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pp intro06


and endu rance. Thry demanded his prnctical Ruidanee on how to keep In the hest poMible conditlon. At firat he waa reluetant to part with hla hard-earned knowledge but latrr decidrd that othera, too, were entitled to learn the aceret of awjuirintf phyaical moatery.

Krom thia befpnninR. a courae łn pro-

Jreasivr body-buildin* wm dncloprd oe'a famę apread far and widu and airan thnuaamla of men and wotnea werc writing to hlm for hia advice and naaiatance. Jor wna uriccd to pro-dueo couraca on se.łf-improwment for men and women. Y«a, womta as well aa mrn askrd hlm for advice on how U> ałim-and-trim themarlvra and for ■oma of thr arcrrta of Hollywood makr-up and drcos.

Wlth auch a famnua courao aa thr "Power-Plu»" System aucceasfully workinR for thrsr famnua poople . . it certainły couJd work for othera. The famoue eelebritlea wanted a spredy nystrm of phyaical drvelop-ment that they could eaaily do whcre-evcr thry wrrc. Since thrn. thr fam-oua Joc Bonomo MPower»Flua" Sya-tcm haa proved that thia ia ao.

The reat of the story ta enon told. l.n-turcn, persona) appearanrrs and turna on the ataRr, articlra and booka, rarh an outatandinR surccas and arii out, apprarrd.

Jor'a buainraa haa groWn by leapa and bo u oda. The person w ho aa id that a strontr. mulcie man (a a dumb aort of a ehap pmbably newr met Jor. Not only did hc betonie a publiaher of booka and maffuinrs, the author of many articlra and aelf-improve-ment couraea. but many IcadinR na-tional busineuca engaffed Joc aa thełr reprr*entativr. Today. Jor’* huaioeiu and pubHahinj? actiritiea lrave him very little timc for peraonal appearances and movic engagement*. His eapcrirnre and hackground łn-cludea Editnr and Publiaher of auch national maca tinra aa "Power-Plus," “łlealthkceping/* "Beautify Vour Figur#,** "Batuty Fair,” and "American Beauty." Hv ia Editor and Publiaher of numrroua booka and courae* for mrn and women, boya and girls, auch aa "Thr Bonomo 'Power-Plus’ System of Phyalcal Ue.wJop-mrnt." "Cablc Couroe," "Bar Bell Courae,*' "llow to Kelaa.” "Protact Youraelf,” "How To Kcep Phyaically Fit," "The Beat That’a In You," "BuilduiR Body Power," "Foata of Strength,” “Hollywood Reduring Courae,” "Original Hollywood Succeaa Courae," "Bonomo Ritual," "Instructional Model'* Courae." "Bonomo Encyklopedia of Beauty," "Make-1'p and Liw," "Your Baby," "ftnprow Your Dancing,” and the "Calorie Counter and Control Guide" . . . which haa aold morę than a mlllion copiea.

Hc la dirtetor of thr Strungmen's Club of America (220,000 membermhip) and thr Chnrm Circlo (Womana' Orgamiation of 860,000 mrmbem). He ia president of the Artlafa and Modela* Inatitute of America.

The Joe Bonomo Famoua Power-PIut Cabte Courae. you now have in your banda, ia the latrat in the senes through which Joe areka to help young men garn greater atrenRth, oifility and alurtncoa in mind and body. Prom here. il*a up to you!


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