9. Preciso de sabonete. |
9. |
What will you have? |
10. Traga-me pao. |
10. |
dessert |
11. cafecomleite |
li. |
meat |
12. aęttcar |
12. |
a knife |
13. verduras (łegumes) |
13. |
cggs |
14. uma xicara de cha |
14. |
Bring me some bread. |
15. um pouco mais de |
15. |
chicketi |
pao | ||
16. uma faea |
16. |
a cup of tea |
17. sobremesa |
17. |
some morę bread |
18. o cafe da manka |
18. |
sugar |
(o peąueno almoęo) | ||
19. uma colher |
19. |
a bottle of winę |
20. A conta, faz favor. |
20. |
potatoes |
1—U; 2—20; 3—2; 4—9; 5—13; 6—15; 7—1; 8—19; 9—4; 10-14; 11—8; 12-18; 13—3; 14—16; 15—17; 16—12; 17—10; 18—6; 19—7; 20—5,
This lesson and several that follow are longer than the others. They contain information about grammar you need to know from the start. Try to understand each point, and as the course continues observe examples of the points mentioned. Refer back to the sections on grammar as often as nećessary. Try to develop an understanding and feeling for the basie features of Portuguese grammar rather than a mere memoriza-tion of “rules.”
eu falo (tu falas) file1 fala ela fala o senhor fala a senhora fala voce fala
I speak
you speak (familiar) he speaks she speaks you speak (masc.) you speak (fem.) you speak
nós falamos (vós falais) files1 falam elas falam os senhores falam as senhoras falam voces falam
The forms in parentheses
we speak (you speak) they speak (masc.) they speak (fem.) you speak (masc.) you speak (fem.) you speak
are generally to be avoided.
1. These forms, which make up the present tense, translate English “I speak/* “I am speaking,” “I do speak.”
2. Tu “you” is used in very familiar speech, as be-tween members of a family, and between very close friends. It is used much less in Brazil than in Portugal, Brazilians tending to use voce in cases not calling for o senhor or a senhora. The plural vós is rarely used in Brazil today, being considered fairly archaic, voces generally taking