Kcmoilo dragon i$ a mcmber oF the rnonito' Family, Varan dae. Ir i$ Ine world'$ largestIMng Bząrd. It grows to bE 10 feet ( 3 meters) 10%- and wclcM ip to 126 *g and belcngs ro the most andent group of lizards sbll allve,

lt is found maip V m the island of Komodo and en otoer smali islands, Rlnca, Padar and Flores. The natives cali the dragon, or buaya cterat (land crocodile)

The Komodo dragon bas; a łona heavy taił, sfort. strony tegs, and rcugh skin. It is cov$red with smali duli, cotoored scales. U can sprint at up 18 km per hour, out only forshorl distances. When I: opens te wfde red rnouth, il shows nows ofteeth like the edye of a saw.

Komodo dragons aro good swimmers and may swim tne tong disiance from one Island to ap-other. Uke other lizards, they swim by jndulating rheir taiis, and their legs heJd agafnst their body.

The komodo dragon is totally camlvorcus. It hunts other animals during the day. ItHunts deer, wlld pigs, walor buffaloes, and evcn horses. While smalter komodos bave to be contentwith egęs, other lizards, soakes and redents. Komedo dragens are canńibals. The adult will prey on the ycung or cs as weil as the old and siefc dragons.

The lizards dlg a cave wlth Its strong cfewń in the cave at nignt.

7. Themainkteacfparagraphiiis.....

a.    Komodo dragens feeć on ycung dragons.

b.    Komodo dragens get the r focd by hunting

c.    Komodo dragons are camiwrous a-d also cannibais

d.    Komododragons are cannibals beca-ce they hunt other animals

e.    Komodo dragons are carr.ivorous because they eat eggs, meal and rodenfcs.

3. Which of the following is not the characterisac

of a komodo dragon?

a.    Robgh slon

b.    Strong claws

C. Alortg heavytail

d.    Short, strong legs

e.    Row and red teeth

9. Komodo dragons are cannlbal because.... a. They hunt deer, w W pk}, water buPalces, and wen horses

They prey on young ones as well as old and slck dragons

They fed on eggs, lizards, snakes, and rodenls.

They eat a.nything thoy meet They will attack insdf - defence


What Causes Weather

Weather is the physical conditkxi of the atmosphere at a ;»rticular Bme.lt indudes temperatura, alf pressure and water content.

Weather Is produced wheri alr movcs from piace to place, His moving alr is known as wind. Wlnds are formod when the coofer air mewes to replace the rising warm air. Warm air is usua:ly less dense Ihan cod air; Lherefore, it creates Iow air pressure.Cool air is mere dense and craates high alr pressure.

Usually we have fine weather vmcr the air pressure is high srd tbore are clocds, raln and snów when the air pressure drops.    ___ \

io. What Is the toxt expiain7 .w Moving alr

b.    Air pressure

c.    Low air pressure

d.    Typesof weather

e.    The Formaticn of weather

i 11. ‘Warmalris usually less dense thancool air..

' - (paragraph 2)

The underllned ward has the oppesłte meaningto....

a. TNn    d. Hea*^

b. Solid    e. Compact

c.    Thick

The wc-rd agriculture includes the cultwation of crops and the raising of animals. The crcps are for focd for humans and animals or raw natedals for industry. Anłmal ere also ra sed for Food or to puil carts orplough thetónęl.

Crops Ifke rlce, wheat, corn, pcratces and sugar canc ara for Food. Sonę of the crops arc ready to be used immediatay they ara hanrasied. Olher crops havecc be harversted and processed nefere they can be used for food,


BAHASA INGGRI5 Urttuk 3^/MA <^łS XJ/6aS3l/A 07) J


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