C-10 Tinurs f Tvl*t» F ld.lho tf.VdrtrvJ.1y. Ap*«l 11>. 1 $bJ *



lead to casual fashions from the Paris >

(bclow) Five button double slonewash jeans from Lawman.

No back pockels for a slim silhouelte. Sizes 3 through 13. 51.00. Blue chambray shirt wilh detachable suede collar by Indygo. 60.00. Pant and Top Shop, Top-of-the-Slair

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On Ali Your Purchases During

(above) "Shirtstrings" brings you ihis comfortable, flowing comblnation and subtle purple and black slripcd rayon/cotton blend. Elastic waist skirl wilh yoke, 57.00. Button front tank top, 39.00. Easy cardigan style jackel with front 66.00. Sizes S.M,L. Top-of-the-Stair Knit denim coordinates from Graff.

.    __________49.00. Blouse, 35.00. Skin, 31.00.

V    f ’.    • . \ Pant, 29.00. Career Shop, Street Level.

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