

Law and order, crime and punishment

Study and practice

Below vou see the storv of an extraordinary casc in Bntish legał history. The affair starlcd’in 1949 and waś finally closed in 1966.

At the moment, there are a number ofgaps in the story. Use the words below to completeit.

^ftrial    Sconfessed 'tfcourt    custody    guilty

>ftrial    6

jconsicted arrested *mnocem

2convicted    2)<i£sentenced jury    ;,execution

? arrested ymnocem ■ krharged    appeal    > drooDed

i 4 guilty execution j •drooDed


The story began when a man called Timothy Evans was for the murder ofhis w ifc and baby. He was U with the double murder. but a short time later one of the charge

was and he wasO for the murdcr of his daughter only. Dnring the, i E\ ans accused the man whose house he had becn li\ ing in. John ChrisTie. ofthe criines.,^jt no attention was paid to him. The 7'*’found Evans . .rand he was Ijp death. An was tumed down and and he was ... ip 1950.

Some time later, morę women's bodies were discovered ?n C'hne's house: two. three. four, five,six. John Christie w as the polięp's cl u . and :hey started a ■ nationw idc^ for him. He was soon . Alleged ... by C!tns?ie.w hile he was in .. east doubt on the Evans hangtng. Wlien he went to A.y\ Ćhnstie Tnat he had murdered Mrs E\ ans. but in prńate it w as said that he . to that cnnie. His • ofinsanity with regard to other murders was rejected and he was ... ofkilling his wifc.

Soon afterwards there was an > into the «C.ofTimothy Evans. The decided that justice had been done and Evans had been rightly hanged. It was only in 1966 that another was set up. This time it was decided that Evans had probably been ... and he was givcn a frec .-... Bettcr latc than ncver. as they say.

\ow a quiz on some points of law — English style. The answers may well be

different in your countiy. Simply answefthe questions Yes or\o. The answers

according to English law are printed at the end ofthe quiz.

1    Is it a crime to try and kill yourself?    ^

2    Is it illegal to help somebódy to commit suicide? gp

3    Can you be executed formurderingapoliceman?

4    It. atier a murdcr, all the victim's relatives plcad: 'Please don't prosccute!’ can charges against the suspected culprit bc dropped?

5    Ifrwo armed thieves break into a nouse. guns in hand. and one ofthem shoots and kills the house-ow ner. is his accompifce guilri of murder?

6    Ifl surprise an intruder in my lounge at night stealing my millions. have I a legał right to assault him w ith a weapon?

7    Ifl set a trap - a fifty-kilo weight just above the front door— for an\ burglars w ho might uy and enter the house. am 1 breaking the law?

8    Aftcra dworce or legał separation, can a wnfe be required to pay alimom to her cx-husband?


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