Mata Peiajaran Kelas / Semester Tema
BahasaInggris XI / Gasal Report
Merespon bcrbagal warana dengan menflWcnOfikasi makna gagasan ( deatonal meaning) dałam warana Pengataman Bolajar:
A, . Reading comprehenslon
1. MenennAan Informasi tertemu dan warana
2. Mencimifcan artł suatu kał3
3. Menontukan kat^ acuan dar suatu tata talentu
B. Vocabulary j
1. Mengurutfcan huruf arak mcnjadt kata
2. Melengkap. kabmat dengan kata-kaa tsrtsntu
3. Berdlskusł membuat kafimait denoa: ‘Jte-kata tcrtcntu
Listen to belle, taking about a spider. While listening, complete themłssing word.then, answer the question.
Uhmn..., do you knpw about arechr<371 mean, It Is a spider. Splders are not ...{1).. 1 mear sptóersare arachnids.
Arachnlds have...(2).. bite pairs of legs but the only have ...(3)... body parts ...{4)„. Insects haye three pairs of ...(5)...and three body parts. The most surprising thing is that spldes have two to four palr of eyes. They can see (6) weŁ
Uhmn...,spkJefseatsma8..,(7)...suchas-..(8)...and .{9), and you what? They sometimes ...(10).. peopte. When a spiders bltes an insect, it doesn't...(11). the insect.. (12)... but a sperial poison passed through its fangs and this poison ...(I3)...the body of the unlucky insect.
Most spiders make their own ...(14).. They do this wlth a spedal substance produced by Their bodies. In the comer of some rooms It is possible to fmd a 5pider's...(l5).., where the spider is waitlng for its next dlnner guesL
Pcndidikan karakter Budaya Politik Budaya politlk yang berlaku dl Indonesia seyogyanya sesuol dengan etika politik Oemokrasi Pancasila. Kita bisa mengetahui budaya politik di Indonesia yang sesual dengan etika Demokrasl Pancasila dengan mengamati c»r»-arl nntara lain:
1) . Menganut fltsafat Pancasiła
2) . Sistem politik Demokrasl
3) . Sistem ekonomi : ekonomi
kerakyaun dan konsemsj
4) . Sistem budaya : kekeiuargaan
dan musyowarab
5) . Sistem pers kebebasan
bettanggung jawab
Task 1: Answer these questions correctły
1. What food is your favonte ?
2. Who usually makes your favorits food ?
3. Do you think your favorite food is healthy ?
Answer i.............................i.........................................
4. Do you llke cannędfood Answer
5. Why do you like or don't like it ?
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