12 Orazgozel Esenova

(16)    Throughout the film, the two are bent on denying the love blossoming between them.

(17)    It is obviously a place where hatred and ideologies of hatred are flourishing because of lack of opportunity and the freedom deficit.

In some metaphorical expressions, an emotion is conceptualised as a fruit. For example:

(18)    That first love grown mellow and richer for the joy and suffering of the years.

(19)    .. .neighbourhood brought the young people together, and acąuaintance ripened into love.

(20)    The acąuaintance had ripened into friendship.

(21)    He tried to laugh away his own fears. And yet they ripened into certainty.

In the above expressions, there are two contrasting fruit images: an unripe fruit and a ripe one. In (18), the unripe fruit correlates with the initial stage of love and the ripe fruit with time-tested, maturę love which endures the pleasures and hardships of life. In other examples, they correlate with two different emotions or States. The unripe fruit correlates with acąuaintance in (19) and (20); the ripe fruit with love and friendship, respectively. In (21), the unripe fruit represents fear and the ripe fruit certainty.

It should be mentioned that in (19) and (20), acąuaintance and love on the one hand, and acąuaintance and friendship on the other, correspond to different stages of fruit growth. This means that these States are seen as different ends of the same continuum. Thus emotions or States that are less intimate in comparison with other related emotions or States are morę likely to be associated with an unripe fruit, and morę intimate emotions and States with a ripe fruit. The correlation between the initial stage of love and the unripe fruit in (18) can be explained by the fact that the intimacy level of a love


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