1 Work in pairs. Match the countries with the volcanoes. Can you name any othervolcanoes?

Indonesia Italy )apan Mexico

1    Mount Fuji Oast eruption: 1707)

2    Vesuvius (last eruption: 1944)

3    Krakatoa (last eruption: 2001)

4    Popocatepetl (last eruption: 2006)


jeśli tekst zawiera wykres, przyjrzyj mu się uważnie, zanim zaczniesz czytać. Kiedy zrozumiesz wykres, łatwiej ci będzie pojąć tekst.

2    Read the text ąuickly. Are the sentences true or false?

1    The volcano is in Africa.

2    The volcano could cause a tsunami.

3    We can prevent the eruption of the volcano.

3    Read the text again. What do the numbers refer to?

1 6

2    500 billion

3    800

4    90

5    8

4    Answerthe ąuestions.

1    Why are scientists worried about Cumbre Vieja?

2    How long would it take the wave to reach the African coast?

3    Why would Europę be in less danger than America?

4    How big would the wave be when it reached Portugal?

5    Why would it travel a long way inland in the Caribbean and South America?

6    What can scientists do to predict the eruptions?

5    Find these highlighted words in the text.

1    two adjectives that mean 'very big'

2    two verbs that mean 'damage very badly'

6    Find the highlighted verbs in the text that belong to the same word family as the nouns.

1    destruction

2    devastation

3    eruption

4    prediction

5    protection

7    Read the text again. Cover the text, and say what would happen if the volcano collapsed. Use the words in the box to help you.

Nouns side volcano tonnes of rock sea tsunami Atlantic Ocean coast wave

Verbs collapse cause travel across reach destroy

This is a picture of Cumbre Vieja, a huge, active volcatł La Palma in the Canary Islands. Every few decades it erupl and scientists are worried because the walls of the volc; are getting weaker. Scientists fear that when it erupts, c side of the volcano could collapse and fali into the sea If I this happened, it would be a catastrophe. Why? Because would cause a tsunami - an enormous wave - the bigg ever recorded in history.

If the volcano collapsed, tonnes of rock would fali into the sea.

Unit 8* What if...?


MATURA Świat przyrody • Rozumienie tekstu czytanego Prawdo


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