Zeszyły Problemowe - Maszyny Elektryczne Nr 86/2010
Abstract: The prototype of high-speed permanent brushless DC motor is presented in the paper. The principle of operation. control method and constmction of high-speed motor arc described. Disadvantageous phenomena appcaring in high-speed PM BLDC motor and their methods of limitation during design process are consid-ered. Selected cases of Computer analyses and results of laboratory tests are presented in finał part of paper.
Abstract: The article discusses the magnctic propertics of magnetic cores for the three motor type PMSM 2p = 8 These cores have the same geometry of stator and rotor electrical Steel sheet. and different type of Steel used. In first core using the standard sheet type M3 30-50A. In two successive cores using modern electrical Steel sheet cobalt-iron alloy. In two successive cores using modern electrical Steel sheet cobalt-iron alloy type Vacoflux50. The first core is madę of electrical Steel sheet without annealing, the second was annealcd ac-cording to the manufacturer reąuires. For each core in addition to two winding coil wound measurement was performed using the comparative tests of cores. Based on the study can be clearly obsened froin tlie stator madę of cobalt-iron alloy without annealing not suitablc for the build of motors magnetic circuits. The pa-rameters of this materiał are changed completely after the annealing process. which is shown on the submitted characteristics. Magnetic properties of cobalt-iron alloy after annealed are significantly iinproving. greatly exceeding the parameters of a standard electrical sheet.
Piotr Chudzik, Andrzej Radecki Politechnika Łódzka, Łódź
Abstract: Modem methods of motor drives control are ought to be high precision and quality. This quality is achieved through a rapid and accurate realization of given electromagnetic torque which is insensitive to in-verter voltage changes. As a result of using such control methods. a whole system can be considered as an element on constant power for constant angular velocity of the rotor, which leads to occurrence of negative admittance in presence of voltage changes. When an imerter input filter has a liigh inductance value, negative admittance leads to the excitation of input filter voltage oscillations. whose amplitudę often exceeds 50% of nominał voltagc. Such a perturbations of inverter vo!tagc can lead to unstablc work of electric drive or to dam-aging one of the im erter elements. Tlie article outlined a method for stabilizing an inverter voltage. through an additional admitance which compensates an unstable component of system. Theoretical considerations and practical algorithm are included. As confirmation of the liigh efficiency of the proposed algorithm. article contains Computer simulation. tests and results.
Mariusz Jagieła Politechnika Opolska, Opole