Birds bclong to a dasśóf wąrjn bloodeo veitebrate animais wito feather cowirec bodłeś. Next to the animais, birds ara the most impyrtąnl group cf land-iiving vertebrates. Ali birds have feMners, aithough In some types, particulariy thosc thst cannot fiy,;he norrnal structure of the feathers may be much modlfied and be downy, wooily, orstraw ike. Thefbrelimbs of bi-ds are rn<xf:fioc Intowlngs. The bony part cf the taił, except In the very earilest fossil birds is very shorf, and the visible tali is composed of fealhers only. The tccth are absent exoe|« In seme fossil forms. As m marrjnals the onfy other groi^of v>‘amvb'codsc! amma!, the cirrulation Is hlghly perfecteci so ttot there is no mitfngóf arteria! and yengUs blood, but the arrargement of veins ant! arteries by which this accompllslted different In the two groups. Birds have keen hcarlng, aithough tney have no extemal oars. The sense of słght also is very keen, but the senfie of smell is w60k or łacldng, except few vjttures and others birdts-
4. The passage is about the -of birds
a. speoes
b. ocRnitions
c. darificaticn
d. dassificabon e characteristc
5. From the text we can concL-de that both birds and mammals have .... ł backbones b. keensights
c. keenhearing
d. downy feathers
e. weaksensecf smoli
C. Which of the foflowing is NOT possessed by birds?
a. Feathers
b. Wloos
c. Tfceth
e. Ears
7. What is the irwitation about ?
a. Requestofpresence
b. The openlng ceremony of new branch offlce
c. Meet Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson
ł RSVP to the Secretary
8. Who were irwited to theopening ceremony?
a. Thechaman
b. TheDIrector
C General mercanble
d. Mr. and Mre. Frank Jackson
e. The secretary
9. Where was the opetrng ceremony held ?
a. 3000, VJctoria Street, London BC.
b. 300, Vi<±cr'a Street, London EC
c. 30, Vlctoria Street, London EC
d. 30, Vidcorfa Street, London AC
e. 30, Victoria Street, London BC
10. Which statement is correct ?
a. a iarge expensive round Yfoodcn table
b. a young sexy Inter esting lady
c. a Beautiful magnlRcent museum
d. Barabudur is a high and unlgue tempie