Th* Magle VaUcy Newfpaper Dcdleated to Servlag and Promotlog tfao Growth ot NIoo Irrtgatod Idaho Ccuntie*
VOL. 59. NO.*194
POUCEMAN. FOREGROUND. WEEPS as pcopk.atendJaJ perUbtd.whtaJbelr.schód was crushed by • ralo-kęscntd, ccmttery durlng mass funerol MrAbcrlan, WaUsrfor S0 chlld
Unstable Cabinet
_ _JBQNN_Grrznany (APJ_---FQur CQblnct mIniitcru;uli Chonccllor Ludwig ErhanTs shaky West German Cabł-not today in n budget row ond Erhord dedded to run the ntry with a minorłty geprernmenf. • Thls hos naver rr tried-befnrf^R-^b^-W-yeor-hiBtory of •th^-Fedamt cpubHc. Erharda Christian Democrattoparty has only 245 of the 496 seata In the Bundestag, but he ęon be over-thrown ocily if tho opposltlon — Soclaltots and others
geta together and elects a
5 Menibers of —liłaho-Family DielńBląze
V«CTpR, Idaho (AP) — Alt flve membeb of an easteęn Jua-ho (imlly dfcd Juat betor* mtd-night Wedrwsdąy
flre swtpt through thclf story (ramę homo.
Tc ton Cotmiy Sheriff Gordon Jones kkMHkd the dcad as Mr. anB Mr*. Iloward Rlkcra. thclr li-year-old daughter, ard thclr two prc«bool age chDdren.
Tho tfrkcra famlly*1łvtd about one milo north of Vlctor, a snuli , fsrmtoc community near the ' Mabo-Wyoćntog. border. Thcra Is no flre department ta the area.
Resoxra sald by the flme they rtichcd the heme beat nas fon Interno for them !o Kt 1d4( tho buralng strocture. An et
new mon. Thla hos ncver becn done here elther.
• Tho reilgnatkns todey were — 4ooidod-upon by the Borulrrag members of the Frce Demo-cratłc-porty, to whkłnllTou/ rtalicilng minister* bcfcng. They jtfuscd to oppcove higher taxes sought tę poy for American armi, .
Herbert Wener, deputy chalf. mm.ot the SoctoUits. fcsuctT a statement soying a change In chancclloro (s long overdoc. He •ddcd thatTih own porty docs not exlst .to fili ,ep gapa — en Icdlcetlon that It wttl try to get e maxlmum prlce lf.askcd to * enter a coalition *overnment for thefirst limę jtnee tho corly 19309. * #
Meny*. Christian Dcmocrats faror iuć>ra "grand coalltton;* of the SocUlbts aod Erhard* s Christian Demoerais, L^tead of the "Ilttle ccalłtlon" to whlch the mlgned minister* bcloro
yłctlma of last Frlda/4 alog hrap avaUnchf. Tht youngitera
BANG SAEN, Tlioilond (AP) - Tnking o 24-hotir bredther nfter 10 slrcnuous days nhd nignts in five countrlcs, Prcsfdcnt and Mrs. Johnson relnxed and rest*-ed todny beslde the bloc wnters of the.Guif cf Ślam. The Johnsons are spendlrtg the night in n luxutióus govemmef)t guest hausc In this fiiłiing and resort vil-laga 6a r. .:os-sou(hcast o( Bangkek J>clorc-stTirtbigTtvelT“ ofliclaLYiiit.Friday nftcmoon to-the country many
bcltcVe ls*ncxt on the Com-munist Schedule fozi^ilan conqyc$t. ^.
Johnsem, the first U. S. presl-dtot to.vislt ThtUand. gad W* wife Undcd In a. drink at Sat-tahlp Air Base 40 ‘mile* from Barg Setn it 1:07 p.m., 2:*7 a.m. EDT. folio wina a 2>J-hour night frem Manili.
