First conditional

Work in pairs. Answer the questions.

1    Do you know any superstitions?

2    Do you believe in any superstitions?

3    Do you know anyone who is very superstitious? How does it affect their behaviour?

6 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Read the text. Are any of the superstitions familiar to you?

ćkjpensOtlons around the world

a inagpic


Some superstitions are part of British culture. lf a black cat waiks in front of you, you will have good luck. On the other hand, you will have seven years of bad luck if you break a mirror. A lot of people don't really believe in superstitions. but at the same time. nobody likes to take chances if you look at the seats on some aeroplancs, you won't find the number 13 Accordmg to a survey. people who helieve in superstitions have worse luck than people who don't believe in them. In other words. if you oelieve in bad luck, you II probably have itl

Different countries huve different superstitions For example

in England, it s unlucky to see one magpie on Its own. bul in Korea, it s the oppositc lf you 1_(see) a magpie in the

mormng. you '

tget) good news that day. Another

Korean superstition says that you mustn't wash your hair on the mormng ofan cxam Ifyou 1___(wash) it. you *_

Study the information in the Learn this! box. Look at the i/clauses and main dauses in blue in the text above and underline two morę examples.

i not remember) what you've learned1

In Russia. mirrors ean be lucky or

unlucky lf you 4_(look) in a

broken mirror, you 6_(have)

bad luck lf you '_(leaye)

sometlnng at horne by mistake and have to go back for it. you4_

a broken mirror


1    We use the first conditional to predict the result of an action. We use the present simple to describe the action and will t verb to describe the result.

Ifa black cat waiks in front of you. you will have good luck.

T    t

adion    result

2    The r/dause can come before or after the main dause. if it comes after, we don't use a comma.

You will have bad luck ifyou break a mirror.

(have) bad luck. But you

*_(not be)

unlucky lf you 10_

(look) in a mirror when you go home to get it

• • Grammar Builder (70): page 116

Complete the sentences about superstitions around the world.

Use Ihe present simple or will form of the verbs in brackets.

1    (UK) lf a cat washes behind its ears, it_(rain).

2    (Wenezuela) Ifyou_(give) somebody handkerchiefs

as a gift, you won't have a good relationship with that person.

3    (Brazil) Ifyou eat lentils on lstlanuary, you_

(make) a lot of money during the year.

4    (Korea) lf a man_(smile) a lot during his wedding,

his first child won't be a boy, it will be a girl.

5    (Turkey) Ifyou see a spider in your house, you_

(have) visitois.

6    (Thailand) lf a woman_(sing) in the kitchen, she

will marry a very old man.

•i 2.13 fk:(»l.'lili'IdMIH]'l Listen and repeat the sentences

in exercise 4. How are the words will and won‘t pronounced?

Sometimes, cities have their own superstitions.

At Salamanca University in i Spam, there is a superstition about a stone carvtng on one of the walls lf studenta I

”_(touch) this carvi|jj(|

before a test, they1 (do) well. But ifthey n(forget) to touch it, they ’*_(not pass) the test.

the stone carving at Salamanca Uniyersity

7    Work in pairs. Ask and answer the ąuestions.

What will you do if:

•    you can't sleep tonight?

•    it rains all weekend?

•    you can’t do your homework?

•    you feel ill tomorrow?

•    there's nothing good on TV this evening?

What will you do ifyou can’t sleep tonight?

ril read a book.

Unit 7 • Cultures and customs


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