Task 1: Answcr the following questions!
1. Do you likc jogging ?
2. When do people usually do jogging 7
3. Do you know the reason ?
4. Whfch air is fresher, in a city or in a village ?
5. What can cause air pollutlon mainly In a city7
6. Is pollution dangerous ?
7. There are morę and morę cars in city or vlllage. What is the bad effect of the morę vehldes I city?
Answer • ......................
8. Do you like living In a ylllage or in a dr/7
4/wwb’- :...............................................
9. What is the benefit of living in a city?
10. Mention some probtems of livmg in a oty?
Task 2: Read this text then answer the questions!
Car should be banned In the aty. As we all kncw, ca^s c-eaa pc -non and cause a lot of road deaths and other acddents.
Ftrsdy, cars as we all know contribute to mostof the poflubon - me worid. Cars emlt a deadly that causes illness such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and asthn-a Some of these illnesses are so bad people can dle from them.
Secondly, the aty is very busy. Pedistrians wanderse*efy.vftere and cars commonly hit pedistrians in aty whfch causes them to die. Cars today are rceds tpggest killers.
Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you !ive m the ar,, yoo may find it hard to sleep at nlght or concentrate on your homework and especa .y talk to someone.
In concluslon cars should be banned frcrr me aty for the reason listed.
1. What is the major cause of pohutfon acconfing to the text above ?
2. What do cars emit ?
3. How many illnesses are menticned in the text7
4. Cars are the biggest killer or the road. This idea is found in paragraph.....?
Answer ...................................................................4
5. What is the sodal function of the text above ?
Answer • a. •*....■••••«« (••••••««»( •(«•»•• •
6. What type oF the text is used. by the writer?
Task 3: Answer these questions honestly!
1. Does your father like smoking 7 Answer
2. Do some women like smoking 7
3. How about you, are you a smoker 7
4. Smoking is not good for our health, do you think so 7
Ansner:............................................................................................ . ...................................
5. Mention some dis3dvantages of smoking!
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BAHASA INGGR1S UntuK SMA/MA Kelas XI/Gasal/A-07 57