14. O do segundo andar tein um quarto, sala de estar, e sala de jantar.
The one on the second floor has a bedroom, a liv-ing room, and a dining room.
15. Tambćm dś para o pśtio?
Does it also look out on the courtyard?
16. Nao, da para a rua.
No, it faces the Street.
17. Quanto ć o aluguel (a renda 0)?
How much is the rent?
18. O aluguel do maior ć vinte e cinco mil cruzeiros por mes, mais a &gua e o gśs. (A renda do maior 6 mil e ąuinhentos escudos por mes, alćm da ńgua e do gńs.0)
The larger one rents for twenty-five thousand cruzeiros a month, plus water and gas. (The larger one rents for fifteen hundred escudos a month, besides water and gas. 0)
19. E o apartamento mobiliado (mobilado)?
And the fumished apartment?
20. Este se aluga por quarenta mil cruzeiros por m6s, tudo inclufdo. (Este aluga-se por trfis mil escudos, tudo incluldo. 0)
That one rents for forty thousand cruzeiros every-thing included. (That one rents for three thousand escudos, everything included. 0)
21. Como ć a mobflia?
How is the furniture?
22. Os nsóveis sio modemos e estfto em boas condiędes.
It’s modern furniture and it’s in excellent condi-tion.
23. Estflo incluidos a roupa de cama e o servięo de mesa?
Are bed linens and silverware included?
24. A senhora acharń tudo o que precisar, atć utensflios de cozinha.
You’11 find everything you need, even kitchen utensils.
25. £ preciso assinar um contrato?
Does one have to sign a lease?
26. Para isso a senhora teri que falar com o administrador.
You’11 have to speak to the renting agent about that.
27. Quais sao as condiędes?
What are the terms?
28. Um mes adiantado e outro de depósito.
One month’$ rent in advance and another as a deposit.
29. £ tudo?
Is that all?
30. Naturalmente, a senhora terń que dar referencias.
Of course, you will have to give references.
31. A propósito, tern elevador?
By the way, is there an elevator?