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Five hunting tactics

Thresher sharks

Work in pairs. They thrash their long tails to herd fish into shallower waters. Then the sharks take turns to grab a bite.

Mąko sharks

Have a very cunning trick. They sometimes bite off their victim’s taił—that slows it down!

Basking sharks

Feed on tiny shellfish called copepods. They swim along, open-mouthed, fluttering their gills to swallow any trapped food.

Tiger sharks

Will eat almost anything—turtles, sea birds, and even smali whales. Their super senses allow them to hunt in murky waters.

Tasselled wobbegongs

Are so well camouflaged that they blend in with the seabed. They lie inwait tillafish gets close enough, then ambush it.



■ Your prey s well and truły dead. Snatch it up again, dive down deep, and start devouring it!


** JM



Sharks have a habit of taking a bite out of just about any floating object that they find:

Car license plates Tennis balls


Pieces of armor

An entire reindeer (without the antlers!)

A cannon bali

A live turtle (it survived!) A newspaper

A barrel of nails


w m Release your prey. Wait for it to die of blood loss from your initial killer bite.

A tattooed arm (part of a murder victim)

Tips on avoiding a shark attack

Never ever go swimming alone.

Never enter shark-w u infested waters— especially if you’re bleeding.

Avoid midnight dips, w O because many shark species hunt at night.

Mlf you do spot a shark, swim ąuickly back to shore with minimum of splashing.

Leave shiny jewelry w w back on the beach (it glints like fish scales).

1 bite-ometer

Here’s how the bite of a big shark measures up against other scary predators:

Great white shark: 9,970 lb/sq ft (420 kg/sq m)

Lion: 15,660 lb/sq ft (660 kg/sq m)

Hyena: 16,610 lb/sq ft

(700 kg/sq m)    /

Alligator: 35,595 lb/sq ft J (1,500 kg/sq m) /

. T rex: 55,055 lb/sq ft Jrw (2,320 kg/sq m)    ^

In numbers

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Sharks 108109

(c) 2011 -Dorling Kindersley. Ali Rights Reserve


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