a, not lock
b. without locking c he did not lock
d. not to lock
e. be hadnt iocked 8. According to tbe latest issue of the journal
9. Last summę-1 taught.,...aWke»
a. to my brotber rlde
b. my brotber riding
c. my bfother to rlde
d. my brotber ride
e to my brother to ride
of American Medlcal Assoclatlon .....can 10. He hasn't got enougb expenence
reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death in prinópal of our scbcol
a. fish bemg eaten every week
b. Ifweeatfishonceaweek
c. toeatweeklyfish
d. fish to be eaten weekly
e. eating fish ]ust once a week
a. prornoted
b. to be prornoted
c. to be promotlno
d. be prornoted
e. be Will be prornoted
Task 1 : Study this situation and answer the questions.
Siudy this examp!e situatbn.
Kevln loves football and this evening there Is a big football match on te)evlsion. The match beglns at 7.30 and ends 09.15. Paul wants to see Kevin the same evenlng and wants to know what bme to come to this house,
Paul : Is it allright If I come at 08.30 ?
Kevtn : No, III be watchlng tbe football then Paul : Weil, what about 9.30 ?
Kevln : The match will have finished by then
1. Who keens of watching football gamę ?
2. What bme does the football match begln ?
3. What does Kevln do tf Paul comes tc his house at 08.00 ?
4. What will happen with the football match at 09.45 ?
5. "No,
6. The match wiHJayę finlsOfid by then What Is the tense of the underlined words?
Answer • «t «•••»••«»••••• ••••••• ••••••*••• ......................................................
7. Make a sentence in present futurę contlnoos tensel Ansv/er
8. Make a sentence in present futurę perfect tense ?
Answer 9 *999999*9999999999999••••••••••••aaaaaattaaa«a«‘a#aaa%»**aaaaaBaa*««vaaaaaaaaa*aa**a*aaaa*aataaa*aaaa**aaaaaaaaaaaaata•••••••#••*•
"I will be doing something" (futurę continous) = I will be In the mlddle of dolng something .The fbot bali match beglns at 07.30 and ends at 09.15. So durlng this time, for example at 08.30, Kevin will be watchlng the match. Another example:
• I am golng on holiday on saturday. This time next week HI be lying on beach or swlmmujfi in thesea.
Comparę will be (doing) and wili (do)
• Don't phone me between 7 and 8. WeTt be haytngdlnner then
• Left walt for Mary to anive and then weHhąyedinner.
11 BAHASA IHCGR1S Untuk SMA/MA Kelas XI/Ga«l/A-07 51