of roads and railway lines favoured (o thc largest ex-tcnt thc incrcase in numbcr of spccics bclonging to thc various groups, while largc arca occupied by ag-riculiural and industrial terrain was thc stroneest lim-i ling factor.
1. Kraków-Częstochowa llpland is a distinct geo-botanical province with the following specific characteristics distinguishing its plant cover from that of thc neiehbouring macroregions:
— 41 spccics which occur exclusively in this arca and 30 spccics which arc found herc consider-ably morę frequently that in ncighbouring re-gions (Tab. 18),
— high share of spccies from thc Querco-Fa-getea and Festuco-Brometea classes (Fig. 13),
— very high numbcr of mountain spccics which dcsccnd to thc lowlands ( lab. 7),
— high numbcr of old forest indicator spccics (Tab. 8),
— high share of protcctcd plants ( lab. 14),
— occurrence of submontanc bcech forests, thennophilous limcstonc bccch forests, hi II-sidc sycamorc mapie forests and xcrothcnnic grasslands.
In comparison to thc generał Hora of Poland, thc study arca is distinguished by thc following fcaturcs:
— higher pcrccntagc share of spccics from thc families: Lamiaceae, Fabaceae, Scrophu-lariaceae, Poaceae and Brassicaceae and lowcr shares in thc case of families: Cyperaceae, Ranunciilaceae, Asteraceae and Caryophyllaceae ('lab. 4),
— higher share of connective gcographical ele-ments, Circum-Boreal and Euro-Sibcrian subclcmcnts and lowcr share of Euro-pcan-tcmpcratc subclcmcnt (l ig. 60),
— considcrably higher share of thc south-castcrn directional element and a lowcr share of thc
western and Southern element (Fig. 61).
2. The border which divides Kraków-Częstochowa Upland into two geobotanical districts lics along thc hill rangę located along thc Wolbrom — Krzeszowice linc (big. 95).
Ihc Częstochowa-OIkusz District is distinguished by thc presence of 84 spccies which occur prcdominantly in this part of thc study arca ( lab. 10, Tab. 23). The characteristic association for this district is fertilc Sudctcn bccch forest in thc submontanc form (Dentario emieaphy-Ili-Fagetum). Spccics from thc classes Koelerio glaucae-Corynephorelea canescentis (Fig. 19) and Vaccinio-Piceetea (l ig. 25) arc considcrably morę abundant herc than in thc Kraków District.
The Kraków District is characterised by thc occurrence of as many as 150 spccics with localities concentrated within its borders ( lab. 10, lab. 23). The distinguishing syntaxa in this arca arc fertilc Carpathian bccch forest (Dentario glandu-losae-Fagetum) and submontanc acidophilous oak forest (Luzulo lu:idoidis-Quercetum petraeae). Spccics from thc classes: Betulo-Adenostyletea (Fig. 17), Salicetea purpureae (Fig. 23) and Querco-Fagetea (I;ig. 24) arc found herc morę of-ten than in thc preceding district.
3. Based on thc obtained results has bcen deter-mined that the human activity is thc main factor influcncing vascular plant distribution in thc Kraków-Częstochowa Upland ( lab. 20).