The United Nations, like many nóiłonal govemmenfcj, nas organs, or divisions. These organs have functions somewhat comparable to those of the legislative, excecutive and judiaal brantfe of na-tional govemments. However, the United Nations does not have as much power over its rr.ember nations as national govemments have over their people. The United Nations must depcnd larędy on the willingness of the member nations to coorperaic In good faith.

••«•••••*•••• ■•••••• ••• ..*••■•.••••••••••••••••••••••• (•••••••«■••■ ••••■•••••••■•••••••••••■••■••••••••••••••••••••••••

. .................-......

Task 7: What do the followings stand for 7 l.IAEA

2.    ILO

3.    UNESCO

4.    FAO

5.    WHO


6.    UNICEF

7.    IBRD

8.    IMF

Task 8: Now match the above organizations and their purpose

1.    Tt ćs estabitshed for the purpose of prc.yfing better production and distnbution of food and hełping to lmprove the dietary standard c- the worftfls people

Its •••••tt    ....................................••«••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••

2.    Ifs purpose is to promote the worid's heafch

Itfe ...............«•••••■••••••>••..«••••••••••.■••••••••••••.•••••f<

3.    Purposes are to improve the condttions ot labour throughout Te world and to increase mdustnal productivity.

Itis........................................................... • ••••••••••...•••.••••••.•••.•• ••••>«—••••*IH»»»MH»i M ■••••••••••••♦>>•••

4.    Its prindpal purpose is to enlarge the contrlbutlon of atomie energy to the peace, health, and prosperity ofthe world.


5. It was founded on the principle that if people understand each other better, they will be iess apt to fight, Therefore, it tries to seek better understanding between the people of the world. Its greatest aim is to wipe out ilfiteracy in the worid.


Task 9

Look for words having similar meaning to the following. The fi ret and the second letter are given, while the number of ietter is shown by the number of boxes.

> Havlng a tendency * Can be compared

> Work together ■> Decide

■> Partof an orgamzation ■* Start

* Freedom > Helpgrow ■> Look for ♦ Rather

Task 10: Complete the following sentences with suitable words. The first letter is given.

1.    Every nation must be able to d.....Their own futurę

2.    If all nations were willing to c.....with one another, there wouldn't be too many wars nowadays.

3. The UN was e.....tó promote generał weffane of the people in the worid

4.    Lets pray for p.....There are so many wars taking place in many parts of the world these days

5.    We cant just sit and hope for our country to gain p.....We must work hard for iL

6.    Peopie are a.....to fight againts each other when they are frustrated, angry and jobless

I j BAHASA INCdRIS Untuk SMA/MA Kcłas XI/Gasal/A-07 59


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