hcalth and atrength 0f the coming generation. Im fact, Jo*'* ambition U to ahow ewyom how to do the thinga that will lead to a atronger body, morc alert mind, and grenter aucceaa in lif* through body powar. Joe Ronomo'* own life pm»« only too well that a mnn ran enjoy all the phyaical beneflta of muacular aym-metry, atrength. and a properiy func-tionlng body, while poaaeasing brai na . . . making a aucceaa In buaineaa, and being a “regular fellow" in the company of hta 1 Honda.
Early atudiea of anatomy and phyai-ology led Joc Honomo In to a thorough reaearch of the methoda uacd by the Grecka to achieve their atrong. mag-nifkent bodiea. Hła reaearch led him to devour ovorything on phyaical cul-ture and rrlatcd aubjecta. Today, you w mi Id be amazed at hia rrmarkable wealth of knowledgc and at hia ftne library, atocked with thouaands of hooka on phyaical development and related aubjecta of aclf-improv«ment. All hia atudy and łnvw»tigation con-vinced him that without ayatcmatic exerciae. no man can hope to aohicve porfret health, nor win. or retain, a ■tordy and muaoular phyaiąue.
With thia realiiation, he atarted a •cne* of pcraonal caperimental wer-ciaea for himaelf. He waa amaied at the apeed of hia own phyaical growth. At thia time. the New York Daily N«w» announcod a conteat to deter-minę tho world’* most perfectly built man. Fi rat prlao waa to be $1,000 in eaah and a contract with a motion picturc company in Hollywood. Hc entered the conteat and won flrat priaal
In Hollywood, Joe waa atarred in morc than a hundred motion picturea and the numher and daring of hia phyaical feata orr legion. He waa billcd aa the World** Strongwt Mnn . . the “Hercules of the Scrren" . . and known aa the Serial King be-caune of the large numher in whłch he waa fcaturcd. A tew of the fam-oua Picture* he ha* atarred In aro
"The Great Circua Myatery,'* "Pcril* of the Wild," "The College Cowboy," “Undor the Big Top," "Wolvea of the North.” “The Chinatown Myatery/' and "Yampint Venua.M He haa been featured in cuch great picturea aa "The Sign of the Croaa," "Ialaitd ot l.o*t Soula," "The Gulden Stallion," "The Sea Tlger." “Beaata of Para-diac," "The Eagle'* Tullona," "The Flaming Fronił er," and "The White Outlawa," to mention only a few.
He belteves that without hia perfect co-ordination of mind and body, un-uaual phyaical atrength and agility, elear, quick thinking and gilt-edged norve, ho could not have *urvived all hia yeara of daredcvi! atunting.
Rut atunting waa not all glainour and good pay for Joe. During hta career he ha* had morc bonę* broken than any other man łn the buaineaa. Hta left arm waa broken twice; hi* right, four time*. Hi* hack, ahoulder, neck and hrad have been injured no lea* than thirty times; hia rtba fractured twenty-onc time*. anil both leg* el«ven time*. A glance at iorw of Joe'a movie ahnta ort the inaide front and back covera will ahow you why. Film atara and athlete* who watched him work inaiated that he teach thein the accreta of hia pcraonal atrength
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