The most Important arops are foodstuffs 'ike chreals. Cereals. wfoich indude wtieat, rice, corn and sorghum provlde nearly 3il the fhod for humah belngs, The mam sources of food from animals are beef and dalry produds. Meat Is also produosd from pcultry, slieep, and ooat&
Rubber is a crop, whien can prcvkte a gnod profit for pioducers. U is a crop tnat roqulres a lo; ur manuał tabour. The rubbrr tree has to ba tapped and tha lato* cołlected. The łatę* ir.thsn processed and madę into dry sheets.
A good care crop for many producers is the vegetebles garden. Tbey plant potatoes, catrotsańd othef vegetsWes. These are hnrvested in a fcw months and sold in the markets. Bes'des tbese veg-eiabtes produoers also piant frufc trew. Thcy plant mango, melon ard other fruic trccs. This provides thicm an incomeduring thefruits sfiason.
12. It e a crop Uiąt reeds manna, labour. Whal
does the word "it^refer to?.....
a. fruit d. whcat
b. profit e. corn
c. rubber
13. What kłnd of plantation needs a grcat number workers profifeble for prcducers ?
a. wheat
b. melon
d. potatoes
e. rubber
c. com
14. Based on the text, choose whch stalement tónotright.
a. The culfwatlcn of crops and the raising of anlmals are inciudcd in the word
b. Beer and dalry products are the main sources of food from ahlmais
c. Rubber prcvide$ a good profit for producers
d. Coconut and cocoa dont need to be harvcsted and protessed flrst befcre they can be used for food
e. Wheat,rice co^n and scrgum celong to cereals
15. The rubber trees l«ve to be tapped and the łato* coliected, TTic word "tapped” has the samemeaningas....
a. drawn d, ptowjeo
b. glvon o. harvested
c. trapped
16......must be proćessed firstbefbrethey can
be used for focd.
a. melon, mango, corn and rice
b. Oli palm, coconuts, corn, pepper
c. pepper. coconcts, sugar cane, and cocoa
d. cocoa. potatoes, oll palm, and pepper
e. cccoa, pepper. oU palm, and coconut
Dr.G.S.S J Ratulangl oc Sam Ratulangl, was one of our national heroes. He deyoteci airrost his entire flfe to the improyement of many people during the Dutch occupation, and to the fięht for Iridonesian Independence. He was bom In TondanO, Ncrth Sulawesi in 1800 and was educated In Tondano, Batavia (Jakarta), and Europę. He hetd a Dip.oma in mathematics and Eduuation from the Nethertands and a Doctor in Mafncmat:cs and Science fromSwItzertand. The latter he earned fn 1918. Beck In Indonesia he was a teacher in Yogynkarta, then hę became a bussir-essman, and finarty hc entefod polłtics when he becamc secretary of the Minahasa Coundl ir 1924. He managed to eto many things for persuading the Dutch authorities to abolish forced laiwur, {calied "herendientten”), opening up new areas for transmigrabon to South Mlnahasa, esiafcfishing a foundation for study grants for poor youth5, and aiding coconut fermer in settlng up a cocpcrative organizatlon.
In 1927 he becamea member cf the "yolksraad" (Peoples Representati\‘es) of whom the major-ity were Dutch nationals. The nationa’ sectlon of the YoJksraad was set up by Munatrmad Huśnl Thamrin in 1930, an it was ln this section U'at Ratulangr was most active. His dnse assadates were Thamrln and Sutaijó Kartodlhadlkusumc. The threeof Ulem handed 3 propcsai.y^hich was known as the "Sutoijo Petitioo", to the Dutch East indies Go-yerpmenr. It proposai thal Indohesia shocld be-ccme a kind of dominion wfthln the Dutch commonweallh.Rut tn,s prooosał was turned down hy the Dutch in 1938.
When the second Wor*.d War brokeoutin Europę in 1939, Hol and was invaded b>( the Germans. The Dutch.Quecn ar.d her femily hacS to evacuateto Loncon and, asa result, the Dutch east Govemment was left on its own. The Irdonesian leaders repeaiod their proposai fet mutual coopera' tlon, but again It was rejected. In addition, Sam Ratulangi, Tnamrln and DouweS Dekker wera ar-rested. Douwes dekker was a Dutch man who had sided with the Inćonesians ar.d was given ihe name Seba Budhl for his great service to Ir.dcnesła.
II *AHASA IN6GR1S Untuk SMA.^lA Kelas XŁ‘G'^al/A-Q7