Lesson p036
4. Words ending in -al, -eł, -ol, or -ul drop the l and add i$:
o jornal the newspaper os jornais the newspapers amavel pleasant, nice amaveis (pi)
o aluno alto a aluna alta
os alunos altos as alunas altas
the tali student (masc.) the tali student (Jem.)
the tali students (masc.) the tali students (Jem.)
Notice that a descriptive adjective tends to follow the noun it modifies and agrees with it in gender and number, that is, it is masculine if the noun is masculine, plural if the noun is plural, etc.
(Sie) £ espanhol.
(eła) £ espanhola. (eles) Sao espanhóis. (elas) Sao espanholas.
The adjective, used without the noun, indicates through its form whether the noun referred to is masculine or feminine, and whether it is singular or plural:
He’s Spanish.
She’s Spanish.
They’re Spanish. (masc.) They’re Spanish. (fenu)
English -’s or -s’ is translated by de Mof
a caneta do Joao John’s pen (“the pen of John”) os cadernos dos the professors’ notebooks (“the projessóres1 notebooks of the professors”) lprofessores (P).
1. To ask a ąuestion, use the same word order as for a statement, but change the intonation (this is the morę common form, especially in Brazil):
O senhor chegou cedo. You arrived early.
O senhor chegou cedo? Did you arrive early?
2. The word order may be inverted, with the verb before the subject:
Chegou o senhor cedo? Did you arrive early?
18. “NO” AND “NOT”
The word for “no” and for “not” is nao. To make a statement negative put ndo before the verb:
Nao vejo. I don't see.
1. Boa_(afternoon), senhor Coelho.
a. manha
b. tarde
c. obrigada
2. Pode dizer-me_(where) e o correio?
a. onde
b. bom
c. quando
3. _(bring me) pao.
а. deseja
б. chegou c. traga-me
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