As four “Thal flghter plancs flew high pvcr the lltW. tho Prcsldenfi party, transferred hellcoptcrs for tho short fllght to Bamr Saen.
slldlng mcur.uln of coal slag. (AP wlrtphote vle cabk from Abcrfan)
Enemy Calls SummitMeet War Council’
tempt to recovcr Uje bodłoś w as to be mado thls raornlng.
—W" * a—*
Fire Probed -After Four Women Die
JThe Fire Democrats aro the lunlor. members of the govero-| Ing coalitioCT, whlch cónsUts nf nember* of Erhard’*
rtwlan Derr.ocratl: par
Krec . Dc mcc fi li are I members of a comparatUtty (smali narty, but hołd the bal-|a«e of power In the .Bundestag.I .Wkhost them, Erhard ha»-po [majorlty to po-u his bllliM
New Communications Satelłite Assigned to Świtchboard Post
——SALT—LAXB—CFWrcWtah (AP),— Flrt — which f7r1nvcf. tfeator aald mtght have been * ' deU^eretety. aet — bcoke out
-imdor a eoodii stalrrese iM
raced through a three-atecy btsltdlog Wednesday oight; WB-iag foar elderly and mldldo-aged uomcń.
ElgM cothcr ttśkkalf of the brkf 4pertmeot~hóaso~wtro : ~ hc>fntfall2M7~ifter^the flęsMd
The flre^me-bcought under
before the mostly eiderły rtsb dents had run acreamlng into Ibe Street cc, In e fcw ca»c*. had droppod from accor.d- and thlrd-story windowi to bushes Ot the waltteg arms of nelghbors.
ling erpcnd.tures and elimlnet ing som« Ux c*emptioni. The ChristlirrDcTnocrirs hiYe t^en sayLng ęuletly that there Is rvo altcmatlve to reltlng taxcs.
Sily ęr City ^ Mine“Blagt
SILVER jCITY, fdaho (AP) -A‘dvnamlte eapiosloo dcep In a mir*
WASHINGTON* (AP) «!— The ncwly Inunched. Communications satelłite got a def inlte‘assignmcnt Cbday tó a świtchboard post over the Pacific. The Communlca-tfon* Satelllte Corp. announeed that the ncw spacecraft was in the precisc type of hoebit jcąulrcd.^ A: thiC£JXaf.r J^rlta rocko^-eem-it-aioft nnt» into-orb!t"Wegnmuv TTtyiryorh Capc Kennedy. Fia>. Nftwamen promptly nicknamed-tt-^fcnnFBird/^thi^
Effortsio _
Seat Jury Are Stalled—
CLEVEI5\ND. OhCo (AP) -Elforu to compkte a Jory for IhC mnriłfr rtłrUl. of-Stroucl
TOKYO (AP) - North Viet Nam today dncrlbed tho Manila sommU confcrtncc as a war council and stopped Just short of offidałły Tekctl^g ihe laiest allied pcacc bioIS^nd tbe VIct'Nam war.
•The 'pcaceful - sotatfoo* pro-pesed by the Onllcd States the Manila conferrnce.,# sald Nhan Dan. organ of the North Vłetnan*5c-Communbt party. *'b Mili morę cynka! and Inio-tent than tbo 'cnndltio^wMch Ihe United Slaic*-Kid Yailler put to tho Yktnamese people and whlch had bccr. catftorkal-ly rejeetęd by tho |aUcr.,T
The officlal Hanol newspoper dld not rtfer spcclficaliy to the altkd offer to withdraw all for elgn. lroop»'/€vths after North ykt Nam \Ylthdbnws Its forćes and ald from South Vk4 Nam.
lnun«flatcly te
fllght to Bacg
Tbil Premier J^nom-kltUka-chorn greeted the TWmsons at Satuhlp and accompanicd them to the resort He uses the guest hou*c the Johnson* afc occupy-Ing aa his summcŁhpfr.c.
