Compare will be-Ina with other contmous forms:

•    At 10 o'dock yesterday, Sally was in his offloe. She was workmę. (past).

It's 10 0'dock now. She is in her Office. She ts worktng (present).

At 10 o'dock tomorrow. She will be in Her Office. She will be working.

We also use will be dolna In different way: to talk about completc acbons in the futurę:

   A: If you see Sally, can you ask her to phone me ?

B: Surę, lVbeseina her this cvening, so III tell her then.

•    What Orne w/Zypur friends be tomorrow ?

In tbls examp!e will be-ing is sim/lar to the present continous for the futurę.

You can use will you be-ing.... ? to ask about somebody's plan, espeda/ly ifyou want somethlng or want them to do something. For example:

•    A: Wj/I you be oasstna the post Office when vou're out ?

B: Probably, why ?

A: I need some stamps. Could you get me some ?

•    A: Will you be usma vour bicyde this ęyening?

B: No. Do you want to borrow It ?

We use will have (done) (futuręperfect) tosay thatsomething willalready be comp/ete. Kevin's footballmatchendsat 09.15. Soafter this time, for crample at9.30, thematch wMłidyęflnifhęd-Some morę example:

•    Sally always leaves for work at 8.30 in the moming, so she won't be at home at 9 o'clock, Shell hańaonelo work.

•    We are late. The film willaIready teve starredtiN the time we get to the dnema.

Compare will ha ve (done) with other perfect form:

•    Ted and Amv hayebeen marrled for 24 years {present perfect)

Next year they willhave bee.n mamed for 25 years.

When their flrst child was bom, they hadbeen mamed for three years (past perfect)

Task 2 : Read about Colłn. Then you have to cross (x) the sentences that are true.

In each group of sentences at least one is true.

Colin goes to work everyday. He leaves home at 8 o'dock and anives at work at about 8.45. He starts work immediately and continues untll 12.30 when he has lunch (whlch takes about half an hour). He starts work again at 1.15 and goes home at exactly 4.30. Everyday he follows the same routine and tomorrow will be no exceptlon.




At 7.45

a.    heli be Jeavlng the house

b.    heli have teft the house

c.    beli be at home

d.    heli be having breakfast

At 8.15

a.    heli be leaving the house

b.    he‘ll have left the house

c.    he’ll have armred at work

d.    heli be amving at work

At 9.15

a.    he'll be working

b.    heli start work

heli have started work d. heli be amving at work

BAHASA INGGRIS Untuk SMA/MA Kelas Xl/Gasaf/A-07


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