7.    What aaMties are there In the organization 7

/trener ..................................................

8.    Havc you opened a meeting 7

Answer • • «*••••« a«a••aa«a a*•••*•••«#•»*«# a i a•

9.    Who usually opens the meeting ?

A nswer:.................................................................

10.    What steps do the people use fc- makmg a speech ?


Task 4: Read the foliowing text!

Dear ladies and genileman. Goud mornlng

First or all, I would llke to express my gratitude to our distlnguished guest who is present in this room to jołn our program. And ladss and gentlemen, thank so much for coming to our meeting.

To day I would llke to dellver s speech with the titie "The Impact of the Tsunami”. Disaster to Aceh Survivors.

As we all know we have undergcne lot of deadly ratural disaster which nave caused a great loss of llve such as floods, ear^ake. a^ides^li^eYnd tsunami.

In this case I f^racuiarfy ints^estea m ta!xlńgrabout stunamuyhichhas destroyed the provtnceof Aceh, part of North Sumatera and their people. We have ^Wt^eofrom teievislon that crying was heard everywhere. People rusbed and run to flnd shelter to protect themselves. Thls Incident really touch us. ITs very hard to get this *atal event. Unti(now the trauma about thls disaster is still fełt by the sun/ivors.

Ladies and genOemęg. Tsunami nas caused many Aceh people to lose thelrjob. Mostof them still live in emergency tentó whife wair for funds from donators. They hope that donations will arrive soon, becauśe they cant stand tośtay in tents where sanitation is very bad. Many of them suffer from certalh diseases such as diarmea. asthmatic disease, skin disease, etc.    'u«<śsńA

Weil ladies and gentlemen i=t me conclude my speech todąy that tsunami is really brought suffering to Aceh people and I hope that all the survlvors will be patient enough to get through to this bad time in their llves.

Ladies and gentlemen. Th3n< you very much for your altention.

Task 5: Answer these ąuestions based on the text above.

1.    What is the theme of the speech ?

Answer •    <••••••*••»•••**

2.    Where Is the meeting take place ?


3.    The Impact of the Tsunami Disaster to Aceh Survivors. The word "impact" has simiiar meanlng

with? eforfc Answer •    ..................................

4.    What is the third paragraph ta < about ?


5.    According to yGU, where does the writer live ?

Answer :

6.    What do the survlvors feel up to now ?


7.    What are the affect of tsunami that hit Aceh some years ago Answer

8.    What do the survivors expea from the people in another place 5


9.    What diseases are caused by the natura! disaster ?

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< ............................. ..........



10. What are the proper aid$ for the survrvor$ ?


' | BAHASA INGGRIS Untuk SMA/MA Ketas Xl/6&sa!/A-07 33


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