In-the-yillage, ptulcemttT fir
near thii historie South-! Idaho mlnlng city has
• Ktlted In the esplóslon at Flint Miwr-Wetlnęidoy-ńłBhr wer Rob^ ert L. Owen, 34, of WHder, Ida
"•ald be warchecWng ihe-possl-hfllty cf arsen Apeninem cus-“ todlstr Warrc^ChidwRk-sep he uw a young man run from the bultdlrg Yklnlty ]ę or 15 mkiutcs befoct Ihe firn *>as apotted at 10:10 p.m. The bulld-ing. ChAdw^ck sald; had hcen hit by.>petty yandalljm In recent neeki.
Reports Low Earnings
NEW YORK (AP) -Chrysler Gvp.« ll»o nAlloa*! thlrd* Urgcsi auto mtker, reported lower-^barnlnga today for the pa«t Ihree montha aim! for the yeer in datc. * 1t..drctared Ms regultr W centi-e thero ąuAr-teriy dMdenrl, «
Chrysler u Id* thlrd - nuarter eamlngs lotakd 14.5 rtllllon or M ccots a ,shite inmi^rcd wiih 115 ir.llUnn or 40 cc.-H i aMre
lo the sAm* period liat year.
For ihe nine mnntlis, Chryt-Irr eakf net csrnlof^ were 1113.4 mllhnn or Sl.Tj/a Ahare
miDl.lfhh-ina.i.nuliloo oc n thą tamo nlno montha Of 1005.
Chrysler (nilowa GenerAl Mo-lora, the kedląg noto mtker. by two days |n AanOuorlng bwer proflti. GM nalil Tuowlny Ua • thlrd ęu«rter net Inrnmo t«v - IlUdf^l aMlha-flf 34 centa x a riwtu^no aharo, down fcom -1143.R WdltoA oc 31 centa per a here a ye«r cerlicr.
ho. Inlurtd was Frnnk N. InA mi, 35. *t>o lU-ed at the mlne slte.
O wen* t body was hrought ool of the mlne tarły loday.
Deputy Sl»eriff C. J. Jurrlea sald th« two were hit by rock appartotty Whtn <}ynAm detonatcd prematurely 3X) tmo-* raWtuńnel.
Owen dkd of head mjurfts Jurrks sald. Ina ma suffered back and arm Injurles hut wa« aW« to crawl out of tho tunncl fnr help.
Flint Mlne Is wrst nf tbo now ntarły tkaerlcd SI1vtf Oty.
Harriman Goes To Indonesia
4AK.ĄRTA, ludooMle (AP) -W. Avercll JfarHman. Air.erkan ambninadoc et Inrge.. ercUtd today to dlfcuti the Vlct Nam war and tconomlc mattera wlth top Inrioreslon leftdertr lUrriman,a tHp waa ordtred hy Prtaldent Johnson to Harrh man could caplaln the icsult cl Ihe Manila aummlt meetlng to A»Un IfllEMoęaa eo-amr«ea.
Magle Vnlloy...Iii. il9o6. 3ft/
»****v,»# ,
ArrivatSet |
-BOISE -(APr-^FormfrTi Vice Prealdcnt Rkhard fl M. Nlxon was schedukd to arriv* at the Boise Alr-pert a^ 5:30 j>.m. .today on a RtyjWcaa.taicpaiga ’V
nomince wUl hbV3* news confcrerces at tho. dirporl
nrriva!-and *r 0-rrl pjn. In the Hotel Boise. .
Ntxon’s speech wJU bo at 9 p.m. In th Boba College Gymnaslum.
He will bo offklaUy weP .cotŁOd-by ■CaUtoUrt4l> Smylk.aod.intmdBccd by Sen. Ijen B. Jordan.
Hawaiian namc for błrd of hcavcn. Jt will be ‘mpvcd grodually to its permanent nsslgnment
above the GiR>eVl Istaods in tho South Pacific, where k will prcvld« the First commercbl spaco copnmynlcailons llok be-tween North America* and the
Hadih* tatelUtt. not attalaad io flesi
Keceive Mucli Sympathy
Noniinatioii Suit Thrown Out of Court
-boise-<ap>-*«-^ipj'wn:!1 S. Young threw out of coptt to-day a Tawsult challengfHg the nomlnatSon of Ocli D. Andrus as tho Dccnocratlc noml.nce fnr gnvcmor. •
Young ruled In Thltd Dtitrkt Court*tnat Hm couits "may not get lnvnlveit In polllkal dbpMtea of the panka" nml mM that to do io would łi»e an lnvflnlon of Othcr bcanchei of go^ernment."
