Task 2


B :

: Complcte thls dialogue and practice with your friend. The answersare provided.

fley, mom I'm toinking of going to Ujung Kulon National Park Next June. What do you think?

Ujung Kulon National Park is interesting. We can see rhinoceroses, reptllies and many klnds

or birds................But it sounds dangerous.

(1) ...C*,..by yourself (2).........&.............to go with a fnend.

Yes,I’vetooughtpf that

And (3)..............Ą...............towur fattier flrst

I did already. He tołnks (4)..........p........He wants to come wid-, me.


Ca. you ought b,^ its a great Idea

c.    you shouldnt go

d.    you’d better talk

Task 3J: Complete thesc sentenccs using "you ought toJ‘pr'* you ought not to

drive carefully on a busy road "

2.    r eat between meals if you want to lose weight

3.    (ł)^ »/i ti ■ m* <i ."Y. t .v.V.

4.    (fóU.&Pf1

5.    smóketooheavily

6.    go    to the dentiist regularly

7.    ^lle    in bed late everyday

8.    dean your teeth at least twice a day

9.    i......eatalotofsugar

10.    be    morę careful.

Task^l: Match these situation with the adwice^ou might glve In each one.

.JL___It łś ralning C .    youshould tak.ea rest

2.    lt's too far to walk ł\    b. you should ask a policeman

3.    Someone doesn't know which way to go 9 . you should taka ar. umbrełla

4.    Someone has to get up early in the mornlng l^d^jou    should see a doctor

5.    Someone is going to livc overseas Ą    u    should    wear    an ouercoat

6.    Someone hasn’t got any monay wito    them^    yi.you    should leam the language before you go

7.    Its going to be a cold day C 'r...    ^you    should pay by cheque

8.    Someone Istired out A -    '    should tóke a taxl

9.    Someone has seen,someone Dreaking inte ś?' you should set your alarm clock

a shop wlndow    ^>^you should cali the police

10.    Someone Is feeling hot and has a heaiacne^

Task 5: Work in pairs. Use dialogue in task 2 as a model

1. Suppose that you are planning to go to a certaln piace during your hollday. Tblk to your friend about your plan.



2. In the evenlng you want to bonow a book to a friend.,It Is rainlng and the motorcyle head lamp Is off. Tell to your father about it You Father You Father

r UHGMtiE RPREMION I Nota: Glving suggestion 1 - You’d better talk to your father li - You ought to go wito a friend - You should take a sleeping bag ITj - You shouldnrt ao bv vourself A

| BAMASA INGGR1S Untuk SMĄ/MA Kete Xt/Ga$al/A-07



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