Zeszyty Problemowe - Maszyny Elektryczne Nr 86/2010
Omelian Płachtyna, Roman Żarnowski,
Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy, Bydgoszcz
Abstract: In thc papcr a multilevel imerter for purpose in a supply of induction motor or in gcneration of autonomous, self-e\cited induction generator voltage is presented. The im erter allows elimination of the most significant hannonics 5lh and 71'1 and other. up to 10lh. In the case of motor supply in the system are not used summing transformers and thanks to the phase shifting of voltagcs the system is favourable in respect of har-monics in current drawn by transformer from the utility grid. The system in purpose of autonomous generator is soft for recipients of eleclrical energy and for the generator drive. In this case the im erter allows elimination influence of 6'1'. 18lh. and 30lh harmonics from voltages and currents. what allows to avoid oscillations of the shaft torque.
Roman Dudek, Stanisław Kosiorowski, Andrzej Stobiecki Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Kraków
Abstract: LC input filters are applied in the traction drives with DC or AC rnotors controlled with the power electronic systems. As follows from e\perience in operation of the electric minę locomotives the most freąuent reason for faults of these systems are faults of the filters capacitors. Oscillations of voltage and current during the transient States of the drive operation can be one of the rcasons for the damage of the capacitors. In this pa-per. special attention is paid to the angular freąuency of oscillations of the voltage across the filter capacitor in transient States of drive operation. This ąuantity can be used in diagnostic and elimination of fault operation of the power electronic systems of the vehicles‘ drives. On the basis of a simplified model of the traction system, non-linear equation describing the system is formulated. linearized characteristic equation is given and minimum value of the filter capacity ensuring stablc operation of the system is determined. The relationship deter-mining the angular frequency is derived. The analysis of the influence of the filter capacity. inductance and resistanee of the traction nctwork. supply source voltage and power of the drive on thc angular frequency of the oscillations of the voltage across the filter capacitor is carried out using simulations in the IsSpice program} j Selected results of tests of the laboratory traction drive system equipped with a traction motor of the minę lo-comotive type Ld 31 are presented in the last section of the paper.
Roman Żarnowski
Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy, Bydgoszcz