He sald tho suit could harc becn brought tinder elther nf iwo aecltuw m law. Owe prnvides fnt contrfttbag the ctecllon of a pobite officlal ond tho other Im-nltt* a cbargo of uturpallnn of nffke.
Tlm suit waa brought imkr nenncr-tecłkmrTnu/ig snldrbut lnvnlvtd dnly tha comluct of the meetlng cf (ho Dcmocratk State Central Commllteo rai Soft. 1\
That mettlng rtime Andrai as the f*imtnce to UU the wanty retulllng frnm the cleoth of nonv Inee Chor ItslUrndoo kt.a piane Cni%h tho week Imforo.
Yo»«g* sald the rady per«ems włm*coiild cbalknge In eourl tha nrwnlnntlon nf Andnis wcniltl ho M»< Hansnn. whn wns dn-fealed by.Apdrus H4«2 la tl« rffcłfal cormnlttcc mcetliig. ur Ihe nitnrrcy grurral. W tbo lat-ter INI d grc^mls tu be Ikro Aij-drut* numlnallnn was Ulegał.
Sł.rppard sulkd tMs noorn-
••peace Ulks plot. and a repet: scnUtlve of the Viee Cong in Calco sald ihe Vlet Cong ••pdll new accept peace unlcss It b
tlve juror* (h‘at th^y hxd flxod oplnłons In the 12 yeir-otd cate.
Ekvtn Jurora—i(x men ond flvc women—had bcen ~scAjcd|on Our_PWiL tenni ot the noon *
\ * jecess. stlll sub-
ond four of thoso wtro Jcct to challenge.
Six other *projpect!vc Jurora were exc\;*cd -r^_fouC-Jieciu«
red brbk: U wbufd UW:**™**^«Cy TCTU5Ctl Ul pul ichool hudgct/ arc xpc-niNng a
bccn Matłoncd Instead ovrr
r thej I»acH
craft to be launebed ncxt month \vould have bcen glvcn the Pacific post. The Novtmber sate'.-Hto as a result wJlt bo placed over the Atlantic to prcWdC communkalions with La lin
Amortea and attuit
Both aro Improstd eehlcńi of
lot-of-4 Uńo-I ń-tbo-Ja
the part of die defendant, and was afruŁf
t'5'c ,r«‘vbl« WWHarwM-eMWfw-h-li
and wtlbwhhers.
"They marebed through herc for hours," Magistrale Taylor 3u*tke snid from the
cdiKaday. r.kht. ri-oml
neyMfiak^Ith what *he knew of tho IUM triil
__ eount.w-___
Juslfco #afd ho and tho three
hlch hovera over tho Atlantic changed thclr mlnds about tlić
relaylne cccnmonlcatlons be-twi-cn North America and Eu-ropc. — ^
Tho ncw ipscccrflfT will be kkkcd Ińto Its clrcuiar.synchro-nous otblt at 5:45 p_m. EST Surdny nrar Ihe pcak of U* orbit.
Boise Women Set Approach To Cut Priccs
^BOISE (AP) — Boise house-wtvcs urganired iKfemeplftt Wcdncsday nlgbt agalnst high food prkes, and set up a eon yaaaktg system to reerrk ncw meml»cra.
Approilnvate>y M wnmen fiwmed Diopter 10 of the Na-tlona | IliMMAwlyoe Voko fur t/iwerTood Prkfir "Wr will. nut horcolt super-markeU." . Mld Mm. * Jrrry Jones. "Nettber will v*o plrkct. Out we* will Nin cnj(afn JkjuiJo prufrifof t)»e hlgft pclces/*
Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Ilnrlsn Stulili fonned tbo flnfse /trtwp.
