Lesson8 p192

Lesson8 p192


restaurante qualquer (como em qualquer restaurante).

J: Oh, nothing of the sort. They are large and well-organized establishments, with air condition-ing in the summer and heat in the winter. And there, I repeat, you can eat as well as in any restaurant.

32.    P: Numa farm&cia! Meu Deus! Nao me faęa rir.

P: In a pharmacy! For heaven’s sake! Don’t make me laugh!

33.    J: Sim, numa farmńcia. Mas 1& a farmścia nao tern esse nome. Chama-se “drugstore.”

J: Yes, in a pharmacy. But over there it’s not called a pharmacy; it’s called a “drugstore.”

34.    P: Compreendo. £ farmścia mas nao se chama farm&cia. Entao, se nao se chama farm&cia, nao ć farmścia.

P: I understand. It’s a pharmacy but they don’t cali it a pharmacy. Then, if it’s not called a pharmacy, it’s not a pharmacy.

35.    J: Pois bem, numa “drugstore” vendem selos, cartóes (bilhetes) postais, charutos, cigarros, aparelhos elśtricos,1 brinquedos, livros e outras miudezas.

J: Weil, in a drugstore they sell stamps, postcards, cigars, cigarettes, electrical appliances, toys, books, and other odds and ends.

36.    P: Entio 6 um bazar.

P: Then it’s a bazaar!

37.    J: Nao i; 6 uma “drugstore.”

J: No it’s not; it*s stlll a “drugstore.”

38.    P: Maraviłha$ dos Estados Unidos! P: The wonders of America!


7.    “Look. I am going to introduce you to my wife.”

8.    “I will (shall) have much pleasure in knowing her”

9.    “Mary, I present to you my old friend, John Guimaraes.”

10.    “I have much pleasure in knowing you, madam.” Conheci-la is the infinitive conhecer “to know” and the object a “you” (fem.) (see item 2 of sec-tion 20 of grammar summary).

11.    “The pleasure is (all) minę.”

15.    “You don’t know how much pleasure I have in seeing you again.” Ve-Io is the infinitive ver “to see” and the object o “you” (masc.).

16.    “I also.”

17.    Esta sempre jovem. “You are always young.” Ser jovem means to be young; estar jovem here means to look young.

19.    “She is already accustomed.”

20.    “I heard say that life in New York is very difTer-ent from life in Rio de Janeiro.”

21.    Muiła coisa is a singular form used here in the sense of a plural; the plural form muitas coisas can also be used.

23. Nao e yerdade? means “Isn’t it the truth,” but the translation will vary according to the naturę of the question; here it is given as “would you?”

26. “It is not a joke. I am speaking seriously.”


elćctricos 0.


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