Ask Me Everything!8
Five Japanese martial arts

Opponents try to defend themselves while protecting their attacker from injury.
Contestants try to disable their opponents by putting them off-balance.
Combatants attack their opponents with strikes from the legs, hands, elbows and head.
Opponents deliver blows to targeted areas using bamboo sticks as swords.
Sumo wrestling
Contestants try to throw their opponents to the ground or push them out of the ring.
The smallest of Japan’s main islands. Shikoku’s largest city, Matsuyama, is famous for its 400-year-old castle.
How to:
wear a kimono
The kimono, a floor-length robę with square-cut sleeves, is the traditional dress of Japanese men and women
Puli up the
materiał so that the kimono ends at your ankles and tie a belt, the koshi-himo, around your waist. Fold the extra materiał over the belt and smooth out the fabric.
Wrap the right side of the kimono over your body and then drape the left
Put on the kimono, making surę the seam runs down the center of your back.
Place a second belt, the date-jime, over the koshi-himo belt and tie at the back. Bring the ends to the front and tie again.
Tie the last belt, the obi, in a complicated butterfly knot at the back. The obi is usually around 13 ft (4 m) long.
W w ■ Wear your kimono with white socks and wooden sandals over a simple white undergarment called a iuban.
The isiand is noted for its natural hot springs, the most famous of which are in Beppu on the east coast.
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