Amoag tho first Itcms to bc barmetl frtwh momber • lu>uie« wlvcs* rwirchasrs |s rnmiuer-'clnlly-hAkctHitead. lho natluntl grngp lua Imaned tbn bread, A^Krfc.s^of. brcatlbaklng ;4tlwa and deit\oo*ttAtlraia are amnr.g tho Polio group'« flrst pUnncd ACtlyirkJ.
Organ izations Mushroom to Fight Prices
NEW YORK (AP) — Orgtnf-utlons nf houscwlfta lo rcłutl-, Ilon IBM Ihe conl ol gmcrWs iprnuted Uk« mu iii ronina tralny,
PfkciM) and In Burlington, with the kv»sewlvrs. Prtrrs arridone. .....
N.C^, Ba - BCU1L (•^Kirllngion high 7hcy*rn high on cvory- "I don'1 l»fllevn tho Stores nn
roircd through tho
Street* and guards were nt_all__
Intenectlons. Moit rcsldcóci, acccitofr^d to tlmllar *artangt-ment* for vlslUng dlgnlurks, reacted calmly to Johasco'* ar- * Firal. - , l
-Johnson toM neirjmhirdufkg "" tho Olght from Manila his health wat flne, although ha
Ihree to four hour* a night be-
U. S.JPatrol__ OiiensFireon
l ■mu ul Uli I iidnlM si1 fu ilu In M ■ Tkm Prtsldtnt sald that on hłf— 5 Jlck trlp io Cam Ranh Bay !n Ykt Nam yećntuby, he ulJted -with cach of the U. 5. corps and.
• rea -comm aoóera-eod- fe łMhae— ■twtwnlnute report In person* Sas mora Informitire thm a 3,-OOBomd-cabla.—--- --
entrning to niĄho th? MMłil*. ...łW. BCl.r.P, IICCP and WASt.P os lamlltar lo lieadllne si onnors os NAACP, CORK and 5NCC.
WllllamsYllk, N.?„ had its •'Wftmen on ttm Warpath." Charklto, N.C^ tho "Mad
Moi bers and Fighthag !•'«• Ihars," liuiltlnra tho. ••|l a to n Konga Wi»men for Lower.Prłc-#a," Colorado tho "Naibmal llous^wlrea for Lcmrr PrkM."
In tho natlnn'a Capital U was tho WASIJ* ("Washlnglco Arcą Shoppsra tor Iowar Prices11), la Wllrnlngloo. MC.,, tha Ol.FP ("Opara Don Logit * FikkI
, > r . '
CUliont loagtie jor lówor Prtces).
..SufcL Mrt.. Dsv.'d Kgi5aw,.a apokesman for WOW:
"Our ptrkraiag |s alrned a( tha food Jmlustry, not . Ju#t tho mwea. Wn hava to start Wfore wt deal *'
Iii .Waiikesha, Wit., Mrs. Thomas Itsycn, kailor nf a grmip wlilrh haaa'4 nvrn chcsien n set ot kutwią vct.vMkl:
'*Wo itenj blAJiiIng an>*one, l>ut wd do want hi flnd out wbo tho InlNtwoen o\*ty Is wbo Is lo
.- Typli al stora reMtJon csme
rTomTirogory of Iha Gsor-Rfltalf As«m:Ulkn, who
high: They^a* high nn cwiry-thlng to lho wnnd — rlothcA. now auComMillrs, abiicot any
thk>g you cao namc. .. -
. ‘•tof.atldn Is splrallng.- Our cnmcntłon li that tlvo aiocery stora* awi food clmlfia havo a net profit of mm to ono aod a balf per cent on snlna. If limy cut prices vory much. thayjl Im nparatlng at a toi«.M
la Utlngcnn, N.C., Mrs Mo* lidkr. laadar of an unnanted rot»eI brlgado, had Ihls "Wa g*»l ono independent •tor® .oyrnor i to marit 4ldwn prices rai Itents wo llniuglit wora ton bljh. Ita fotlnwed us
tha storo ord • reducad
prkes wo (mbitetl nul. A can nf rnffed wat matkrd ttnwn Uoft\
affurd to dnip tbelr prkes, pleaikij Ted Walker, e*ecutlvo illrcclqr .o£-the- Oi«rk- luupfre Orncara Assnrlstion. "lho timisrwifo wanto m t»e reeng nlted, hut fnral U tnklng a lowrr prtiportbwi of her Jncotno chan ?lvn yoars ajp».*'
Mcanwhllc 1n AJto»n^rawe, H.M., Jho M|(ftutculvn* t wruur-ngtog liraer Prkes" (IIHIJ'J ajuiounced tha ilftl^g nf a aron-Ijoyrntt, Atying they had mado thclr rwlnt* Oy
A IfKI.P snokrimaa m girls called It off altar ilrWtog tlm prlco nf a praand nf bacoo down frtmi 95 canta to W centa, « toaf of hrasrt frmn 31 renti lo JO itnU, bałt a galion mflk
couaty Khool budgcL Tbcy eon-tend It would Impoie a 30 per cent tax hlkc WhtcB wouldn*t he possed atong to Ihrge puhllc servlce corporatlnwi.
