2 Find words or plirases in the sentences in 1 to match the definitions below.
a) the knowledge and abilities that enable you to do something well, which can often be learnt
b) something which someone has succeeded in doing, especialiy after a lot of effort
c) the generał ability to do something well or efficiently
d) the ąuality of being able to do a task successfully without wasting time or effort
e) the pleasure you feel when you have done something well
f) the feeling you have when a hope, drearn or ambition has been realisecl
g) thoughtful towards other people
h) to think that something is important and to appreciate it
3 Create a table and eomplete it with the verb, noun, adjective and adverb forms for your answers to 2 where appropriate.
For example:
noun '/erb adlectWs ad’.'erb
4 Complete these sentences using words from 3.
a) I always try to take other people's points of view into_before
making a decision.
b) I find helping others very_.
c) Honesty is the thing I_most in a friend.
d) I always feel really_when 1 manage to reach a deadline.
e) Passing my degree has been my greatest_so far.
f) I really admire people who are super-_and always manage
to do everything on time.
g) My job is the one thing that gives me real_.
h) Using a Computer is probably one of the most important __
I've learnt in my present job.
i) Feeling_about doing my job gives me confidence.
6 Work with a partner and compare your answers.