• wychowawca klasy - the words form teacher, form tutor, class teacher, class tutor, homeroom teacher are all used. The last one
• The dosest to the Polish dziennik is register. An English register, however, will contain attendance and grades, but not lesson
• lektury - set books / reąuired reading.
• Matura - best rendered by a description, such as school-
unfamiliar to anyone who's not from Britain.
on its different meanings and usage:
Most generally, a college is a place where students go to study after they've finished school. Morę specifically...
• It can be an institution of higher education with a lower status than a university (the equivalent of a Polish szkoła wyższa or kolegium.).
• A college offurther education (especially in Britain) is a place where students are trained for a specific job, e. g a secretarial or agricultural college (similar to Polish szkoła pomaturalna, but it is open to students who left school at 16 with only CCSEs and no A-levels).
• In old universities, such as Oxford and Cambridge, colleges are independent parts of the university, located in separate (olten historie) buildings. They are not like departments in that the
many different subjects, and the same subject can be studied at different colleges. Students may also live at their college.
• Sixth-form college is an upper secondary school for students over the age of 16, preparing to take A-levels.
institutions which run courses for adults (for example computers, dancing or flower arrangement).
• The word college is used a bit like the Polish word studia in expressionssuchas:
go to college - pójść na studia,
he's ot college - jest na studiach, studiuje,
they met at college - poznali się na studiach,
my friend from college - przyjaciel/kolega ze studiów._
Write the title SCHOOL on the board, and underneath write the headings: types ofschools, places in a school, people in a school, subjects, things used at school. Ali students come to the board (in groups of 3-5, depending on how much chalk or how many whiteboard pens you have got) and write 2 words each, each one in a different category.
This whole section can be set as homework except Exercises 3 and 9, which involve speaking. These can be done while checking those done at home.
English words to describe their experiences within the Polish educational system and avoid such absurdities as the use of the
It is important to communicate to students that not all school
one country to the next. For example, students sometimes want to know how to say pytać, odpytywać in English. There is no such
British schools at all.
1 1b 2c 3a 4f 5d 6e
understand that, and the exams are different)
41f 2e 3a 4g 5h 6b 7c 8d
5 classmate 6 Staff 61c 2i 3f 4h 5g 6d 7a 8b 9e
71 board/blackboard, chalk 2 notebooks 3 files/folders 4 textbook
11 1i 2g 3e 4h 5j 6b 7c 8d 9f lOa
Before working on the True/False questions, you may ask the students to read the story once for gist. Put the following questions on the board and ask students to read and (ind out.
How did Stanfeel on his firs t cfay in the new school?
What is surprising about the ending of the story?
2 1T 2T 2F 3F 5F 6T
3 1 Pens and pencils, ruler, rubber, pencil sharpener, calculator, his notebook, textbooks, a sandwich, an apple and a carton of juice for lunchtime. 2 Seven rows of desks, four desks in each row (all occupied); colourful posters for different subjects but not for Maths; a large blackboard (wiped dean); three packets of chalk and a duster; the teacher's desk and chair.
4 IB 2C 3A
The fócus of this section is the use of present tenses in photo description. Present continuous will usually be the prevalent tense, as it is used to say what people are doing; State verbs, however,
present tenses in the gram mar part at this point.
2 1 ispainting 2 is concentrating 3isenjoying 4ishelping
5 is showing 6aresitting 7 are preparing 8 likes 9seems
umirjiTinl >tapescript page 255
the class.
21F 2T 3F 4F SF 6F
ask them to get out of their seats, walk around the dassroom and interview others about their ideas. You may set a limit on the number of people they talk to: Askfiue people.
After doing Exercise 1 the students may read the texts quickly to
2 1C 2F 3E 4B 5A 6D 7B 8D
41 study hard 2 revise for exams 3 leam things by heart 4 read set books 5 do your homework 6 take notes in dass 7 hand in homework