The four wert Iilled Tuesday on a comcmpt of court charge afler refuitng nn order M spaoUI-Judgfr-WrDr-fpnrki-trr ipprovc the budget. lic aoM (hc budgcfs propc^cd tax Uicrcnsc' Is 10 per cent, whlch H legał. .
In addltkon to tlictr Wijtors, nbout hcvaicwtvrs stnbd (ot ho.trs In front nf Ihe Juli and chantcd: *,Doo,t kt them rslsc our tn*es.M
The iKijer fallcd rnsęlilraies «re Fogler lkatley, BNtbage Pralcr and Uirwln Newsoma. They comprUa the Piko Cowoty I^ical Court. whlclt refuscd In apprm*e the budget nn four nc-enstons. Tbo Km kard ap-ptaled tlić dectilon. .
K INSI (ASA. Cnngo (AP) -nrlg. Grut. |eiv*vard MuUmba UU-n-^horp-abottt- face', tatr WeJnesday night and acfcpted Ms now oppnlntmrnt as d*kn*Q oilnhler, Hndlo Klmlmsa re-jorted loday.
Mufamba was flrcd as premier and oppntotrd ikfenaO mtolatar ly Preabknt Jntepłi !>. Mobutu. Mnhptu nst^mej lho dutlds of prerakr-nod dccTcrit-n >tsldtAlM KRlmo.*'
Mtihniba sent Mnliutu ą kltrr dccllntng the. new ar^liiiment hut Inter aciil a new lettdr oc-c^pting tho Jtit.
Indcpendcncc Bill OKM by Cabinet
PARIS (AP) — Tha Frcnch Cabinet oppnwed a bill traloy •tfttlnfl up an independenci ruf-errndum tor Fronch .Somali-Ural.
T7»n bill, rrady for gabmlialnn to tbo Nntlunul Aasembły, pro-ybk.s fnr a refermdom Iteforo r>ext July | to tbn UU Franrh toUftCMbm tn AftUa.
^ Burley-Hosts Workshoj)— For Students
—SAIGON',—Soutb—Viat—Nam (AP) -AU.S. ambush natrol operx*d flre on a group or Vkt-nomcio. cbrillans they mlstook for Vfe( Cong today and kllkd or woondcd 15, tocludjpg womrat •od chlld ren. a trrsrr
B U R L E Y - Youthi freen throcghoct Magle Vałfcjr and sotithcastcra Idsbs gathered al llwrlcy High School Thuraday for • student couooil workshop. -Ge*wrnf-themc-fiir thcmfttr noon and aytnlog racct U-**Rc-SBOCMlhlllty: O* .Challenge,** Rcaluratlnn opencd at 1:30 p.m# and at 2:45 p.m. panel dltcus-slon* wrrn liekl for th* varkrii sludent offkcs.
Graco Kraul, Minko High School, was In charge of the ftrcwp fnr idtdcnt l»o«ty pcesl-dcnls; Robert Dnlni, 5hoshOne, v5cu prcUdenls; Cnrnt llasUin, Klmbcrly. secrttory•treasurers; Gayloa Unii, Madison High School,* Rcxliurg. senior cłm
SesUknU, and Jack WUUama.
