

EOTBUHfi RflJEF (Cx*\*A/ {<*fa*Vv

Task 1: Study the following cxpressfon of relief!

Oh, thafs relief    -    l am very relief to hear that

Thanks goodness for that    •    I am ewtremely glad to hear that

Thanks heavens!    -    What a relief

Oh, good !    -    Good for you

Oh, marvelous    -    I am glad its done

-    Oh, what a relief    • I am glad everything is running well

• ^ Thatsollrightthen    -    Ifeelso relief

-    Phew!    *    Ifsvery reiaxmg

-    Thanks God for that    *    Tbis ointment relleves my pain

Task 2: Complete this dialoguc usłng expression of relief!

1. You have finlshed your dinner at a restaurant Suddeniy you found you have no cash to pay for it. You ask the cashier if she will accept a cheque.




Sorry, I have left my cash. Coułd I pay using a cheque ? Yes, certainły.


Your parents Your unde You

I have tried to get the money for the scnool fee but Redeve thls, I thlnk It Is enough for iL

3. You borrowed your friend's new dłgital camera. It suddeniy stopped working. You have taken it back.




I’m terrlbły sorry, I thlnk I've broken It.

Ifs okay. The main botton comes out, that's all.


Interjection (a sound in English to express pain).

-    Ouch I It hurt me so much

-    Ouch • stop plnching me

-    Ooh I My head aches I And my back hurts!

•    Ouch I That's hurts I

•    Aw! the pain hurt me very much

-    1t’s very palnful. I cant stand it

-    I cant stand It The pa^n is getting worse and worse.

Task 2; Create a dialogue based on the following situation and practice it with your partner!

1.    You have to go to a doctor because you have serious headache.

You    :    ~.....................

Your brotber :    ........................

2.    The doctor gives you an injectlon. You react to the injection by expressing your pain and relief.

The doctor :    ............i............


The doctor

54 BAHASA INGGRIS Untuk SMA/MA Kdas XI/Gasal/A-07| |


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