1. Why do people think that examlnations shoutd be abołished ?
2. What ł$ the main Idea of paragraph 1 ?
3. SomepeoplethinkthatexaminaOonshouldnotbsabofisheB,why?
4. Can a teacher test his students by gMng them homework ">
5. They can*t be surę that.....(paragraph 2). The word "they" refers to.....?
6. Isexamlnation result needed for finding a job ?
7. What is the usage of examination for teacher ?
8. Do any companies need appllcant with good score ?
• • 4 4 4 4 ••••••44
\mmi rnuDREN
While everyor>e agrees that it takes a family to raise a dvld, A-the combi ned efforts of varlous mstitutlons and organizatlons to * flnd a home for orphaned and separated Acehnesech -'en ha-.e yet to recewe the attenhon they need.
The govemmcnt, International relief oręa- zarons and ry-eign, and local nongovernmental organ^afecrs (ŃGC :a-e :: an almost unanimous dedsion that removing the chAJren frtrr. their hometowns for adoptlon or orphanages ts not an opbor
However, they still as yet urfounded, bot scnsitive issues of cniłd abducson and trafficking have been a stumbllng błock in their woric. Syaiful Amri, the coordinator of a youth group network called Lost Children Operation! In Banda Aceh - The capital of Nangroe Aceh Danjssalam and the dty worst hit by the dlsaster * saki their effbrt to locate children tiving wlth nełghbours or family friends was rełativeJy smoother, because they spoke the same ianguage.
"When »ve try to gather data on how many children survlved, the people tend to shut down all acces. We have to approach the neighbourhood chief or local rełigious leaders to explain our inten-tions before they will take us to the children/' he sald.
Task 4: Answer the questions below based on the text above
1. What.do the Acehnese children need ?
Answer.........................................i............. *............................•••«••••••»•(•.................
2. What do the government and NGO agree on ?
Answer • 4«||IM444444*444t4M«t*»(*t»l*.44MtMMIł(łtMMmMI44l4t44|4l44 4ll4M|t 4 •«•••• 4 • I «•»••••••••••••■ I • 4 I •>•«•••••• t •••••• •
3. What has been the stumbllng błock of NGO and the government ?
4. Whols Syaiful Amri?
5. Why was Syaiful Amri suocessful In focating Acehnese children ?
6. What is the main Idea of paragraph 5 ?
7. “The adoptlon and orphanages of diHdren". In which paragraph do you find this Idea ?
/4/75i*er :
8. What does "they" In paragraph 6 refers to ?
9. What Is the communicative purpose of the text ?
Answer 4 IM44444I444MM4444I 4 4 4 > 4 4 4 • 4 • • • 444 • • 4 » » 4 4 « 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 • 4 4 • • • 4 4 • « 4 • 4 4 • « • • • • 4 4 • • • « 4 • # • 4 « • • 4 • 4 • • • • • • 4 • • 4 • • 4 4 4 • 4 4 I ■ I I » • • • • 4 4 4 • • I • 4 4 4 4 4 4 I
10. What type of text Is used by the writer in the story above ?
Answpr *
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