Hiihooc, JtMlnr class presl* dento. ' *—•*
tinry Martle, Burky. wns la ^•lltc.of.tht jnccting ror preib drnta of boya orgAnliatinns: PrlklBa Martena, Cniikfofd, glrh nrgaolMtłoo*: Fooda Jot*-•nn; Ilurlcy. J-uture Nur«n, and Angeliko .0—fJirysocluiu,—Je-rnmn. forelgn atudents, 1# A oanco is sUto.l from 4:30 tn 8:30 p.m'. In tho Ngh school gym-naslum arul a buiuiiirt ut € p.m. to the Drlfiworat l<ix>m of tho Pondcrow Inp w Ul conclode the workshnp.
Thomaa MlyAukl, Ssągar City ClYlc.leader and v«lor*n,-wlU •prnk at• tlm. banmiet.
Smdonft body offhers ntttsML ed from MUilcO, lIKss,' IK-clo, Rockland, .American Fali*. sUw*, (toódlrut, Jomins, Cattk-ford Haft Rito, Twto 1-alta, Klmbarly, Dieirlrh, Filtr, Oak ky, niorkfraK, llan^n, Msdl soa. Camns. IIndntvllU, Hager man: WrnAMI.TVivwrniVCr;V*l: Icy, U11I1I and Muctangh.
pmldewttat * party-wlirbfllćopni
|to resume tb^ crowdcd round of • \fWiz s^krlnccs iintll tncy.B M fm MiTnulim
chrfllans were kllltd And «%tn were woundcd la-tho mUtakta ambisihbefore-dawo^IghFmiles north of Salgco. •
Tka spckcimsn sald a Vlct ramtso natlonal poUccman sc comMnylng the patrol had told tho U. S. MmtlBAtn t**t tbe group of pcoplo were Ykt Cong
The locident occurrcd during an operatkm, named Aflentowti, bv a unit of the II S lst-iafin-try DlvIt<on.
U. S. DM bnmbers maito two raldi on Ykt Cong troops and Ijascs In South Ylet Nam during tho dsy. One wnvo of bombera htrrrrtred at an enemy Iroop cocKcntratkm 50 miki north-west of Qul Nhon near tho central coasL A sccnod wave pogndcd swipected Ykt Cong troon conCcntratlons and a h<ad«jusr:cra area to war sono C. 75 mlles rorlhwctt of Salgon near the Ombodlan frtmtler.
NASA Aide Impressed l>y-Idaho Sitc
IDAHO FALI5 (AP)-James E. Webb, who has aa much spe cWk Impulio kt peraonal dyno-mUm os lho spaco vehkki he orblu.nround tho woeld, llfced whot b^ssw at the National Ho-actor Tcitlng Stal Inn Weitnos «loy, hut sald lie wos nnt pre pared-Ko #«y now what srnre relatcd mMttons tbey might serve,
"to yowr Idaho State Un!vor-stty, to Ihn emnty noral ord! nance plant and to tho flne facll-Nks I mw at the NatlnrwU Re-actoe Toatlng Statłop, Iitalwi hm an escelknt coniiilnatlnn 10 raj*
Hallie opon. _[ • ■__
""Aiui ńerlńfnly ’ you ahnuYl. See NASA AIDK. Tata 1. Cel. ft
Lost Hunter,
Son. F<
A 22-ycar-old aon cf a Twlri Folia ccuplt, who becamo tost Monday to nigeed country near the MkkJto Fork 6f the Payctte R(vćr wWW dttr hwntlng, wo* found Wedneiday afterwoem by two Forcst Sorvke empt^ts.
Rkhard MUkr,. Emmitt, aon of-Mrr-tTtd -MrtrTfrn^rrButrr Miller, 2117 Sherry Drlve, bo-came-4c*l Monday whllo track-tog a dcer. Miller sald his aon had trackcd tha doer for ofcouc four or flve hotara bofore rea-llilng ho had lost his bcarlng* and waa lost.
