Lesson7 p184

Lesson7 p184


have the Office in the same house in which he lives [‘dwells’]?”)

28.    Tem, mas pela manhi estś no hospital.

Yes, he does, but in the moming he is at the hospital.

29.    Onde ć o hospital?

Where is the hospital?

30.    O hospital fica a duas ąuadras (dois quarteir5es) daqui, um pouco antes de chegar & rodovia (estrada).

The hospital is two blocks from here, just before (“a little before”) you come to the highway.

31.    Como posso voltar a (ao) meu hotel?

How can I get back to my hotel?

32.    Venha aqui. O senhor estt vendo, ć Id perto do... (Yenha aqui, o senhor estś a ver, acolń perto do...)

Come over here. You see it there, next to the ....

33.    ...cinema.

... movie theatre.

34.    Exato (Exacto ©).

Thafs right.

35.    Jńsei.

I know. (“I already know.”)

36.    Por que ndo compra um guia?

Why don’t you buy a guidebook?

37.    Boa idćia (ideia ©). Onde posso comprar (compri-lo)?

Good idea. Where can I buy (one)?

38. Na estaęfto ou em qualquer banca (quiosque) de jornais.

In the station or at any newspaper stand.

39. A estaę&o ć longe daqui?

Is the station far from here?

40.    A estaędo fi ca na Praęa Maud.

The station is on Maud Sąuare.

41.    Onde hd urna banca (um quiosque) de jornais por aqui?

Where is there a newsstand near here?

42.    Hd uma (um) na esquina.

There’s one on the comer.

43.    Fico-lhe muito grato.

Thank you very much. (“I remain much obliged to you.”)

44.    Ndo hd de quć. Foi um prazer poder ser-lhe fitil.

Don’t mention it. (“There is nothing for which to be grateful”) Fm very glad to have been of some assis tance. (“It was a pleasure to be able to be use-ful to you.”)

45.    Tive muita sorte em encontrd-lo. O senhor conhece muito bem a cidade.

I was very lucky to meet you. You know the city very well.

46. Ndo ć de admirar. Sou o prefeito (administrador do conselho).

It’s not surprising. I’m the mayor.


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