57120 pp intro04

57120 pp intro04

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Although Jor. Bonomo, thc aucccuful Publisher, cdi tor and author of many phystcal culiunr and adf-improvr-ment booka and artidoa, ia well known to countleaa thouaanda, I want to make auro that you meet him and know him aa well aa ! do. He ia not a mythlcal character aa sonie presume . . but a real person . . . who haa Ird an esciting career In modra and radio, on TV and the atage, and U an outatanding business man and health authority. It U only through knowlng Jor- Bonumo and hia wide reputation for sou rui adv:cc and re-sult-getting methoda of tearhing that you will develop a proper apprecłation



FHructar of Phyneal Edufalinn and Ertfutit* Edttor



inatruetion and philuaophy, aa have men and w o men the world o ver. They have followed him In hia work aa author and dlrector of hia famoua hody-bullding coursea.

Jor Bonomo waa bom In Coney la-land. thc “Playground of the World,” on a Chnatmaa Oay. From a akinny kid c a 11 e d "Toothpicks” by his frunda, he deve1opc«d himaclf ao that at the aur of-10 he won the "Modern Apollo Conteot” aponeored by the New York Daily Newa. By thia time he had brcome an all-around athletc, in boxinjf, wrratltng, football, track, akatir.tr and diving. and exhibition dancing aa well.

Joo Bonomo ia eajentially a part of thia modern, eve.ryday lifc. He ia any-thing but a food erank, a faddeat, a theoriat, or an aloof evangeliat of “right łiving." He U praetiral and down-to-rarth In hia approach to hia fellow man. He rcalizea that moat men, throuirh improper dieta, lack of exerciae and Inaufflelent aleep, tend to break down their body power; that thia U a natura! fading In man But Joe Bonomo haa a gnat faith in the human body. He believea that naturę will butld up a man ten times faster than man ran break himaclf down . . . that therc ia deflnite hope for any man who will taJuj the time and efTort to build himaelf up. He ia dcfinitely łntereated in hełping the youth of America and afterwarda, to retain their splendid phyaiquca . . . their ayatematic cating, alce ping and worki ng habit* . . . their coordinatlon of aenaea. He bdicvca that the futurę grratneaa of America will depend to a great rstent upon what we do for youth today. He knowa that what U done to build up a youth'a phyalque today . . . will reflact in the greater ■noHaui ait im «sum


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