Afler bo raallzed he was un-obłe lo ftod his tfay hack to camp. ho nestlcd Inlo a covo and stayed ihera ovemlght. Tweaday. be fotmd what he aald appeared lo bo an ołd Foraat Servke camp — repfeto wtlh ■Icepl.-.g hags Ilo carrkd OM nf the sleeping hags with Mm and apeot tha ercond night at Duli Craek. . ,
Mlllor'* father Inld the Tlmes-NcwrThunday thnt tho^only food Mj aon bad with hlm tbnse threo dnyg. .was aomo drkd frult.
Wą^pcJdoy. .>mmg. M U 1.clł. walkrlt ovcr a rldge to MUftK Springi, wl^re be'was fiwsod. Tho ti
Sftudy Group to Be Formed On Kcgional Airport Plan
rMctrftct cnunly roenmUalno-ers. meetlng to Jernme thla wrak. Iww ikctdtd to appe&M
Ihe witera will be ghen a a ituily gnmp to InYestlgatc tbe riintce of r*nii.iI" Ing under fcatnillty nf a irglniłal alrrr.rt.
Freuch a dni tn Utrat Inn or Inde- Arcurdlng tn Morris Carlson,
|I;li. lo 53 centa. It cm beifnjm 55 centa to 40 cetiU,
pajace. _______ .w———
immm iiit itai.y
ROMĘ (AP) — Tho Itallan goyernmer>t nubrat aM today 10 icTjihwritorn Italy afler de-
atnirtWa wtods. 7t\n and itooda thore Wedoesday.
chalrman- ol-the—Twhr-falla (tounty Commtoslon, tho group will ^or.s-it of one commUalooer frmn oerh cnwnty In tbe dlitrki. and pn* other repttaentath* from cach counly. Countle* In-rlwkd aro, GoodUtg, Mtolitoka. Caaila, Jerome. LJncola, Tuto
Falls, ntalno an.1 Camaa.
Tlm groon will hołd thelr flrat meetlng a Ster tl>e otetllnoi.
Carbon mM the group Actmlly atiewpt to derlse ) locattan for ioch*oinirrplfT; wUl Siudy the probknt* hopoted by a och a terminal and try td iktermlno If ll wnuki be advan-tagec-aa to thla araa.
Other meotlnga 00 tl* pro. porad tlmort have been held to the todkldual co unika.
d thelr flrat
i UffOLiUt
rtvjp #a nnt derlre at a iirrpnfT; bul
Fnrcst 5ervled Fni' pioyca dr owo Miller to tbo Garden V*llcy Renger Siatbm. Ile wns raturoed lo Fmmctt hy _ Stale 1‘ollce Offlcer Jack Dc-Walii.
_ EllorU to oeganlie.a.eoarcj* — porty to tordc for Miller, aaalat* n‘r,t manager ot AU■-crtaon,i In Enmett. were cahed off Wed- • rcadny alternoon alter be waa found.
Miller** hurifrg compantom. Mlek Chapman and Harold Shiell l»oili Hmmett, anarchii • for hlm wllbout aurcess Monday wbm - he dtdn't ratwm to ~* camp. Viey lhon rcncctc.1 hlm inluW In ttie' Ynliey Counly •hertfra ofllce and, lator, lo Eramttt auihorliiea.
Wltcn the* ei(Mr~fctftitf ‘fhifT' hk ac* .waa tnlaitog, he mai , flown lo Eon Mott Wedneaday • wanlof by Robert Willi and wa^i * on hand lo gfcol Ms aon when he relurned urłlh tho Mtrolman. Miller then flow back to Twln Falk Thursday mornlng. Mlltor is mai^ger of Albertinn'a In Twln FpTk.
nOISE (AP)—Eatonilye billboard. nagattoe ord re-wapaper •dvetl(alug of .Idaho'* tourlal--and induatry attraettona hu . bcen apprnyed by tbe State *, Commcrco and Deve^psnent -Department'* advlaory ceonclL
»" v.