Mata PeJajaran KeJas / Scmester Tema

8ahasa Inggris XI / Gasal Narta tive


Kercspon be/bagai wacana dengan mengkJentiflkjłsi makna gagasan ( idealfonai meanmg) flaiam wacana. Pcngaiaman Belajar:

A.    Reading Comprehcnsion

1.    Mencari pokok pSdran masing-masing paragraph dałam wracana

2.    Menentukan tata acuan darł kata rortsntu

3.    Mencari informasi teńentu da?atr waeana

B.    Vocabuary

:. Menemutar ant suatu «hs

2. Meienękapt suatu wacn s*ręa    yang retan <fls«fl*tan

i Memtwat ta --=* ier^- £E2-śK3

* SenJtskust te^a-g z*ta s^sc. *33


r s r=xt oy itstemng to the toct being rrad by your teacher.

A Llon and a Mouse

* cr    from sleep by a mouse runnlng over his face. (2)..........................

angrr. *e    him ar>d was about to kill him when lite mouse piteousty

-    ...........sayuig, *lf you (5) ..............................my llfe, I (6)..................................

Łre tB -epay your kindness."

Tbeicc (7).................................him go. It(8)............................shortty atter ttiis thatthe Ilon

.5;........ .......................................by hunters, who bound wlth him wlth strops to the ground. The

mouse, recognizing his roar, came, gnawedthe ropę with his teeth, and set him free, exdaimlng, "You

(10)................................the idea of my ever being able to help you, expectlng to receive from me

any repayment of your favor; now you know that it is possible for even a mouse to confer on a big Bon.“

(Source: Encarta)


Task 2: Choose the correct answer.

”-e :©ctaboveisa ć. -ecount text S -“‘jcsdure z *z~atjve : --ystacy exposition - i'i -V2! e«positlon 2.    : r    - the text above are ..

=. r-i    hunter

: -- - : .?ć = - 5 the hunter : re r --r re -flouse :    r^. cr i-z neśsrmer

= rć-cjćr:-' '*armer

3. The onentation of the text above is stated In

1* paragraph T* paragraph 1“ sentence 2*1 sentence łast sentence The reonentauon of the text is ... thelion ate the mouse the mouse helped the lion the hunter killed the tiger the llon helped the mouse the hunter helped the lion

BAHASA INGGRIS Untuk SMA/MA Kdas XI/Gasal/A-07 j |


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