jim Hawkins, dircctor of the Idaho Department of Commcrco. "The depurt-ment spent niore time bringmg thc finał dcal together than it did at-tracling Spears to Jcrome in thc first place. Its roniły cxciting *


• Sec SPEARS on Punc A2

Aryans’ elder statesman passing torch to youthful skinheads

Tłie Associated Prc*>

HAYDKN 1^\KE — Aftcr year* of prcach-ing rucism and hutred. thc Ret Ricłiord Butler has la>t sonie of his firc and bnnutoae.

At 71. hc walks slowly and brcothcs with difficuky. still weak from n Iteart otuak *uf-fered iwo ycurs ago whilc awuiting trial un charges uf schenung to ovcrthrow llic C S goYcmmcnt.

Many followcis of łua«wbite fuprcnmcist Aryan Natiuns churrh havc bccn jallcd. ur 'Cared off by FBI in\T*tir.ntions nnd. publicity from €tvil righl^ organirations ,.

Hut this aging ‘Arynn wnrrior” hang* unto his drcam uf an aH-whitc humcland in thc Facific Northwest, sceking in^piralkm fmm an unliki-lv saurcc — >ksnłu*jds

Northwest awakens - A9 Friendshlp march - BI

They re tbc lost hopc. the only hope. cf thc whilc mcc." hc said in un intcnńcw with The Associated Press.

Whcrc other* sec menaang young thugs w|»o shave their heuchrand tattoo their bodic* with swastikas. Butler sces tho ncx! torch-bcurers of rocism. Butłer is sponsoring thc first nalional nco-Nozi skinhead confortT.ee herc this weekend to mnfk the lOOth birth-day of Adolf Hitler, on April 20.

The mccting wonie* Jaw officcr* and righu activutn, wUmmil rcccntly wcrc not-ing with snti«foętion that membership in

racist hale group* sccmcd to bc dcdinmg na-twnwidc.

*Now, with skinheada, you hnvc o pool of violcnce-pronc. idcologlcnlly sympolhelic pcoplc who arc Ming courtOd to join the mam-Htream of thc right-wing movemcnt,* said Marnn Stern, northwest rcgional dircctor for thc Anti-Defamntion Uagucof B nai B rith.

The Jewish group notes thut many skin-heads band together withoul raci*t motiva-Oion. Th^c who can be dimificd as nco-Nn^is, howcvcr, number about 2.000 in 21 States, with the grcatrsl concentrotions in Soulhorn (Kalifornia and the NorihwcHt. Stern Mud    L

In Portlond. On?., skinheads nrc awaiting tria* in tłie death lost Novcmbcr of an Ethiopinr. man. who was fatally bcuten with

o baseball bat. Another skinhead is accused of Btnbbing a bitek mun in Spokanc, Wa.sh. Swastikas painud on syifiigogucs ar.d w-saulu on Jowj, homo*cxuaLs and other itii-noritics have additiondly bccn linked to skinheads in the region.

Butler is not o!onc in courting skinhead* He's competing with groups such an thc Ku Klux JQan and thc Whilc Ar>an Keaistana*. led by Tbm Metzger in Fallbruok..Calif.

'Until naw. skinhead groups hnvc bccn mo.uly autonommw and localizcd," Stern smd. "Any network Butler puls together bcars watching.“‘

The nctwork-bililding was \lstblc thi% pust weck as Butler and h:s follow ers prepored for this weekend* cunfcrcncc M hi* nerthem Idaho compound. 20 woodcd ocrcs tuckcd

awny on a gravcl road ncar the roort town of Huydcn Uke.

iwo men hommered nway in one of scvcral ruMic guest cabins A borefoot young woman leancd ov^r a long canvas bunner, stengling in 'Arynn Nation* Now.“

Tak:ng timc for an inlenricw in the ccm-jsiiind * modert church. Butler rcscmbled not-nl all the tough. urban youths hc is wooing. Drtsscd in u swcater vcst. wool slacks^ind loofcrs. thc gray-haired. bi-focalcd Butler plnycd the part uf a kindly country* prtftchcr.

Butler shrouds his rucist message in rch-gion. ussr.g scripturc to support his ciuims of whilc supremacji Ile conoedcd that Bibliail quotation* may tum off skinheads, not

• Sec* RAC1SM on Pogc A2


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