Guntur: I thlnk so, but govemment banning tigarettes does no good
Nte : What do you mean ? In my opinlon, it is important for government to estabiish law that
prohlbits smoking in pubiic places such as hospitajs and dnemas. "WłJu.Wi Guntur: Yes, thate tnie. But I tJTink people shourtfbe ailówed to śmofe on traln and buses.
Dont you thlnk so ?
Nb : Not at all. Ifs awful sitting next to someone blowing smoke all aver you, if you dont
smoke yourseif.
Guntur: Surę, I agree. But if you do smoke, and dont forgei, it isnt a cnme ....
Mb : Weil, that's where govemment can help I*, shoukj make" NO SMOKING” compartments
on all trains, buses, and aeroplan*; ans me*e should be morę "NO SMOKING” compartments than" smoking" Then youTI reaMy discouage people from smoking. Guntur: Yes, I suppose you are righL We agree tnar. tr-ere snbeks oe some real effbrts to dlscourage
people from smoking. Thanks, N;la • ~
Nfe : Bye,Gun. -
„ >•—>
Task Z: Read the dialogue again and answer these ąuestions
'łr-Who are there In the dialogue 7
. ii....................................................-................................................................
2. Who thinks that the people who wrote an amde about sroołong most be crazy ?
3. Does Nlla agree with Guntur^ opinion ?
4. What does NRa say to express her opinlon ?
5. Who agrees that smoking should be banned In pubiic places ?
6. Does Guntur agree that smoking should be prohlbitted in hospitals and clnemas ?
7. What does Guntur say ?
8. Mentlon some expresslons of asking ołher peopłe's opinion.
Answer • ••»■•••••••••••••••••••łf •••••••••■••••••!
9. Mention some expressions of opinlon in the dialogue above.
10. What will you say If you agree wlth someone's opinion ?
Task 3: Choose the correct answer a, b, c, d or e !
‘h—She never seems to care,.....?
a. 'che d. wontshe
b. doesnthe je: doesshe
c. hasshe
2. There is someone at the door,....?
a łsnt there d. łsnthe
b. łsnt łt e. cant you
c. wlflyou
3. Shut the door,....?
a. do you d. couldyou
b. dont you e. cant you
c. will you
4. Lets go to the movie,....?
a. do we d. wouldntwe
J>. shaBwe e. shouldntwe
c. cant we
5. His nameis Paul, isnt....?
ar he d. so
b. hłs e. It
c. that
6. She'sbeen veryktnd,....?
a. doesntshe d. hadntshe
b. wasntshe e. wontwe
e. hasn't she
10 BAHASA INGGRIS Untuk SMA/MA Kelas XI/6a5al/A-07T|